Essentials of Team Collaboration

Essentials of Team Collaboration LinkedIn Learning Answers

By: Dana Brownlee


Essentials of Team Collaboration LinkedIn Learning Answers Quiz 1

Question 1 of 4

What is the overarching purpose of the 6 key questions for effective collaboration?
to create reference documentation summarizing the team’s accomplishments
to ensure everyone is capable of pulling their weight on the team
to ensure the team will avoid conflict in the future
to clarify and define team parameters and expectations

Answer: to clarify and define team parameters and expectations

Question 2 of 4

Why should you analyze team composition early in the process?
to identify potential resource needs and issues so they can be promptly mitigated or addressed
to ensure teams have sufficient IT support
to ensure team members are assigned in accordance with senior level executive preferences
to identify team members who demonstrated poor performance during previous projects

Answer: to identify potential resource needs and issues so they can be promptly mitigated or addressed

Essentials of Team Collaboration LinkedIn Learning Answers

Question 3 of 4

You want to determine whether or not your team has a shared vision for completing a project. What makes clarifying the “why” important, in terms of why the project is being done?
to help team members design the steps for completing the project
to help motivate and inspire the team to work on the project
to help team members understand its importance to their career trajectory
to help define task dependencies

Answer: to help motivate and inspire the team to work on the project

Question 4 of 4

Ellie is leading a new project team. What is a critical question the team should address during their work on constraints, expectations, and processes?
“How will we work together?”
“What is our critical path?”
“Is there anyone missing from our team?”
“What is our team’s vision?”

Answer: “How will we work together?”

Essentials of Team Collaboration LinkedIn Learning Answers

Essentials of Team Collaboration LinkedIn Learning Answers Quiz 2

Question 1 of 6

You are meeting with your team to set ground rules on a new collaborative project. How can you best start in determining which ground rules to have?
Avoid letting personalities and personal preferences impact the ground rules.
Ask each team member to present a ground rule from a previous project that worked effectively.
Explain the importance of having ground rules and then establish the rules for the team.
Provide a listing of suggested rules from management.

See also  Improving Your Listening Skills

Answer: Ask each team member to present a ground rule from a previous project that worked effectively.

Question 2 of 6

You’re preparing for a meeting with your new team. What might be an easy and effective way to encourage relationship building?
Check in with task owners to determine what support they might need from the team.
Ask team members to work in pairs of two or three on key tasks, instead of assigning tasks to individual owners.
Design an agenda where individual team members lead individual sections.
Ask team members to share a lesson learned from a recent project or task.

Answer: Ask team members to work in pairs of two or three on key tasks, instead of assigning tasks to individual owners.

Essentials of Team Collaboration LinkedIn Learning Answers

Question 3 of 6

You acknowledge the importance of discussing individual communications preferences with your new team. What might be a key question to ask and discuss?
What are some of your communication pet peeves?
What is your best availability for remote meetings?
How often should we meet as a team?
Which collaboration platform should the team use?

Answer: What are some of your communication pet peeves?

Question 4 of 6

Which is the most effective principle for teams to adopt when considering online collaboration?
Since technology advances so quickly, it’s best to adopt more complicated, sophisticated tools that do not need to be upgraded as often.
Free applications or platforms should be avoided.
Team members should keep video enabled during virtual calls to increase interpersonal accountability.
Identify user-friendly tools featuring functionality that increases the team’s efficiency and effectiveness.

Answer: Identify user-friendly tools featuring functionality that increases the team’s efficiency and effectiveness.

Essentials of Team Collaboration LinkedIn Learning Answers

Question 5 of 6

Why is it important for a team to take a “temperature check” when working on a project?

to determine team members’ interest in the project
to identify what is working and what is not working
to check the progress of the project against milestones
to improve deliverable quality

Answer: to identify what is working and what is not working

Question 6 of 6

What is the central purpose of conducting periodic debrief sessions?
They determine which team members are contributing more and which are contributing less to the team’s success.
They highlight and help to boost overall team morale.
They establish and validate the team’s impressions of the team leader.
They determine what is working well and what could be improved from the team’s perspective.

See also  Designing a Presentation

Answer: They determine what is working well and what could be improved from the team’s perspective.

Essentials of Team Collaboration LinkedIn Learning Answers

Essentials of Team Collaboration LinkedIn Learning Answers Quiz 3

Question 1 of 2

What is a best practice Marcus can use to foster collaboration on his team?
Set clear ground rules for the team.
Trust the team to build relationships with one another.
Invest in the latest collaboration software and incorporate training into the kickoff meeting.
Discuss communication preferences with the team.

Answer: Discuss communication preferences with the team.

Question 2 of 2

What can Sylvie do to help determine where there might be potential cracks in her team’s foundation?
Review the who, what, why, where, when, and how questions.
Add some buffer time to key tasks to decrease workloads.
Evaluate the technology that the team uses.
Look at the existing ground rules.

Answer: Review the who, what, why, where, when, and how questions.

Essentials of Team Collaboration LinkedIn Learning Answers

Essentials of Team Collaboration LinkedIn Learning Answers Final Exam

Question 1 of 7

If you want your team to be truly collaborative, which approach should you use?
Determine a consistent communication mode for your team.
Rotate the leader for team meetings.
Continually check in with the team to identify what is working and what is not working.
Assume all your team members have the same work style.

Answer: Continually check in with the team to identify what is working and what is not working.

Question 2 of 7

What is the core purpose of team ground rules?
Leaders can define expectations for team members to effectively follow.
The team can establish mutual expectations around how they want to work together.
Each person can define preferences for how they want to work.
Management can clarify what stellar performance looks like

Answer: The team can establish mutual expectations around how they want to work together.

See also  Building Trust

Essentials of Team Collaboration LinkedIn Learning Answers

Question 3 of 7

You realize the importance of relationship building for your newly organized team. What is the most important thing to consider as you encourage new relationships and connections?
The cost of a one-day retreat is worth it for the relationships it will build.
Building relationships is incremental and takes time.
Relationships within the team are more important than relationships across teams.
Team members should be left to build their relationships organically.

Answer: Building relationships is incremental and takes time.

Question 4 of 7

The primary benefit of a debrief is to _.
figure out what is working well and what should potentially be changed moving forward as it relates to the team dynamics or overall project progress.
pause the team’s work
energize the team for the next project
highlight the accomplishments of the team

Answer: figure out what is working well and what should potentially be changed moving forward as it relates to the team dynamics or overall project progress.

Essentials of Team Collaboration LinkedIn Learning Answers

Question 5 of 7

What is a major difficulty in finding a single online tool for virtual collaboration?
There is a limited number of tools available to choose from.
Collaboration tools are too expensive.
There are team members who do not have access to online collaboration tools.
There are so many tools available to choose from.

Answer: There are so many tools available to choose from.

Question 6 of 7

What is a key risk of if you don’t clearly define a team’s purpose and goals?
a less efficient and effective team
poor deliverable quality
overspending the team budget
low team morale

Answer: a less efficient and effective team

Essentials of Team Collaboration LinkedIn Learning Answers

Question 7 of 7

What should be discussed and agreed upon during early discussion of constraints, expectations, and processes?
duration and frequency of team meetings
supplier selection criteria
terms and conditions for paid leave policy
pay rates for contractors

Answer: duration and frequency of team meetings

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Essentials of Team Collaboration LinkedIn Learning Answers

Essentials of Team Collaboration LinkedIn Learning Answers