Problem Solving Through Programming In C Week 4

Session: JULY-DEC 2023

Course Name: Problem Solving Through Programming In C

Course Link: Click Here

These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 4 Answers

Q1. What is the purpose of the “if-else” statement in C?
a) To execute a block of code repeatedly.
b) To declare variables and constants.
c) To test a condition and execute different code based on the result.
d) To perform mathematical calculations.

Answer: c) To test a condition and execute different code based on the result.

Q2. What is the correct syntax for an “if-else” statement in C?
a) if condition { statement1; statement2; } else { statement3; }
b) if condition then { statement1; } else { statement2; }
c) if (condition) { statement1; } else { statement2; }
d) if condition then statement1; else statement2;

Answer: c) if (condition) { statement1; } else { statement2; }

Q3. Which of the following is true about nested “if-else” statements?
a) They are not allowed in C.
b) The “else” part is mandatory for every “if” statement.
c) They allow you to test multiple conditions and execute different blocks of code based on the results.
d) Nested “if-else” statements are only allowed up to two levels deep

Answer: c) They allow you to test multiple conditions and execute different blocks of code based on the results.

These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 4 Answers

Q4. What happens if there is no “else” part in an “if-else” statement?
a) The program will not compile.
b) The program will crash at runtime.
c) If the condition is true, nothing happens; if the condition is false, the program crashes.
d) If the condition is true, the program executes the code inside the “if” block; if the condition is false, nothing happens.

Answer: d) If the condition is true, the program executes the code inside the “if” block; if the condition is false, nothing happens.

Q5. Which of the following operators can be used to combine multiple conditions in an “if” statement?
a) && (logical AND)
b) || (logical OR)
c) ! (logical NOT)
d) All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

Q6. Compute the printed value of i of the C program given below
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) Compiler error

Answer: a) 2

These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 4 Answers

Q7. If multiple conditions are used in a single “if” statement then the testing of those conditions are done
a) From Right to Left
b) From Left to right
c) Randomly
d) None of the above

Answer: b) From Left to right

Q8. What is the purpose of the given program? n is the input number given by the user.
a) Sum of the digits of a number
b) The negative sum of the digits of a number
c) The reverse of a number
d) The same number is printed

Answer: b) The negative sum of the digits of a number

Q9. What will be the value of a, b, c after the execution of the followings
int a=5, b=7, c=111;
c/= ++a * b–;

a) a=5, b=6, c=2;
b) a=6, b=7, c=1;
c) a=6, b=6,c=2;
d) a=5, b=7, c=1;

Answer: c) a=6, b=6,c=2;

These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 4 Answers

Q10. What will be the output of the following program?
a) Choice is 1
b) Choice other than 1
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) Syntax error

Answer: c) Both (a) and (b)


Question 1
Write a C Program to Find the Smallest Number among Three Numbers (integer values) using Nested IF-Else statement.


            printf("%d is the smallest number.", n1);
            printf("%d is the smallest number.", n3);
            printf("%d is the smallest number.", n2);
            printf("%d is the smallest number.", n3);

Question 2
The length of three sides are taken as input. Write a C program to find whether a triangle can be formed or not. If not display “This Triangle is NOT possible.” If the triangle can be formed then check whether the triangle formed is equilateral, isosceles, scalene or a right-angled triangle. (If it is a right-angled triangle then only print Right-angle triangle do not print it as Scalene Triangle).


            printf("Equilateral Triangle");
        else if(a==b||a==c||b==c)
            printf("Isosceles Triangle");
        else if((a*a)==(b*b)+(c*c)||(b*b)==(a*a)+(c*c)||(c*c)==(a*a)+(b*b))
            printf("Right-angle Triangle");
        else if(a!=b&&a!=c&&b!=c)
            printf("Scalene Triangle");
        printf("Triangle is not possible");

Question 3
Write a program to find the factorial of a given number using while loop.


int i=1;
    fact = 1;
    printf("The Factorial of %d is : %ld",n,fact);

Question 4
Write a Program to find the sum of all even numbers from 1 to N where the value of N is taken as input. [For example when N is 10 then the sum is 2+4+6+8+10 = 30]


for(int i = 2; i <= N; i += 2)
        sum += i;
    printf("Sum = %d",sum);

These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 4 Answers

More Weeks of Problem Solving Through Programming In C: Click here

More Nptel Courses: Click here

Session: JAN-APR 2023

Course Name: Problem Solving Through Programming In C

Course Link: Click Here

These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 4 Answers

Q1. The control/conditional statements used in C is/are
a) ‘if-else’ statements
b) ‘switch’ statements
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of these

Answer: c) Both (a) and (b)

Q2. What is the other statement that can avoid multiple nested if conditions?
a) Functions
b) ‘switch’ statements
c) ‘if-else’ statements with ‘break’
d) Loop statements

Answer: b) ‘switch’ statements

These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 4 Answers

Q3. The loop which is executed at least one is
a) while
b) do-while
c) for
d) none of the above

Answer: b) do-while

Q4. ‘switch’ statement cannot use which of the following datatype:
a) int
b) char
c) short
d) float

Answer: d) float

These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 4 Answers

Q5. Which of the following is a C Conditional Operator?
a) ?:
b) : ?
c) :<
d) <:

Answer: a) ?:


image 46

Answer: 31

These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 4 Answers

Q7. Which of the following statement is correct regarding C ‘if-else’ statement?
a) ‘else if’ is compulsory to use with ‘if’ statement.
b) ‘else’ is compulsory to use with ‘if’ statement.
c) ‘else’ or ‘else if’ is optional with ‘if’ statement.
d) None of the above

Answer: c) ‘else’ or ‘else if’ is optional with ‘if’ statement.


image 47

a) Swayam
b) C Programming
c) Swayam C Programming
d) It won’t print anything

Answer: b) C Programming

These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 4 Answers

Q9. What will be the value of ‘i’ after the execution of the following statements?
Assume the initial values as i = 8; j = 5; k = 0.

