Social Networks Week 1 Nptel Assignment Answers
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Nptel Social Networks Week 1 Assignment Answers (Jan-Apr 2025)
Course Link: Click Here
1. Which Python code correctly computes the sum of even numbers in the list L = [3, 5, 8, 2, 6]
- (a)
sum(x for x in L if x % 2 == 0)
- (b)
sum(x for x in L if x % 2 != 0)
- (c)
sum(x for x in L if x > 2)
- (d)
2. You are given a dictionary d = {'A': 10, 'B': 20, 'C': 30}
. Which Python code snippet correctly adds a new key 'D'
with value 40
to the dictionary?
- (a)
d['D'] = 40
- (b)
d.add('D', 40)
- (c)
d.update('D', 40)
- (d)
d.update({'D': 40})
3. Given the following Python code snippet, what will be the output?
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = [1, 2, 3, 4]
y = [1, 4, 9, 16]
plt.scatter(x, y)
- (a) A bar chart displaying the values in
. - (b) A line graph connecting the points
(1, 1)
,(2, 4)
,(3, 9)
,(4, 16)
. - (c) A scatter plot with points
(1, 1)
,(2, 4)
,(3, 9)
,(4, 16)
. - (d) A histogram displaying the values of
4. Using the NetworkX library, how would you create an undirected graph with three nodes (A
, B
, C
) and two edges (A-B
and B-C
- (a)
G = nx.Graph()
G.add_edges_from([('A', 'B'), ('B', 'C')])
- (b)
G = nx.DiGraph()
G.add_edges_from([('A', 'B'), ('B', 'C')])
- (c)
G = nx.Graph()
G.add_edges([('A', 'B'), ('B', 'C')])
- (d)
G = nx.Graph()
G.add_edges_from([('A', 'B'), ('B', 'C')], directed=True)
5. In the PageRank algorithm, what is the primary assumption regarding the link structure of the web?
- (a) Pages that are linked to more often are likely more important.
- (b) Pages that are less frequently linked are likely more important.
- (c) Pages with more content are likely more important.
- (d) Pages without links are considered equally important as those with links.
6. In a social network, you are tasked with finding the shortest path between two individuals, A
and B
. Which of the following algorithms would be suitable?
- (a) Dijkstra’s Algorithm
- (b) A* Search Algorithm
- (c) Breadth-First Search (BFS)
- (d) Depth-First Search (DFS)
7. Which of the following methods is commonly used for link prediction in a social network?
- (a) Collaborative Filtering
- (b) K-means Clustering
- (c) Matrix Factorization
8. In models of contagion in social networks, what does the term “threshold” specifically refer to?
- (a) The minimum number of links required to spread an infection in a network.
- (b) The fraction of neighbors a node needs to be influenced by to adopt a new behavior.
- (c) The time it takes for an infection to spread from one node to another.
- (d) The maximum number of nodes that can be infected at any given time.
9. Which centrality measure would you use to find the individuals who have the shortest average path length to all other nodes in the network?
- (a) Degree Centrality
- (b) Closeness Centrality
- (c) Betweenness Centrality
- (d) Eigenvector Centrality
10. Which of the following NetworkX functions can be used to predict potential links in a network based on node similarity indices?
- (a)
- (b)
- (c)
- (d)
Nptel Social Networks Week 1 Assignment Answers (Jul-Dec 2024)
Course Link: Click Here
Q1. Which function will you use to find the number of edges drawn in the Graph?
order( )
edges( )
edge_size( )
number_of_edges( )
Answer: number_of_edges( )
Q2. What will be the maximum number of edges for a graph with 10 vertices?
Answer: 45
Q3. What does items() function for a dictionary return?
Dictionary with all keys and values
List with tuples having keys and values
List containing all keys and values
Tuples containing all keys and values
Answer: List with tuples having keys and values
These are Nptel Social Networks Week 1 Assignment Answers
Q4. What will be the output of the given code?
x=[i for i in range(10)]
plt.plot(x,x**2,‘r=’) ( )
Error displaying unsupported operand types for ** in plot
It plots the x with its exponential value with points and lines in the plot
It plots x with expontential value with points in the plot
It plots x with expontential value with red line in the plot
Answer: Error displaying unsupported operand types for ** in plot
Q5. What does the value ‘ys-’ as the third parameter in plot function indicate?
