Data Visualization with R Final Peer Graded Assignment | Week 4

Data Visualization with R Final Peer Graded Assignment

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Task 1: Add application title in the UI (1 pt)

Task 2: Add the first fluidRow to select input for the country in UI (2 pts)

Task 3: Add the second fluidRow to control how to plot the continuous variables in UI (2 pts)

Task 4: Add the third fluidRow to control how to plot the categorical variables in UI (2 pts)

Task 5: Create logic to plot histogram or boxplot in server

– Task 5.1: Show the boxplot of the “age” variable (2 pts)

– Task 5.2: Show the histogram of the “hours_per_week” (2 pts)

Data Visualization with R Final Peer Graded Assignment

Task 6: Create logic to plot faceted bar chart or stacked bar chart in server

– Task 6.1: Show the faceted unstacked bar chart for the “workclass” variable (3 pts)

– Task 6.2: Show the stacked bar chart for the “education” variable (3 pts)

Task 7: Share your final dashboard (including any optional changes to the themes or customizations to the graphs) (3 pts)

The content uploaded on this website is for reference purposes only. Please do it yourself first.