Principles of Management | Week 11

Session: JAN-APR 2024

Course Name: Principles of Management

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These are Principles of Management Week 11 Assignment 11 Answers

Q1. During a team meeting, Austin focused only on information aligned with his preconceived ideas, neglecting crucial details. As a result, he misunderstood the project requirements, leading to inefficiencies in the later stages. What behavior did Austin exhibit during the team meeting?
Active listening
Reflective listening
Selective listening
Empathetic listening

Answer: Selective listening

Q2. Which statement is not correct about the Shannon-Weaver Model of Communication?
The model includes a sender, message, channel, receiver, and feedback.
It assumes communication is a linear, one-way process.
Noise is considered an external factor that can interfere with the communication process.
The model emphasizes the importance of cultural context in communication.

Answer: The model emphasizes the importance of cultural context in communication.

Q3. In an organization, a manager on the marketing team communicates directly with a team member from finance to discuss budgetary implications for a new project. This is an example of:
Upward communication
Downward communication
Lateral communication
Diagonal communication

Answer: Diagonal communication

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These are Principles of Management Week 11 Assignment 11 Answers

Q4. Socio-psychological barrier does not include:
Attitudinal differences
Premature evaluation
Perceptual differences
Dissonance between verbal and non-verbal signals

Answer: Premature evaluation

Q5. How does communication differ between tall and flat organizational structures?
Tall structures encourage informal communication, while flat structures prefer formal communication.
Tall structures promote direct communication, while flat structures rely on a strict chain of command.
Tall structures involve more formal and structured communication, while flat structures encourage direct and open communication.
Tall structures prioritize open communication, while flat structures rely on a more rigid communication hierarchy.

See also  Principles of Management | Week 9

Answer: Tall structures involve more formal and structured communication, while flat structures encourage direct and open communication.

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These are Principles of Management Week 11 Assignment 11 Answers

Q6. The automatic process of sharing another person’s emotions by mimicking their facial expressions and other non-verbal behavior is known as:
Emotional mirroring
Emotional contagion

Answer: Emotional contagion

Q7. Match the following:
a) i-a, ii-d, iii-c, iv-b
b) i-c, ii-a, iii-d, iv-b
c) i-b, ii-a, iii-d, iv-c
d) i-d, ii-a, iii-d, iv-c

Answer: b) i-c, ii-a, iii-d, iv-b

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These are Principles of Management Week 11 Assignment 11 Answers

Q8. Which of the following is not a component of active listening?

Answer: Observing

Q9. ________ is a process of organizing and distributing an organization’s collective wisdom so the right information gets to the right people at the right time.
Information overload
Knowledge management
Decision support system
Information retrieval

Answer: Knowledge management

Q10. Which of the following statements is true?
Statement A: High context culture is high on formality; low context culture values informality.
Statement B: Nonverbal communication is an important part of low-context culture, and precise verbal agreements are an important part of high-context culture.
Statement C: Time is treated as a commodity, and schedules are carefully observed in high-context culture.

Statement A is correct.
Statement B is correct.
Statement C is correct.
All the statements are correct.

See also  Principles of Management | Week 4

Answer: Statement A is correct.

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These are Principles of Management Week 11 Assignment 11 Answers

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Course Name: Principles of Management

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These are Principles of Management Week 11 Assignment 11 Answers

Q1. Presenting ideas and requesting for budgets is an example of what type of message?
a. Direct message
b. Routine message
c. Negative message
d. Persuasive message

Answer: d. Persuasive message

Q2. What is the direction of communication when the feedback is generated from the lower level of management to the top tier of management is:
a. Lateral communication
b. Downward communication
c. Upward communication
d. Diagonal communication

Answer: c. Upward communication

These are Principles of Management Week 11 Assignment 11 Answers

Q3. The ability of a sender to draft their message in a crisp and simple style in communication is known as:
a. Sincerity
b. Simplicity
c. Shortness
d. Strength

Answer: c. Shortness

Q4. The behaviours, thoughts and feelings which are direct responses to the here and now, refers to which ego state in transactional analysis:
a. Parent ego state
b. Adult ego state
c. Child ego state
d. Adolescent ego state

Answer: b. Adult ego state

These are Principles of Management Week 11 Assignment 11 Answers

Q5. Haptics is a metric of __ communication:
a. Non-verbal communication
b. Interpersonal communication
c. Intrapersonal communication
d. Verbal communication

Answer: a. Non-verbal communication

Q6. Identify a cultural dimension which was not proposed by Hofstede:
a. Individualism/collectivism
b. Feminism/masculinity
c. Long term/short term orientation
d. Universalism/particularism

See also  Principles of Management | Week 6

Answer: d. Universalism/particularism

These are Principles of Management Week 11 Assignment 11 Answers

Q7. Which messages are written in situation where the person to whom you are sending a message is not in agreement with what you are saying or where you believe that the receiver is going to oppose what you intended to say.
a. Direct message
b. Routine message
c. Negative message
d. Persuasive message

Answer: d. Persuasive message

Q8. Which type of small group network has the highest member satisfaction?
a. Wheel
b. All Channel
c. Chain
d. Cohort

Answer: b. All Channel

Q9. Which component of Johari window refers to unknown to self and known to others:
a. Blind
b. Public
c. Private
d. Unknown

Answer: a. Blind

These are Principles of Management Week 11 Assignment 11 Answers

Q10. Identify the intrapersonal barriers of communication:
a. Emotions
b. Climate
c. Trust
d. Credibility

Answer: a. Emotions

These are Principles of Management Week 11 Assignment 11 Answers

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These are Principles of Management Week 11 Assignment 11 Answers