Creating and Giving Business Presentations

Creating and Giving Business Presentations Answers

By: Tatiana Kolovou

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Creating and Giving Business Presentations Answers Quiz 1

Question 1 of 2

All of the following are steps in developing a compelling presentation EXCEPT:

  • Do your research on the topic and audience.
  • Strategically design content and visuals.
  • Practice relentlessly for a flawless and authentic delivery.
  • Preload audience members with the complete details of your presentation in the days prior to actually delivering it.
    • Explanation: Giving your audience all the information you plan to present in advance eliminates the need for a presentation at all. To keep your audience engaged, give them just enough information ahead of time so they know what you’ll be discussing, but don’t give away your presentation!

Question 2 of 2

How much preparation time is needed to deliver a compelling presentation?

  • at least four weeks
  • at least two weeks
  • at least one week
  • it depends on the content of the presentation

Creating and Giving Business Presentations Answers Quiz 2

Question 1 of 4

How should you plan a presentation for an audience that has a mixed level of knowledge on the topic?

  • Use primarily expert-level, insider language.
  • Simplify all explanations to the lowest common denominator of knowledge on the topic.
  • Refer to both high- and low-content knowledge by defining terms for some and connecting to prior knowledge for others.
    • EXPLANATION: By appealing to both those that are well-versed in the subject of your presentation as well as those that are not, it is suggested that you fluctuate between defining necessary terms for some, while connecting to prior knowledge of the audience members that are more knowledgeable on your subject. It is a tricky balance, but it can be found.
  • Cover only the very basic concepts related to your presentation topic.

Question 2 of 4

Which of the following is an example of properly accommodating an audience’s preferred communication style?

  • To accommodate indirect communication cultures, begin with a story, history, or a local fable aligned to the topic.
    • EXPLANATION: Many cultures that utilize indirect communication prefer to have an emotional attachment to a presentation. By beginning with a story or fable aligned with your topic, you help to establish that emotional connection from the on set.
  • When you are unsure of formality, always defer to casual, informal conversation.
  • Indirect communication cultures, make your main point a bit vague so the audience will really need to grapple with the content.
  • When presenting to a non-native English-speaking audience, use acronyms, idioms, and casual expressions.

These are Creating and Giving Business Presentations Answers

Question 3 of 4

Your audience may be ready to hear your message, apathetic to it, or even skeptical. After you research your audience and discover they may be skeptical, how should you proceed?

  • Grab their attention early and communicate the value of your information, even if it doesn’t match theirs.
  • Take ownership of the content knowledge and illustrate your expertise with a strong front.
  • Identify next steps for the information you are presenting, and ask questions that will ignite discussion.
  • Begin by showing you know their concerns and allow for dialogue to occur early in the presentation.
    • EXPLANATION: Opening your presentation by acknowledging concerns and allowing a dialogue will help to get your resistant audience members engaged, and hopefully alleviate some of their initial concerns and allow you to dive into the rest of your consent with a more empathetic audience.

Question 4 of 4

No matter why the audience is attending your presentation, you should communicate _____ from the very start of your presentation.

  • action items (next steps audience members should complete after finishing the presentation)
  • the audience value (what’s in it for them?)
    • EXPLANATION: By establishing the value your presentation provides to the audience early on, you give yourself a more attentive audience. Do your homework and know what is important to your audience, and communicate how your ideas will build on that.
  • historical context of your topic
  • the presentation outline
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Creating and Giving Business Presentations Answers Quiz 3

Question 1 of 3

All of the following are examples of key points to remember when designing presentation slides EXCEPT _____.

  • Your slide animations and transitions should be attention-grabbing and excite the audience.
    • EXPLANATION: Slide animations and transitions should be as simple as possible. You want the focus of the audience to be on you and the content you are discussing, not the animations on the slideshow.
  • Your slides should be simple and organized, striking a balance of images and words.
  • Only include information you want the audience to retain; the rest of the emphasis should come from you.
  • Your intro slide should hint at the main points and introduce you to your audience.

Question 2 of 3

When you ask a trusted colleague for constructive feedback on your presentation slides, which question is LEAST helpful?

