Principles of Management | Week 7

Session: JAN-APR 2024

Course Name: Principles of Management

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These are Principles of Management Week 7 Assignment 7 Answers

Q1. The behavioral pattern expected of a person occupying a given position should be intentionally designed to ensure that the required activities are completed smoothly and efficiently is known as
Intentional Structure of role
Internal Structure of role
Role Identity
Role Behaviour

Answer: Intentional Structure of role

Q2. The rights inherent in a managerial position to give orders and to expect the orders to be obeyed is known as

Answer: Authority

Q3. Statement 1: Power is the right of a managerial position to give orders and to expect the orders to be obeyed.
Statement 2: Authority is the ability to influence the beliefs of groups or people.

Statement 1 is correct.
Statement 2 is correct.
Both the statements are correct.
Both the statements are incorrect.

Answer: Both the statements are incorrect.

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These are Principles of Management Week 7 Assignment 7 Answers

Q4. A person working in the HR department of an organization has the power to offer some goodies in the form of free holiday tickets, food coupons, and other similar perks. What form of power is this?
no power
referent power
coercive power
reward power

Answer: reward power

Q5. Which of the following characteristics does the mechanistic model of organizational design possess?
i)High specialization
iii)Wide span of control
v)Cross-hierarchical Teams

ii), iv), v)
i), iii), v)
i), ii), iv)
ii), iii), iv)

See also  Principles of Management | Week 10

Answer: i), ii), iv)

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These are Principles of Management Week 7 Assignment 7 Answers

Q6. An integrated form of an organization having a free flow of ideas, innovation, and information, without any formalization and hierarchy is known as
Innovative Organization
Formal Organization
Virtual Organization
Boundaryless Organization

Answer: Boundaryless Organization

Q7. A structure with highly routine operating tasks achieved through specialization, very formalized rules and regulations, tasks that are grouped into functional departments, centralized authority, narrow spans of control, and decision-making that follows the chain of command is called
Bureaucratic structure
Informal Structure
Network Structure
Process Structure

Answer: Bureaucratic structure

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These are Principles of Management Week 7 Assignment 7 Answers

Q8. What is the foundation of organization structure which usually involves division of work into smaller units and their re-grouping into bigger units on the basis of similar features?
Decentralization of work
Division of Work

Answer: Departmentation

Q9. In a hospital, which type of departmentalization might be based on patient care areas such as emergency, surgery, and pediatrics?
Product departmentalization
Process departmentalization
Customer departmentalization
Geographic departmentalization

Answer: Process departmentalization

Q10. Statement 1: Line authority is the relationship in which a superior exercises direct supervision over a subordinate
Statement 2: Staff relationship is non-advisory.

Statement 1 is correct.
Statement 2 is correct.
Both the statements are correct.
Both the statements are incorrect.

Answer: Statement 1 is correct.

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See also  Principles of Management | Week 1

These are Principles of Management Week 7 Assignment 7 Answers

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Session: JAN-APR 2023

Course Name: Principles of Management

Course Link: Click Here

These are Principles of Management Week 7 Assignment 7 Answers

Q1. The process that uses the inputs of the employees to increase their commitment to the organization’s success is:
a. Empowerment
b. Employee involvement
c. Participation
d. Delegation

Answer: b. Employee involvement

Q2. What among the following determines an effective narrow span of management:
a. Greater number of specialities at lower and middle levels
b. Clear delegation to undertake well-defined tasks
c. Slow changes in external and internal environments
d. Effective interaction between superior and subordinate

Answer: a. Greater number of specialities at lower and middle levels

These are Principles of Management Week 7 Assignment 7 Answers

Q3. What is the structure of an organization where the product development happens in USA, account partner is located in Canada, product assembly in Mexico and packaging design partner in UK?
a. Bureaucratic structure
b. Divisional Structure
c. Functional structure
d. Network structure

Answer: d. Network structure

Q4. The unbroken line of authority that extends from the top of the organization to the lowest echelon and clarifies who reports to whom is:
a. Authority
b. Departmentalization
c. Chain of command
d. Unity of command

Answer: c. Chain of command

These are Principles of Management Week 7 Assignment 7 Answers

Q5. Which of the following power tactic has the direction of lateral influence?
a. Pressure
b. Coalition
c. Inspirational appeals
d. Dependency

See also  Principles of Management | Week 4

Answer: b. Coalition

Q6. Identify the personal power:
a. Legitimate power
b. Expert power
c. Reward power
d. Coercive power

Answer: b. Expert power

These are Principles of Management Week 7 Assignment 7 Answers

Q7. Indian Railways has western zone, northern zone, southern zone, central zone etc, which can be classified was what kind of organizational structure
a. Functional structure
b. Matrix structure
c. Divisional structure
d. Network structure

Answer: c. Divisional structure

Q8. Indicate which among the following is not a problem of formalization in organizations:
a. Reduces organizational flexibility
b. Decision making authority is held by a few people
c. Rules become focus of attention
d. Work rules can undermine productivity

Answer: b. Decision making authority is held by a few people

These are Principles of Management Week 7 Assignment 7 Answers

Q9. The mechanistic model of organizational design has
a. Free flow of information
b. Decentralization
c. Rigid departmentalization
d. Low formalization

Answer: c. Rigid departmentalization

These are Principles of Management Week 7 Assignment 7 Answers

Q10. The visual representation of how job tasks are formally divided, grouped, and coordinated in an organization is termed as:
a. Organizational structure
b. Organizational design
c. Organizational culture
d. Organizational chart

Answer: d. Organizational chart

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These are Principles of Management Week 7 Assignment 7 Answers