Principles of Management | Week 8
Session: JAN-APR 2024
Course Name: Principles of Management
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These are Principles of Management Week 8 Assignment 8 Answers
Q1. Statement 1: Staffing relates to the Total Management System.
Statement 2: Staffing requires an open system approach.
Statement 1 is correct.
Statement 2 is correct.
Both the Statements are correct.
Both the Statements are incorrect.
Answer: Both the Statements are correct.
Q2. Who is known as the Father of the Human Relations movement?
Henry Mintzberg
Henry Fayol
Peter F. Drucker
Elton Mayo
Answer: Elton Mayo
Q3. Which of the following is not a part of Job Analysis?
Job Identification
Job Scarcity
Job Specification
Job Description
Answer: Job Scarcity
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These are Principles of Management Week 8 Assignment 8 Answers
Q4. The continuing process of instilling in all employees the attitudes, standards, values, and behaviour patterns expected by the company is known as
Culture Building
Answer: Socialization
Q5. Statement 1: Recruitment is a Positive Process.
Statement 2: Selection is a Negative Process.
Statement 1 is correct.
Statement 2 is correct.
Both the statements are correct.
Both the statements are incorrect.
Answer: Both the statements are correct.
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These are Principles of Management Week 8 Assignment 8 Answers
Q6. Which of the following is not a principle of co-ordination given by Mary Parker Follett?
Personnel Contact
Reciprocal Relationship
Answer: Purpose
Q7. Which of the following is not a type of organizational structure?
Product based
Process based
Geographical based
Innovation based
Answer: Innovation based
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These are Principles of Management Week 8 Assignment 8 Answers
Q8. Which of the following best defines a 360 degree Appraisal?
It is a holistic appraisal involving taking feedback from internal and external members with whom the employee is associated.
It is a holistic appraisal involving feedback from all the internal members with whom the employee is associated.
It is a holistic appraisal involving feedback from all the external members with whom the employee is associated.
An appraisal based on degree to which the employee is associated with the organization.
Answer: It is a holistic appraisal involving taking feedback from internal and external members with whom the employee is associated.
Q9. Which of the following is an international staffing approach where companies believe that only host country managers can understand the culture and behavior of the host country market and the foreign subsidiary should be managed by host-country nationals and home office with parent-country nationals?
Answer: Polycentric
Q10. Statement 1: Individual incentive programs are based on an individual’s performance, i.e. piecework plan for labourers, stock options for executives, or commission for salespeople.
Statement 2: Salary (or compensation) surveys are formal or informal surveys of what other employers pay for similar jobs that are used as benchmarks.
Statement 1 is correct.
Statement 2 is correct.
Both the statements are correct.
Both the statements are incorrect.
Answer: Both the statements are correct.
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These are Principles of Management Week 8 Assignment 8 Answers
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Session: JAN-APR 2023
Course Name: Principles of Management
Course Link: Click Here
These are Principles of Management Week 8 Assignment 8 Answers
Q1. Current assessment for HR Planning involves Job Analysis. Please select the correct option after reading the following two statements pertaining to Job Analysis.
Statement I: Job Analysis determines duties of specific jobs
Statement II: Job Analysis also determines the characteristics of people who should be hired to do the analysed jobs
a. Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect
b. Statement II is correct but statement I is incorrect
c. Both Statement I and II are correct
d. Both Statement I and II are incorrect
Answer: c. Both Statement I and II are correct
Q2. Statement I: As the need and complexity of interaction increases, so does the need for coordination
Statement II: Cost of coordination is inversely proportional to complexity of interdependence
Select the correct option after reading both the statements:
a. Both Statement I and II are correct
b. Both Statement I and II are incorrect
c. Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect
d. Statement II is correct but Statement I is incorrect
Answer: c. Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect
These are Principles of Management Week 8 Assignment 8 Answers
Q3. Which of the following is not a part of Job Description:
a. Job Summary
b. Job Title
c. Qualifications necessary for the job
d. Standards of performance
Answer: c. Qualifications necessary for the job
Q4. Checking for Organization-Individual fit is a part of which stage of selection?
a. Initial Selection
b. Substantive Selection
c. Contingent Selection
d. Both Initial and Contingent Selection
Answer: b. Substantive Selection
These are Principles of Management Week 8 Assignment 8 Answers
Q5. Which of the following is not true about Orientation of a new joinee in an organization?
a. Providing new joinee with basic background information about the organization
b. Providing new joinee with a chance to socialize with existing employees
c. Providing handbooks, Personnel policy documents etc can form a part of the orientation
d. Providing new joinee an opportunity to go on an offsite trip with existing employees
Answer: d. Providing new joinee an opportunity to go on an offsite trip with existing employees
Q6. Placing employees in a particular classification such as quartiles speaks of which method of performance evaluation?
a. Individual Ranking
b. Forced Comparisons
c. Group Order Ranking
d. Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scale
Answer: c. Group Order Ranking
These are Principles of Management Week 8 Assignment 8 Answers
Q7. Which of the following is a good Global HR Practice?
a. Ignoring cultural differences
b. Marketing organizational system so as to create a pull among people
c. Trying to do everything the same way everywhere
d. Assuming that every location has the same technological sophistication
Answer: b. Marketing organizational system so as to create a pull among people
Q8. _ is the essence of Management:
a. Decision making
b. Organizing
c. Coordination
d. Planning
Answer: c. Coordination
These are Principles of Management Week 8 Assignment 8 Answers
Q9. In the case of reciprocal task interdependence, cost of coordination is __.
a. Low
b. Medium
c. Negligible
d. High
Answer: d. High
These are Principles of Management Week 8 Assignment 8 Answers
Q10. Identify the correct sequence of steps in the process of training:
a. Analyze Training needs→ Design training program→ Assemble the course→ Evaluate Training→ Implement Training
b. Analyse Training needs→ Assemble the course→ Design training program→ Implement Training→ Evaluate Training
c. Analyze Training needs→ Design training program→ Assemble the course→ Implement Training→ Evaluate Training
d. Assemble the course→ Analyse Training needs→ Design training program→ Implement Training→ Evaluate Training
Answer: c. Analyze Training needs→ Design training program→ Assemble the course→ Implement Training→ Evaluate Training
These are Principles of Management Week 8 Assignment 8 Answers
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