  • Do you remember my main points?
  • Was the initial slide descriptive?
  • Were the colors, font, spacing, and visuals appealing?
  • Do you enjoy seeing presentations by speakers outside of your company?
    • EXPLANATION: Whether your colleague enjoys presentations from outside speakers or not is totally irrelevant to the content of your presentation. Focus on your presentation and how it can be improved to be effectively convey information to your specific audience.

These are Creating and Giving Business Presentations Answers

Question 3 of 3

When designing a presentation and you get to the visuals, all of the following are correct except:

  • Begin by designing slides first for inspiration on what you should present. Next, organize your slides and content appropriately.
    • EXPLANATION: It’s tempting to dive right into Powerpoint and find the most interesting visuals. However, doing so without planning your content and presentation flow first will result in a disjointed presentation.
  • Be sure to account for possible questions from your audience and plan for a hyperlinked questions and answer slide.
  • Look for a cohesive slide design background that matches your theme and audience colors.
  • Begin your visual design process by sketching your presentation in 3 chunks: intro, body, and conclusion. Only once the flow of the presentation is organized should you start on actual slide design.

Creating and Giving Business Presentations Answers Quiz 4

Question 1 of 4

A Q&A session allows you to connect, inform, and inspire. Which example demonstrates the most effective way of doing this?

  • Assume that the answers you give are sufficient enough, and reduce interaction with audience members.
  • Invite questions with review of content and prepare a closing statement in advance.
    • EXPLANATION: It helps to get a Q&A going by briefly reviewing your content. Once the questions from the audience end, a strong closing statement is a great way to send the audience away thinking highly of you and your presentation.
  • Honor your participants by responding to every question, even if it is off topic.
  • Maintain authenticity of your response(s) by not preparing or practicing.

Question 2 of 4

Which choice is an effective example of a strong opening and/or closing?

  • Use the opening as the what and connect the dots from the opening to the closing.
    • EXPLANATION: You need to engage your audience from the get-go, and the best way to do that is to convey what’s in it for them. Why does this presentation matter to your audience? Communicating that early on is critical, and it sets you up for effective close by connecting the dots between your intro and conclusion.
  • Begin with a call to action to help your audience keep the end in mind
  • Ask a question, but maintain a monotone voice to avoid distracting the audience.
  • Provide a startling, unrelated fact.
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These are Creating and Giving Business Presentations Answers Quiz 4

Question 3 of 4

Strong posture and deliberate movement can exude confidence during a presentation. Which is an example of using movement to your advantage?

  • Shift your weight from one hip to the other hip to avoid passing out from nerves.
  • Shuffle around while you stand to keep your audience guessing your next move.
  • To make a strong closing point, take two steps forward in the speaker’s triangle.
    • EXPLANATION: Moving forward to engage your audience while delivering a closing point can help to emphasize it.
  • Be a mambo talker; have one foot planted on the ground while the other foot moves forward and back.

Question 4 of 4

What should you do with your hands while you’re presenting?

  • Wring your hands, which will stop you from pointing directly at someone’s face.
  • Gesture when words match your emotions. Remember, too much movement becomes a distraction.
    • EXPLANATION: Using gestures to emphasize your emotions can help deliver more energy to an audience. Just be careful not to over-do it, as too much movement can become a distraction.
  • Keep your elbows glued to your ribs and make tiny hand gestures, often referred to as the T-Rex.
  • Keep one hand in your pocket with change. The jingling will add a nice musical sound.

Creating and Giving Business Presentations Answers Quiz 5

Question 1 of 1

What’s an effective strategy for receiving feedback if you struggle with flat intonation, rambling, or using fillers when you speak?

  • Leave yourself a voicemail and listen to it to hear how you sound.
    • EXPLANATION: Leaving yourself a voicemail is a great way to catch any issues with your intonation. Continue sending yourself these voicemails, and share your progress with trusted colleagues, until a noticeable difference is made.
  • Practice in the same room you will present and wear the exact clothing you wear during the presentation.
  • Video record yourself and ask a colleague to give you feedback on your how you move on stage.
  • It takes 6 weeks to change, so be patient and wait.

Creating and Giving Business Presentations Answers FINAL EXAM

Question 1 of 11
How do effective presenters build credibility?