It helps to plot square with line connecting the points
It helps to plot yellow color square with dotted line connecting the points
It helps to plot yellow color square with line connecting the points
It helps to plot yellow color dotted line
Answer: It helps to plot yellow color square with line connecting the points
Q6. Choose the correct statement to convert a list ‘List1’ to array in numpy.
List1.numpy array()
Answer: List1=numpy.array(List1)
These are Nptel Social Networks Week 1 Assignment Answers
Q7. Use networkx package, and write the statement to add the edges between two nodes (1,2) of a graph G=nx.Graph().
Answer: G.add_edge(1,2)
Q8. If you want to generate a random number from an inclusive range which function is to be used?
Answer: randint()
Q9. If a=‘Social’, b=‘Networks’ then which of the following operation would show ’SocialNetworks’ as output?
All of the above
Answer: All of the above
These are Nptel Social Networks Week 1 Assignment Answers
Q10. In the command networkx.erdos_renyi_graph(a,b), the parameters ‘a’ and ‘b’ denote the following respectively:
Number of edges and the probability with which edges are to be placed between every pair of nodes
Number of nodes and the probability with which edges are to be placed between every pair of nodes
The probability with which edges are to be placed between every pair of nodes and Number of edges
Number of edges and Number of nodes
Answer: Number of nodes and the probability with which edges are to be placed between every pair of nodes
Nptel Social Networks Week 1 Assignment Answers (Jan-Apr 2023)
Course Link: Click Here
Q1) What would be the output for the following code?
a. [98, 90, 78, 77, 45]
b. [78, 77, 45, 90, 98]
c. [98, 90, 45, 77, 78]
d. [78, 77, 45, 98, 90]
Answer: c. [98, 90, 45, 77, 78]
Q2) Given the following code, Which of the following is not a possible output?
import random
def calc():
return( x+y+z )
a. 1.6115945523495627
b. 0.202709723169674
c. 2.3142203461882844
d. 3.9133426822720435
Answer: d. 3.9133426822720435
Q3) Which of the following statement creates the given dictionary, d:{1:1,2:4,3:9,4:16}
a. d={x:x∗∗2 for x in range(1,5)}
b. d={x:x∗∗2 for x in range(5)}
c. d={x:x∗∗2 for x in range(0,5)}
d. d={x:x∗∗2 for x in range(1,6)}
Answer: a. d={x:x∗∗2 for x in range(1,5)}
These are Nptel Social Networks Week 1 Assignment Answers
Q4) Identify the graph output for the following segment:
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Answer: a
These are Nptel Social Networks Week 1 Assignment Answers
Q5) Given the following code, what is the number of edges in the graph created?
G.add_nodes_from([i for i in range(10)])
def create_graph(n):
while(len(G.edges())< n):
if u!=v and G.has_edge(u,v)==0:
a. 9
b. 10
c. n
d. n−1
Answer: c. n
Q6) Which of the statements is True for the graph created from the statement: nx.gnp_random_graph(10,0.5)?
a. Graph has 10 nodes with half of the nodes connected
b. Graph has 10 nodes with each edge to be put with probability 0.5
c. Connected graph with 10 nodes
d. Graph has 5 nodes with half of the nodes connected
Answer: b. Graph has 10 nodes with each edge to be put with probability 0.5
These are Nptel Social Networks Week 1 Assignment Answers
Q7) What is the maximum number of graphs that can be created from 10 nodes?
a. 2(10 2)
b. 2(2 10)
c. 210
d. 210 2
Answer: a. 2(10 2)
Q8) Given that we have n nodes in a network, what is the approximate number of steps to search a node?
a. nlogn
b. logn
c. nn
d. 2logn
Answer: b. logn
These are Nptel Social Networks Week 1 Assignment Answers
Q9) Identify the layout for the graph given in the following figure.
a. spectral
b. spring
c. circular
d. random
Answer: c. circular
Q10) Friend suggestion on Facebook is one of the applications of
a. Page ranking
b. Link prediction
c. Small work phenomenon
d. Cascading
Answer: b. Link prediction
These are Nptel Social Networks Week 1 Assignment Answers
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