Answer: 3

Q10. What will be the value of a, b, c after the execution of the followings?
int a = 5, b = 7, c = 111;
c/= ++a* b–;

a) a=5, b=6, c=2;
b) a=6, b=7, c=1;
c) a=6, b=6, c=2;
d) a=5, b=7, c=1;

Answer: c) a=6, b=6, c=2;

These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 4 Answers

Problem Solving Through Programming In C Programming Assignment

Question 1

Write a C Program to Find the Smallest Number among Three Numbers (integer values) using Nested IF-Else statement.


if((n1 < n2) && (n1 < n3))
      printf("%d is the smallest number.", n1);
    else if(n2 < n3)
      printf("%d is the smallest number.", n2);
      printf("%d is the smallest number.", n3);

Question 2

Write a program to find the factorial of a given number using while loop.


fact = 1;
    int num = n;
    while(num>0) {
       fact = fact * num;
    printf("The Factorial of %d is : %ld",n,fact);

These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 4 Answers

Question 3

Write a Program to find the sum of all even numbers from 1 to N where the value of N is taken as input. [For example when N is 10 then the sum is 2+4+6+8+10 = 30]


for(int i=2;i<=N;i=i+2)
printf("Sum = %d", sum);

Question 4

Write a C program to calculate the Sum of First and the Last Digit of a given Number. For example if the number is 1234 the result is 1+4 = 5.


Last_digit = N % 10;

while(N > 0) {
  First_digit = N;
  N = N / 10;

These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 4 Answers

More Weeks of Problem Solving Through Programming In C: Click Here

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Session: JULY-DEC 2022

Course Name: Problem Solving Through Programming In C NPTEL

Link of course: Click Here

These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 4 Answers

Q1) The loop which is executed at least once is
a) “while” loop
b) “do-while” loop
c) “for” loop
d) None of the above

Answer: b) “do-while” loop

Q2) In the C programming language negative numbers when used in if-else conditional checking, are treated as
c) Depends on the implementation
d) None of these

Answer: a) TRUE

Q3) Choose the correct statement to use “if-else” statement in C Language
a) “else if” is compulsory to use with “if” statement.
b) “else” is compulsory to use with “if” statement.
c) “else” or “else if” is optional with the “if” statement.
d) None of the above are correct

Answer: c) “else” or “else if” is optional with the “if” statement.

These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 4 Answers

Q4) What is the output of the following C code?
int main()
int a = 1;
if (a–)
if (++a)
return 0;

a) True
b) False
c) Both ‘True’ and ‘False’ are printed
d) Compilation error

Answer: c) Both ‘True’ and ‘False’ are printed

These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 4 Answers

Q5) In the following example, tell which statement is correct
if(condition1== 1)) && if( (condition2==1)

a) Condition 1 will be evaluated first, and condition2 will be evaluated second
b) Condition2 will be evaluated first, and condition1 will be evaluated second
c) Condition 1 will be evaluated first, condition2 will be evaluated only if the condition1 is TRUE
d) Condition2 will be evaluated first, and condition1 will be evaluated only if condition2 is TRUE

Answer: c) Condition 1 will be evaluated first, condition2 will be evaluated only if the condition1 is TRUE

Q6) Which one of the following is the correct syntax for Ternary Operator in C language?
a) condition? expression1 : expression2
b) condition : expression1 ? expression2
c) condition? expression 1 < expression2
d) condition expression1 ? expression2

Answer: a) condition? expression1 : expression2

These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 4 Answers

Q7) The purpose of the following program fragment is to
b=b-s;(where s and b are two integers)

a) Transfer the content of s to b
b) Transfer the content of b to s
c) Exchange (swap) the content of s and b
d) Negate the contents of s and b

Answer: c) Exchange (swap) the content of s and b

Q8) What will be the output?
int main()
int x=0;
x = printf(“3”);
return 0;

a) 11
b) 33
c) 31
d) 13

Answer: c) 31

These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 4 Answers

Q9) What will be the output?
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int i=0, j=1;
printf(“\n%d i++ && ++j);
printf(“\n%d”, %d”, ij);
return 0;

a) 0 12
b) 1 11
c) 0 00
d) 0 11

Answer: d) 0 11

Q10) What will be the value of a, b, and c after the execution of the following
int a = 5, b = 7, c = 111;
c/= ++a* b–;

a) a=5, b=6, c=2;
b) a=6, b=7, c=1;
c) a=6, b=6, c=2;
d) a=5, b=7, c=1;

Answer: c) a=6, b=6, c=2;

These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 4 Answers

Programming Assesgment Answers

Question 1
Write a C Program to Find the Smallest Number among Three Numbers (integer values) using Nested IF-Else statement.



These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 4 Answers

Question 2
Write a program to find whether a given character is a Vowel or consonant. A character is taken as input. The character may be in Upper Case or in Lower Case.



These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 4 Answers

Question 3
Write a C program to calculate the Sum of First and the Last Digit of a given Number.
For example if the number is 1234 the result is 1+ 4 = 5.



These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 4 Answers

Question 4
Write a C program to find power of a number using while loops. The base number (>0) and exponent (>=0) is taken from the test cases.



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These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 4 Answers
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