TensorFlow for AI,Ml&Dl Exercise & Quiz (Week 2)
1. What’s the name of the dataset of Fashion images used in this week’s code?
Ans: Fashion MNIST
2. What do the above mentioned Images look like?
Ans: 28×28 Greyscale
3. How many images are in the Fashion MNIST dataset?
Ans: 70,000
4. Why are there 10 output neurons?
Ans: There are 10 different labels
5. What does Relu do?
Ans: It only returns x if x is greater than zero
6. Why do you split data into training and test sets?
Ans: To test a network with previously unseen data
7. What method gets called when an epoch finishes?
Ans: on epoch end
8. What parameter to you set in your fit function to tell it to use callbacks?
Ans: callbacks=
TensorFlow for AI,ML&DL EXERCISE (WEEK 2)
For reference .ipynb file is attached below.