Social Networks | Week 11
Session: JULY-DEC 2023
Course Name: Social Networks
Course Link: Click Here
These are Nptel Social Networks Week 11 Assignment 11 Answers
Q1. Small world network model follows naturally from a combination of following two basic social-network ideas.
Preferential attachment
weak ties
Triadic closure
Answer: B, C
Q2. What is random rewiring in small world generative model?
Add a random edge to a network
remove the edge with high betweenness
Delete an edge with high betweenness
Delete a random edge and add a new random edge in a network
Answer: Delete a random edge and add a new random edge in a network
Q3. Which of the following edges represent homophily in the given network with three clusters c1, c2 and c3? Select all that apply.
(4, 5)
(11, 12)
(8, 10)
(3, 8)
Answer: B, C
These are Nptel Social Networks Week 11 Assignment 11 Answers
Q4. Which of the following ties are required to perform a decentralized search?
Only strong ties
Only weak ties
Both strong and weak ties
neither strong nor weak tie
Answer: Both strong and weak ties
Q5. Assume that each of your friends has 20 friends other than you. Similarly, each of their friends has 20 friends other than them and so on. Then, how many people can you reach in i levels (Level one refers to your friends, level 2 refers to your friends’ friends and so on)?
Answer: 20i
Q6. In a friendship graph, the distance between node A and B is 10. If we create edges according to the Watts-Strogatz model given k =2, what is the probability of them being friends through a weak tie?
Answer: 0.01
These are Nptel Social Networks Week 11 Assignment 11 Answers
Q7. In a decentralised search, what is the ideal value for k in a one dimensional network and two dimensional grid repectively to obtain the shortest distance between two nodes?
1, 2
1, 1
2, 2
2, 1
Answer: 1, 2
Q8. Given the following friendship network in two dimensions for decentralized search, what relationship does edge e1 represent?
preferential attachment
weak tie
focal closure
Answer: homophily
These are Nptel Social Networks Week 11 Assignment 11 Answers
Q9. Given a two-dimensional friendship network G, in Question 8 for decentralized search, what relationship does edge e2 represent?
preferential attachment
weak tie
focal closure
Answer: weak tie
These are Nptel Social Networks Week 11 Assignment 11 Answers
Q10. Which of the following best represents the Watts Strogatz model?
Fig: (a)
Fig: (b)
Fig: (c)
Both Fig: (a) and Fig: (b)
Answer: Fig: (b)
These are Nptel Social Networks Week 11 Assignment 11 Answers
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Session: JAN-APR 2023
Course Name: Social Networks
Course Link: Click Here
These are Nptel Social Networks Week 11 Assignment 11 Answers
Q1. Assume you have 50 friends and each of your friend has 50 other friends. You would like to invite all of them to a party. What is the maximum number of people you expect to the party?
a. 2500
b. 100
c. 2550
d. 250
Answer: c. 2550
Q2. Which of the following is True for the Milgram’s small world experiment?
a. Each letter took exactly 6 hops to reach the destination
b. Each letter took an average of 6 hops to reach the destination
c. Each letter took a maximum of 6 hops to reach the destination
d. Each letter took minimum 6 hops to reach the destination
Answer: b. Each letter took an average of 6 hops to reach the destination
These are Nptel Social Networks Week 11 Assignment 11 Answers
Q3. Assume that you have a business run through a network of entrepreneurs. Each of your customer has 100 more customers. Similarly, each of their customers has 100 customers and so on. Then, how many people can you reach in i levels (Level one refers to your customers, level 2 refers to your customers’ customers and so on)?
a. 100×100
b. 100×i
c. 100i
d. i100
Answer: c. 100i
These are Nptel Social Networks Week 11 Assignment 11 Answers
Q4. What are the two characteristics that cause small word phenomena according to Watts Strogatz model?
a. Homophily
b. Social influence
c. Focal closure
d. Weak ties
Answer: a, d
Q5. Assume you have your own friendship network with numerous friends and call this part of the network as cluster ‘A’. There is a cluster ‘B’ with lot of individuals who are friends. You have met an individual in cluster ‘B’ make friends with that individual. This friendship represents
a. social influence
b. triadic closure
c. homophily
d. weak tie
Answer: d. weak tie
Q6. Given that the number of nodes in a circular network is 1,000,000 and all the adjacent nodes remain connected, we rewire the edges with a probability of 0.4. What will be the average path length of the network?
a. 12
b. 10
c. 8
d. 6
Answer: d. 6
These are Nptel Social Networks Week 11 Assignment 11 Answers
Q7. Small world networks have
a. small average shortest path (global) and small clustering coefficient (local)
b. Large average shortest path (global) and high clustering coefficient (local)
c. High average shortest path (global) and low clustering coefficient (local)
d. small average shortest path (global) and high clustering coefficient (local)
Answer: d. small average shortest path (global) and high clustering coefficient (local)
These are Nptel Social Networks Week 11 Assignment 11 Answers
Q8. Which of the following statements are correct for Watts Strogatz model?
a. ‘n’ nodes arranged in 2-D lattice where the connections between the nodes are all random.
b. ‘n’ nodes arranged in a 2-D lattice where every node is connected to the nodes on its left, right, top, bottom and diagonally opposite
c. ‘n’ nodes arranged in a 2-D lattice where every node is connected to every other node.
d. ‘n’ nodes arranged in a 2-D lattice where every node is connected to the nodes on its left, right, top, bottom and diagonally opposite, and, some edges are randomly laid in the network between any two nodes.
Answer: d. ‘n’ nodes arranged in a 2-D lattice where every node is connected to the nodes on its left, right, top, bottom and diagonally opposite, and, some edges are randomly laid in the network between any two nodes.
These are Nptel Social Networks Week 11 Assignment 11 Answers
Q9. What is random rewiring in a generative model?
a. Remove all edges in a network and randomly add same number of edges
b. Deletion of one random edge and addition of one random edge
c. Remove edges in a network and randomly add edges with a probability ‘p’
d. addition of random edge to the network with a probability ‘p’
Answer: c. Remove edges in a network and randomly add edges with a probability ‘p’
These are Nptel Social Networks Week 11 Assignment 11 Answers
Q10. In a friendship graph, the distance between nodes P and Q is 10. If we create edges according to the WattsStrogatz model given k=2, what is the probability of them being friends through a weak tie?
a. 0.001
b. 0.01
c. 0.1
d. 0.25
Answer: b. 0.01
These are Nptel Social Networks Week 11 Assignment 11 Answers
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