Principles of Management Week 3 Assignment 3 Answers

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Principles of Management Week 3 Assignment 3 Answers

Principles of Management Week 3 Assignment 3 Answers (Jan-Apr 2025)

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  1. Standing plans are the ones that provide guidelines for activities to be performed repetitively. Which among the following is not a standing plan?
    a. Policies
    b. Rules
    c. Budget
    d. Procedures

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  1. XYZ company has set the objective of 200,000-unit sales considering the favorable government policy towards digitization of transactions. This is an example of which step of the planning process?
    a. Developing planning premises
    b. Identifying alternatives
    c. Objective setting
    d. Implementing plan

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  1. Name the fastest-growing form of environmental scanning that allows managers to anticipate competitors’ actions rather than merely reacting to them.
    a. Competitor Action
    b. Competitor Intelligence
    c. Competitive Monitoring
    d. Competitive Knowledge

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  1. “Organizations operate in a pluralistic society”. Which of the following options best explains this statement?
    a. Organizations have employees from diverse backgrounds.
    b. Organizations operate with groups and committees.
    c. Organizations have multiple agendas and strategies.
    d. Organizations address multiple interests of the stakeholders.

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  1. The set of values, beliefs, behaviour, customs, and attitude that helps people understand what the organization stands for, how it operates, and what it considers important is known as:
    a. Corporate Clan
    b. Inside Stories
    c. Corporate Culture
    d. Value System

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  1. When an organization is in multiple businesses, those individual businesses that are independent and have their own competitive advantage are referred to as
    a. Strategic Business Unit
    b. Separate Units
    c. Strategic Intent
    d. Business Portfolio

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  1. Match the following:
    a. Core Competency → i. Value-creating capabilities of organization
    b. Capabilities → ii. Financial, human, capital, tangible/intangible assets
    c. Resources → iii. Unique resources that the organization possess
    d. Strength → iv. Skills and abilities

a. a-i, b-iv, c-ii, d-iii
b. a-ii, b-i, c-iii, d-iv
c. a-ii, b-i, c-iv, d-iii
d. a-iii, b-iv, c-i, d-ii

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  1. Which products would likely be categorized as a “Star” in the BCG Matrix?
    a. A popular smartphone model in a rapidly growing market
    b. A declining desktop computer brand in a stagnant market
    c. A niche product with minimal market share in a growing market
    d. A well-established soft drink brand in a stable market

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  1. Which among the following companies implemented a renewal strategy during a financial crisis?
    a. Apple introducing the iPhone to expand its product line
    b. General Motors reorganizing and filing for bankruptcy during the 2008 financial crisis
    c. Amazon launching its Prime service
    d. Tesla expanding into the energy sector
See also  Principles of Management | Week 8

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  1. Which of the following illustrates the “Threat of Substitutes” in Porter’s Five Forces?
    a. A car manufacturer facing competition from bike-sharing apps
    b. A smartphone company entering the market with a new model
    c. A technology firm cutting down its prices to gain market share
    d. A supplier increasing the cost of raw materials

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Principles of Management Week 3 Assignment 3 Answers JAN-APR 2024

Q1. A form of environmental scanning that includes gathering information about competitors, allowing managers to anticipate competitors’ actions rather than merely react to them, is
Competitor Screening
Competitor Surveillance
Competitor Intelligence
Competitor Knowledge

Answer: Competitor Intelligence

Q2. Statement 1: In a dynamic environment, flexible plans should be developed.
Statement 2: The organizational hierarchy structure should be taller in an uncertain environment.

Statement 1 is correct.
Statement 2 is correct.
Both the Statements are correct.
Both the statements are incorrect.

Answer: Statement 1 is correct.

Q3. Which of the following is not part of ongoing plans that provide guidelines for activities performed repetitively?

Answer: Objectives

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These are Principles of Management Week 3 Assignment 3 Answers

Q4. An automobile firm has set a target of selling 2000 units of electric vehicles based on the Government schemes launched to promote the same. This is associated with which of the steps in the planning process?
Implementation of the plan
Developing planning premises
Selecting an alternative course of action
Follow-up action

Answer: Developing planning premises

Q5. Statement 1: Organizations operate in silos.
Statement 2: Organizations operate in pluralistic societies.

Statement 1 is correct.
Statement 2 is correct.
Both the statements are correct.
Both the statements are incorrect.

Answer: Statement 2 is correct.