  • They communicate their credentials and experience to audience members as often as possible.
  • They have fun while presenting and tell as many jokes as possible.
  • They closely monitoring audience members for their timeliness and enthusiasm.
  • They include relevant information from ample, unbiased research, and they speak with authority.

Question 2 of 11
What does “WIFT” stand for?

  • What’s in it for them, the audience
  • An acronym reminding speakers to focus on their visuals.
  • An acronym reminding speakers to prepare for potential audience questions
  • What’s in it for the teacher, or speaker

Question 3 of 11
Your presentation should balance logic and emotion. Which question can you ask to verify that your presentation design is logical?

  • Does your tone, body language, and overall energy show a high level of interest and enthusiasm for the topic?
  • Are your main points logically sequenced with smooth transitions and evidence to support them?
  • Do you maintain eye contact and lean toward the audience, showing interest and connection?
  • Do you change your volume to get attention, either high or low?

These are Creating and Giving Business Presentations Answers Final EXAM

Question 4 of 11
What is the best strategy to employ if you have access to the audience during your presentation?

  • If you have the opportunity, you should consider talking to your audience before the presentation and ask them, What do you want to get out of my presentation?
  • You should focus on your presentation design and not spend time interviewing the audience. Afterall, you know your content best.
  • If you have the opportunity interview your audience about their preference in Powerpoint or Prezi for your visuals.
  • If you have the opportunity ask your audience who is a presenter they have enjoyed in the past.
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Question 5 of 11
All of the following are strategies for reducing speaking anxiety EXCEPT _.

  • Have ample amounts of caffeine and sugar before your presentation to increase your energy and enthusiasm.
  • Focus your energy outward and think about the needs of the audience.
  • Visualize yourself both succeeding and overcoming obstacles.
  • Practice with your technology and have a backup plan.

Question 6 of 11
In a popular scientific conference John presented his latest research. The audience was surprised that he took the time to explain every acronym and statistical method. Why did John take this approach?

  • John didn’t have any information on the audience makeup. He took an educated guess.
  • John had not considered any difference in audience knowledge but he thought that would be a better approach because that was a successful approach in the past year’s conference.
  • John knew that professors and scientists from all over the world were attending and he was trying to accommodate the on English speakers.
  • John knew that young graduate students and family members were in attendance. He assumed that they didn’t have the same level of knowledge as most members of the audience.

These are Creating and Giving Business Presentations Answers Final EXAM

Question 7 of 11
What should you do when practicing the delivery of your presentation?

  • Include visuals in your mock practice run.
  • all of these answers
  • Practice being conversational while keeping your main points and transitions in order.
  • Consider videotaping yourself to look for fillers or nervous movement.

Question 8 of 11
A speaker with strong emotional appeal does all of the following, except:

  • Wears a sharp looking suit so that he can look very professional.
  • Uses strong intonation and conviction in his speaking.
  • Gestures large and changes his position on the speaking stage to match his message.
  • Uses emotive and visual language.

Question 9 of 11
Which choice best demonstrates effective eye contact during a presentation?

  • Focus your eyes on the floor three feet ahead or one foot above the people in the back row of your audience.
  • Look at unfriendly faces first to force them to engage in your presentation.
  • Hold eye contact for three seconds with as many people as you can to avoid looking like a lifeguard scanning the room.
  • Don’t consider the unique culture and surroundings of your audience. Eye contact is always positive.

These are Creating and Giving Business Presentations Answers Final EXAM

Question 10 of 11
A presentation with a solid logical foundation includes this element:

  • all of these answers
  • stories and examples to support claims
  • quotes and interviews to support claims
  • statistics and data to support claims

Question 11 of 11
Susan is meeting with the department head to get feedback about the best way to make a presentation. Which question will help Susan determine the scope of her presentation design?

  • “Do you like to hear the recommendation first and then the research?”
  • “Do you expect for the visuals to be printed as handouts before the presentation?”
  • “Do you prefer to know the big picture first before we dive into the details”?
  • “Do you prefer that we take questions throughout the presentation, or leave them for the end?”

These are Creating and Giving Business Presentations Answers

Creating and Giving Business Presentations Answers

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Creating and Giving Business Presentations Answers