Principles of Management | Week 5

Session: JAN-APR 2024

Course Name: Principles of Management

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These are Principles of Management Week 5 Assignment 5 Answers

Q1. Statement 1: When individuals observe behavior, they attempt to determine whether it is internally or externally caused.
Statement 2: Our perception and judgment of others are significantly influenced by our assumptions of the other person’s internal state.
Statement 1 is correct.
Statement 2 is correct.
Both the Statements are correct.
Both the statements are incorrect.

Answer: Both the Statements are correct.

Q2. The parable of six blind wise men and the elephant helps to understand which of the following characteristic of an organization?
It has a simple environment.
It is an open system.
It is a complex social system
It is all-pervasive.

Answer: It is a complex social system

Q3. Match the following-
1. Self-Serving Bias i. Drawing a general impression about an individual based on a single characteristic.
2. Stereotyping ii. The tendency to attribute successes to internal factors while failures on external factors.
3. Halo Effect iii. People selectively interpret what they see based on their interests, background, experience, and attitudes.
4. Selective Perception iv. Judging someone based on one’s perception of the group to which that person belongs.

a. iii, ii, i, iv
b. ii, iv, i, iii
c. i, ii, iv, iii
d. iv, ii, i, iii

Answer: b. ii, iv, i, iii

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These are Principles of Management Week 5 Assignment 5 Answers

Q4. Statement 1: Decision-making is at the core of planning.
Statement 2: Planning is incomplete without decision-making.

Statement 1 is correct.
Statement 2 is correct.
Both the statements are correct.
Both the statements are incorrect.

See also  Principles of Management | Week 4

Answer: Both the statements are correct.

Q5. Which of the following is not a step in the decision-making process?
Selection of an Alternative
Team-based Planning
Identification of Decision Criteria
Identification of the Problem

Answer: Team-based Planning

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These are Principles of Management Week 5 Assignment 5 Answers

Q6. Match the following:
1. Utilitarianism i. Imposing and enforcing rules fairly and impartially.
2. Rights ii. Decisions are made solely based on outcome.
3. Justice iii. Decisions consistent with fundamental liberties and privileges.

a. 1(ii), 2(iii), 3(i)
b.1(i), 2(iii), 3(ii)
c.1(iii), 2(ii), 3(i)
d. 1(i), 2(ii), 3(iii)

Answer: a. 1(ii), 2(iii), 3(i)

Q7. Which among the following is not an individual difference in the decision-making process?

Answer: Transparency

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These are Principles of Management Week 5 Assignment 5 Answers

Q8. Rather than conducting an exhaustive search for the best possible alternative, decision-makers search only until they identify an alternative that meets some minimum standard of sufficiency. This process is known as
Sensitivity analysis
Eliminating Bias

Answer: Satisficing

Q9. Match the following:
1. Role Conflict i. Certain attitudes and behaviors consistent with a role.
2. Role Expectation ii. A situation in which an individual is confronted by divergent role expectations.
3. Role Identity iii. How others believe a person should act in a given situation.

a. 1(ii), 2(iii), 3(i)
b. 1(i), 2(iii), 3(ii)
c. 1(iii), 2(ii), 3(i)
d. 1(i), 2(ii), 3(iii)

Answer: a. 1(ii), 2(iii), 3(i)

See also  Principles of Management | Week 10

Q10. Statement 1: A committee is a group of persons to whom, as a group, some matter is committed.
Statement 2: Committee can only be formal in nature.

Statement 1 is correct.
Statement 2 is correct.
Both the statements are correct.
Both the statements are incorrect.

Answer: Statement 1 is correct.

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These are Principles of Management Week 5 Assignment 5 Answers

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Session: JAN-APR 2023

Course Name: Principles of Management

Course Link: Click Here

These are Principles of Management Week 5 Assignment 5 Answers

Q1. Identify the group where members are brought together in a face-to-face setting, a problem outlined, and asked to come up with as many alternatives as possible.
a. Nominal groups
b. Interacting groups
c. Delphi groups
d. Command groups

Answer: a. Nominal groups

Q2. Determining how the message strategy will be executed is
a. Creative strategy
b. Creative communication
c. Creative jingles
d. Creative tactics

Answer: d. Creative tactics

These are Principles of Management Week 5 Assignment 5 Answers

Q3. What prompts new needs and wants in consumer decision making?
a. New products
b. Financial changes
c. Dissatisfaction of products
d. Perception

Answer: b. Financial changes

Q4. Situations where group pressures for conformity deter the group from critically appraising unusual, minority or unpopular views?
a. Group shift
b. Interactive thinking
c. Creative thinking
d. Group think

Answer: d. Group think

These are Principles of Management Week 5 Assignment 5 Answers

Q5. An individual’s view of how they are supposed to act in a given situation received by external stimuli
a. Role identity
b. Role expectation
c. Role conflict
d. Role perception

See also  Principles of Management | Week 9

Answer: d. Role perception

Q6. Which organizational constraint restricts the ability to gather or evaluate information:
a. Performance evaluation
b. Formal regulations
c. Historical precedents
d. System-impose time constraints

Answer: d. System-impose time constraints

These are Principles of Management Week 5 Assignment 5 Answers

Q7. Which of the following is not a premise of programmed decisions:
a. It is a repetitive decision that can be handled using a routine approach
b. Information is easily defined and complete
c. Information is ambiguous and incomplete
d. Problems are familiar, straightforward and easily defined

Answer: c. Information is ambiguous and incomplete

Q8. “Double your pleasure, double your fun” is a jingle of which company or brand:
a. McDonald’s
b. Coca-Cola
c. Pepsi Cola
d. Wrigley’s Doublemint gum

Answer: d. Wrigley’s Doublemint gum

These are Principles of Management Week 5 Assignment 5 Answers

Q9. Identify a phase which is not part of creative process:
a. Unconscious scanning
b. Intuition
c. Thinking
d. Insight

Answer: c. Thinking

These are Principles of Management Week 5 Assignment 5 Answers

Q10. Anchoring effect in decision making refers to:
a. Reaffirm the past choices and discount contradictory information
b. Failing to adjust for subsequent information
c. Select and highlight some aspects of situation and exclude others
d. Selectively interpret events

Answer: b. Failing to adjust for subsequent information

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These are Principles of Management Week 5 Assignment 5 Answers