Social Networks Week 2 Nptel Assignment Answers
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Course Name: Social Networks
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These are Nptel Social Networks Week 2 Assignment 2 Answers ( Jan-Apr 2025 )
1. A graph has a diameter of 1. Which of the following statements must be true?
(a) The graph is a complete graph.
(b) All nodes in the graph are directly connected to every other node.
(c) The graph contains the maximum possible number of edges for its number of nodes.
(d) The graph is sparse with relatively fewer edges compared to nodes.
(e) Adding or removing an edge cannot change its diameter.
2. In the Web Graph model, what do the nodes and edges represent?
(a) Nodes are web pages, and edges are hyperlinks between them.
(b) Nodes are servers, and edges are data transfer rates.
(c) Nodes are users, and edges are user interactions.
(d) Nodes are hashtags, and edges are co-occurrence frequencies.
3. A dataset represents a multigraph (a graph where multiple edges are allowed between two nodes). Which method in NetworkX allows you to load such a graph from an edge list file?
(a) read_multiedgelist()
(b) read_edgelist() with create_using=nx.MultiGraph()
(c) read_gml()
(d) read_multigraph()
4. Consider the following GML representation of a directed graph.

Which of the following correctly interprets the structure and properties of the graph described by the GML code?
(a) The graph is undirected, with two nodes labeled “A” and “B” connected by two edges with weights 5 and 3, respectively.
(b) The graph is directed, with node “A” pointing to node “B” with a weight of 5, and node “B” pointing back to node “A” with a weight of 3.
(c) The graph is directed, with node “A” pointing to node “B” with a weight of 3, and node “B” pointing to node “A” with a weight of 5.
(d) The graph is directed and contains a self-loop at node “A” with a weight of 5, and another self-loop at node “B” with a weight of 3.
5. Consider the following characteristics of different social network dataset formats. Which of the following statements is true about these formats?
(a) Adjacency Matrix is most efficient for storing sparse graphs because it requires minimal space for large graphs with few edges.
(b) Edge List format is not ideal for storing sparse graphs as it does not require extra space to store non-existing edges between nodes.
(c) Adjacency List is space-efficient for sparse graphs and allows for fast traversal of neighbors, making it suitable for networks with relatively few edges compared to nodes.
(d) Gephi File format is designed for large-scale networks and is not ideal for visualizing or analyzing graphs with edge weights or node attributes.
6. Pajek datasets are usually available in which of the following formats?
(a) .csv
(b) .net
(c) .tar
(d) .txt
7. Which NetworkX function would you use to visualize the degree distribution of a graph?
(a) nx.degree_histogram(G)
(b) nx.closeness_centrality(G)
(c) nx.eigenvector_centrality(G)
8. In Gephi, which metric would you compute to determine the connectivity between communities in a graph?
(a) Modularity
(b) Degree centrality
(c) Closeness centrality
(d) Betweenness centrality
9. In the context of graph theory, what is the critical threshold for the emergence of a giant connected component in a random graph?
(a) When the number of edges equals the number of nodes.
(b) When the average degree is 1.
(c) When the clustering coefficient reaches 1.
(d) When the network diameter becomes constant.
10. In a random graph, when does a giant connected component typically emerge?
(a) When the edge probability p is very small.
(b) When the edge probability p is large enough to connect most nodes.
(c) When the number of nodes n is very large.
(d) When the graph has no isolated nodes.
These are Nptel Social Networks Week 2 Assignment 2 Answers ( JULY-DEC 2023 )
Q1. Find the diameter for the given graph G in Figure 1
Answer: 4
Q2. Which of the following networks is a directed graph?
followers on instagram account
facebook friendship network
collaboration network
ingredients network
Answer: followers on instagram account
Q3. What will be the range of clustering coefficient for any vertex in undirected graph with no loop and multiple edges?
0 to 1
0 to infinity
-infinity to infinity
-1 to +1
Answer: 0 to 1
These are Nptel Social Networks Week 2 Assignment 2 Answers
Q4. Key tag in GraphML is used to assign
Node only
Edge only
Both node and edge
Answer: Both node and edge
Q5. Expand GEXF.
Graphical Extension XML Format
Graphx Extension XML Format
Graph Exchange XML Format
Graph Extend Exchange Format
Answer: Graph Exchange XML Format
Q6. Compute density of the given graph.
Answer: 1/3
These are Nptel Social Networks Week 2 Assignment 2 Answers
Q7. For the given graph H in Question 6, If A=highestdegree∑ degree, what will be the value of A?
Answer: 1/2
Q8. Choose the data set format which starts with the keyword “graph”?
Graph Exchange XML
Answer: GML
Q9. The degree distribution of most real-world networks follows which law?
Zipf’s Law
Benford’s Law
Power Law
Difficult to say; can follow any distribution
Answer: Power Law
These are Nptel Social Networks Week 2 Assignment 2 Answers
Q10. Pick out the clustering coefficient for Node A in the given graph K.
Answer: 1/6
These are Nptel Social Networks Week 2 Assignment 2 Answers
More Weeks of Social Networks: Click here
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Session: JAN-APR 2023
Course Name: Social Networks
Course Link: Click Here
These are Nptel Social Networks Week 2 Assignment 2 Answers
Q1. Consider the ingredient network where a node represents an ingredient and an edge exists between two nodes if there is a dish where both the ingredients are used. Which of the following statements is true for the nodes of the same community in such a network?
a. ingredients that are often used together
b. ingredients that are never used together
c. ingredients that are rarely used together
d. none of the above
Answer: a. ingredients that are often used together
Q2. For the Synonymy network, the path from Love to Hatred is because
a. Both are synonymous
b. both the words are connected by anonymous words
c. of degradation of synonymity along the path
d. mistake in edges connecting them
Answer: c. of degradation of synonymity along the path
Q3. Identify the network that is a Directed graph.
a. Friendship network
b. Email network
c. Road network
d. Co-authorship network
Answer: b. Email network
These are Nptel Social Networks Week 2 Assignment 2 Answers
Q4. Which of the following statements is True for GML format of networks?
Statement I: Labels and attributes can be added
Statement II: Weights cannot be added
a. Only I
b. Only II
c. Both I and II
d. Neither I nor II
Answer: a. Only I
Q5. The degree distribution of most real world datasets follows
a. Law of large numbers
b. Power law
c. Universal law of Approximation
d. Benford’s law
Answer: b. Power law
Q6. Given a complete graph with 99 nodes, what is the average clustering coefficient?
a. 0
b. 1
c. 0.5
d. 0.25
Answer: b. 1
These are Nptel Social Networks Week 2 Assignment 2 Answers
Q7. What is the diameter of Graph G?

a. 5
b. 6
c. 7
d. 8
Answer: b. 6
Q8. Calculate the clustering coefficient of vertex ’0’ in the following graph H.

a. 0.1
b. 0.2
c. 0.3
d. 0.4
Answer: c. 0.3
These are Nptel Social Networks Week 2 Assignment 2 Answers
Q9. Given n nodes, what is the minimum number of edges required to make the graph connected?
a. O(logn)
b. O(n2)
c. O(n3)
d. O(nlogn)
Answer: d. O(nlogn)
Q10. Calculate the density of the following graph

Answer: 0.80
These are Nptel Social Networks Week 2 Assignment 2 Answers
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