Data Science Using R ‘Value Added’ (Quiz 2)
Data Science Using R Quiz
More on Data Science Using R : Click Here
1. CSV files can be imported and read using:*
- read.table(“file.csv”)
- read.csv(“file.csv”)
- write.csv(“file.csv”)
- none of the above
2. ” %>% ” is called*
- pipe operator
- reference operator
- modulus operator
- dereference operator
3. consider laptops dataset , to create a apple_laptop dataset having Manufacturer only Apple which command will be used*

- laptops %>% filter(Manufacturer==”Apple”)->apple_laptop
- laptops %>% filter(Manufacturer==”Apple”)<-apple_laptop
- laptops %>% select(Manufacturer==”Apple”)->apple_laptop
- laptop %>% filter(Category==”Apple”)->apple_laptop
4. consider the dataset in question 3. Which command will be used to select column 2 and 3.*
- laptops %>% select(2,3)
- laptops %>% filter(2,3)
- laptops[2,3]
- laptops %>% select([2,3])
5. _________ is called Grammar of Data Manipulation
- dplyr
- ggplot2
- purrr
- tibble
6. __________ is called Grammar of Graphics*
- dplyr
- ggplot2
- purrr
- tibble
Data Science Using R Quiz
7. Choose correct command to create a connection with MySQL database*
- dbconnect(MySQL(),user=’root’, password=’password’,dbname=’mydb’,host=’localhost’)
- dbConnect(MySQL(),user=’root’, password=’password’,dbname=’mydb’,host=’localhost’)
- dbconnect(MySQL(),user=’root, password=’password’,dbnames=’mydb’,host=’localhost’)
- connect(MySQL(),user=’root, password=’password’,dbname=’mydb’,host=’localhost’)
8. Package to install MySQL database is*
- none of the above
9. scatter plot is used to*
- depict relationship between 2 variables
- represent categorical data
- represent distribution of quantitative data
- represent distribution of qualitative data
10. __________ is the geometric function in ggplot for histogram*
- geom_hist()
- geom_histogram()
- geom_histo()
- histogram()
11. In order to retrieve all values from a database named student ___________ command is used in R*
- fetch(dbSendQuery(MySQL_connection, “Select * from student”))
- Fetch(dbSendQuery(MySQL_connection, “Select all from Student”))
- fetch(dbSendQuery(MySQL_connection, “Select all from students”))
- dbSendQuery(MySQL_connection, “Select all from Student”)
12. Data Science is an interdisciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms and systems to extract knowledge and insights from*
- noisy data
- structured data
- unstructured data
- all of the above
13. in order to write the title of a plot generated by ggplot2 package. which of the following functions is used*
- ggtitle()
- ggwrite()
- ggdesc()
- ggtext()
14. R files has an extension ______*
- .R
- .rp
- .c
- .s
15. consider two vectors > x<-c(1,2,3,4)> y<-c(5,6,7,8) what will be the output of code z<-cbind(x,y))*

- Option 1

- Option 2
- error will be generated
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