Data Science Using R ‘Value Added’ (Quiz 3)

1. ANOVA testing is used to find:*

  1. Relationship between numerical and categorical variable
  2. Relationship between 2 categorical variables
  3. Relationship between 2 numerical variable
  4. Relationship between 3 numerical varaibles

2. Chi-Square testing is applied to find*

  1. Relationship between numerical and categorical variable
  2. Relationship between 2 categorical variables
  3. Relationship between 2 numerical variable
  4. Relationship between 3 numerical varaibles

3.  suppose p-value returned by chi-square testing applied on two valuables Exercise and Smoke is 0.4382.  based on this p-vale both variables are:*

  1. Independent to each other
  2. Dependent on each other

4. By default level of significance is:*

  1. 0.02
  2. 0.05
  3. 0.01
  4. 0.1

5. How can we find the geometric mean of vector x?*

  1. mean(x)
  2. (prod(x)^(1/length(x))
  3. (1/mean(1/x))
  4. median(x)

6. consider a frequency table(y) of vector x, how can you calculate mode*

  1. names(y)[which(y==max(y))]
  2. names(y)[which(y==min(y))]
  3. name(y)[which(y==max(y))]
  4. names(y)[which(y)]

7. consider frequency table in question 34, what will be the mode of  x<-c(33,33,33,22,12,23,44,44,44,23)*

  1. [1] “33” “44”
  2. [1] “1”
  3. [1] “44”
  4. [1] “33”

8. to calculate variance of vector x, which of the following functions is used:*

  1. var(x)
  2. variance(x)
  3. sqrt(var(x))
  4. VAR(x)

9. Interquartile range divides the dataset into _____ quarters*

  1. four
  2. three
  3. two
  4. five

10. if the significance level is set to 0.1 probability, then the sample mean less than 10% will be  *

  1. rejected
  2. accepted

11. function used to perform chi-square testing is:*

  1. chi.sq()
  2. chisq.test()
  3. chisquare()
  4. chitest()

12. to perform data analysis of twitter, which package is used*

  1. rtweet
  2. twitter
  3. tweet
  4. none of the above

13. Hypothesis is*

  1. an assumption
  2. a statement
  3. true value
  4. none of the above

14.  consider two vectors > x<-c(1,2,3,4)> y<-c(5,6,7,8) what will be the output of code z<-cbind(x,y))*

See also  Data Visualization with R | Week 4
  1. Option 1
  • Option 2
  • error will be generated

15.  in order to write the title of a plot generated by ggplot2 package. which of the following functions is used*

  1. ggtitle()
  2. ggwrite()
  3. ggdesc()
  4. ggtext()