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Q6. What makes the task environment “specific” instead of “general”?
It is less critical for the organization’s success
It includes factors that are unique to a particular industry or market
It is unrelated to the organization’s goals
It only considers internal factors

Answer: It includes factors that are unique to a particular industry or market

Q7. In the context of the business environment, what is an example of a legal factor?
Exchange rates
Intellectual property laws
Social media trends
Technological advancements

See also  Principles of Management | Week 12

Answer: Intellectual property laws

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Q8. What is the significance of cultural factors in the business environment?
They have no impact on business operations
They influence consumer behaviour, preferences, and communication styles
They are only relevant in local markets
They determine government policies

Answer: They influence consumer behaviour, preferences, and communication styles

Q9. Statement 1: Collective Competencies are built on experience, skills and knowledge.
Statement 2: Resources and Capabilities are the source of competitive advantage for a firm.

Statement 1 is correct.
Statement 2 is correct.
Both the statements are correct.
Both the statements are incorrect.

Answer: Both the statements are correct.

Q10. Match the Following:
1) RBV i. Industry Appraisal
2) Five Forces Model ii. Jay Barney
3) Intangible Resource iii. Environmental Appraisal
4) ETOP iv. Goodwill

i, iv, ii, iii
iv, iii, i, ii
ii, i, iv, iii
ii, iv, iii, i

Answer: ii, i, iv, iii

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These are Principles of Management Week 3 Assignment 3 Answers

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Course Name: Principles of Management

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Principles of Management Week 3 Assignment 3 Answers JAN-APR 2023

Q1. Reputation, goodwill, and brand value can be classified as which resource:
a. Human resource
b. Tangible resource
c. Intangible resource
d. Competitive resource

Answer: c. Intangible resource

Q2. Standing plans stands for:
a. One time plan specifically designed to meet the needs of a unique situation.
b. Plans with clearly defined objectives with no scope for ambiguity and misunderstanding.
c. Ongoing plans that provide guidelines for activities performed repetitively including rules, policies and procedures.
d. Plans with a timeframe less than a year, yet organizations can use any timeframe they seem appropriate.

Answer: c. Ongoing plans that provide guidelines for activities performed repetitively including rules, policies and procedures.

These are Principles of Management Week 3 Assignment 3 Answers

Q3. In the process of strategic management, which are three main types of strategies that are included by managers while formulating strategies:
(i) Functional strategy (ii) Concentration strategy (iii) Corporate strategy (iv) Competitive strategy

a. iii-ii-iv
b. iii-ii-i
c. ii-i-iv
d. iii-i-iv

Answer: d. iii-i-iv

Q4. Arrange the planning process in a sequential order:
(i) implementing the plans (ii) identifying alternative courses of actions (iii) follow up actions (iv) setting the objectives (v) developing planning premises.

a. iii-ii-iv-i-v
b. iv-ii-iii-i-v
c. iv-v-ii-i-iii
d. iv-v-i-ii-iii

See also  Principles of Management | Week 4

Answer: c. iv-v-ii-i-iii

These are Principles of Management Week 3 Assignment 3 Answers

Q5. In the process of planning, which of the following example encompasses the idea of “Identifying alternative courses of action”:
a. Nokia company has an objective of 2 lacs units’ sale on the basis of forecast
b. Nokia will evaluate all the alternatives and checks its pros and cons
c. Nokia selects more TV commercials and online marketing with after sales service
d. Nokia may have other alternatives like reducing price, increasing advertising and promotion, and after sales support

Answer: d. Nokia may have other alternatives like reducing price, increasing advertising and promotion, and after sales support

Q6. Tata group has been growing with the value system of JRD with the ethical values set by the founders which the group has still been adopting. What kinds of organizational assets are at play in this example:
a. Physical assets
b. Tangible assets
c. Intangible assets
d. Corporate assets

Answer: c. Intangible assets

These are Principles of Management Week 3 Assignment 3 Answers

Q7. When an organization remains in its primary business by increasing the number of products or adding more variety in their primary product line, it is referred to as which strategy:
a. Growth strategy
b. Concentration strategy
c. Renewal strategy
d. Turnaround strategy

Answer: b. Concentration strategy

Q8. A general plan outlining decisions about resource allocation, priorities and action steps necessary to reach the goals is:
a. Long-term plan
b. Tactical plan
c. Strategic plan
d. Short-term plan

Answer: c. Strategic plan

These are Principles of Management Week 3 Assignment 3 Answers

Q9. A __ is anything that a firm has or has learnt to do that enables it to conceive and implement strategies that improve its efficiency and effectiveness.
a. Competition
b. Collective competency
c. Resources
d. Expertise

Answer: c. Resources

These are Principles of Management Week 3 Assignment 3 Answers

Q10. Which is the flexible plan that provide focused guidelines but does not bind managers into specific goals or actions:
a. Specific plan
b. Tactical plan
c. Operational plan
d. Directional plan

Answer: d. Directional plan

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