Leadership and Team Effectiveness | Week 2

Session: JAN-APR 2024

Course name: Leadership and Team Effectiveness

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These are Nptel Leadership and Team Effectiveness Assignment 2 Week 2 Answers

Q1. Which of the following is important because it can provide leaders with a variety of insights into how to frame problems differently, look at situations from multiple perspectives, or better understand subordinates?
Task significance

Answer: Reflection

Q2. Which of the following sequence is correct with respect to the cycle of leadership making?
Maturity, Acquaintance, Stranger
Unknown, Maturity, Acquaintance
Stranger, Acquaintance, Maturity
Acquaintance, Known, Stranger

Answer: Stranger, Acquaintance, Maturity

Q3. Which of the following is another name of the situational leadership model?
Herzberg’s two-factor Theory
Hersey-Blanchard Model
McClelland’s Theory of Needs
Alderfer’s ERG Theory

Answer: Hersey-Blanchard Model

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These are Nptel Leadership and Team Effectiveness Assignment 2 Week 2 Answers

Q4. _______ who takes risks and action in a crisis.

Answer: Warrior-Knight

Q5. Which of the following error refers to the tendency to make external attributions (blame the situation) for one’s own failures yet make internal attributions (take credit) for one’s successes?
Self-Serving bias
Actor/Observer difference
Fundamental attribution error
Halo effect

Answer: Self-Serving bias

Q6. Which of the following theory argues that leaders do not treat all followers as if they were a uniform group of equals. Rather, the leader forms specific and unique linkages with each subordinate, thus creating a series of dyadic relationships?
Vroom’s Theory of Expectancy
Goal-setting theory
Leader Member Exchange Theory
Theory X And Theory Y

See also  Leadership and Team Effectiveness | Week 12

Answer: Leader Member Exchange Theory

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These are Nptel Leadership and Team Effectiveness Assignment 2 Week 2 Answers

Q7. Which of the following implies that followers accept the decision as if it was their own and do not merely comply with the decision?
Continuum of decision processes
Decision Quality
Delay in Decision
Decision Acceptance

Answer: Decision Acceptance

Q8. Which of the following style is used by leaders who frequently give explicitdirections and who supervise all tasks closely?
Telling style
Selling style
Delegating style
Participating style

Answer: Telling style

Q9. Low-LPC leaders are motivated primarily by the task, whereas high-LPC leaders are motivated primarily by establishing and maintaining _________.
Close interpersonal relationships
Poor relationships
Maintaining Conflicts
Intrapersonal relationships.

Answer: Close interpersonal relationships

These are Nptel Leadership and Team Effectiveness Assignment 2 Week 2 Answers

Q10. Leadership development through experience may be better understood as the growth resulting from repeated movements through which of the following three phases?

Answer: Action-Observation-Reflection

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These are Nptel Leadership and Team Effectiveness Assignment 2 Week 2 Answers

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These are Nptel Leadership and Team Effectiveness Assignment 2 Week 2 Answers