Problem Solving Through Programming In C Week 12
Session: JULY-DEC 2023
Course Name: Problem Solving Through Programming In C
Course Link: Click Here
These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 12 Answers
Q1. Which of the following are themselves a collection of different data types?
a) String
b) Array
c) Character
d) Structure
Answer: d) Structure
Q2. Which of the following comments about the usage structures is true?
a) Storage class can be assigned to individual member
b) Individual members can be initialized within a structure type declaration
c) The scope of the member name is confined to the particular structure, within which it is defined
d) None of the above
Answer: c) The scope of the member name is confined to the particular structure, within which it is defined
Q3. What is actually passed if you pass a structure variable to a function?
a) Copy of structure variable
b) Reference of structure variable
c) Starting address of structure variable
d) Ending address of structure variable
Answer: a) Copy of structure variable
These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 12 Answers
Q4. Which function is used to write a string to a file?
a) fputs()
b) fprintf()
c) fwrite()
d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above
Q5. Find the output of the following program
a) abcd
b) bcd
c) cd
d) abcdfgh
Answer: b) bcd
Q6. The program will allocate……. bytes to ptr. Assume sizeof(int) = 4.
a) 8
b) 16
c) 4
d) 32
Answer: a) 8
These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 12 Answers
Q7. What is the output of the following C code? Assume that the address of x is 2000 (in decimal) and an integer requires four bytes of memory.
a) 2036, 2036, 2036
b) 2012, 4, 2204
c) 2036, 10, 10
d) 2012, 4, 6
Answer: a) 2036, 2036, 2036
Q8. Can a structure contain a pointer to its own type?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Only as an array
d) Only if the structure is anonymous
Answer: a) Yes
Q9. What is the output of the following code snippet?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
Answer: d) 4
These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 12 Answers
Q10. What is the output of the following C program?
a) True
b) False
c) No output
d) Compilation error
Answer: b) False
Question 1
Write a program in C to find the factorial of a given number using pointers.
void findFact(int n, long int *f)
int ids;
*f =1;
for(ids=1;ids <= n;ids++)
Question 2
Write a C program to print the Record of the Student Merit wise. Here a structure variable is defined which contains student rollno, name and score.
struct student tempo;
int j;
for(i=0;i < n-1;i++)
for(j=0;j < n-1;j++)
if(s[j].score < s[j+1].score)
These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 11 Answers
Question 3
Write a C program to store n elements using Dynamic Memory Allocation – calloc() and find the Largest element
element = (float*) calloc(n, sizeof(float));
if(element == NULL)
printf("Error!!! memory not allocated.");
int ide;
for(ide = 0; ide < n; ++ide)
scanf("%f", element + ide);
for(ide = 1; ide < n; ++ide)
if(*element < *(element + ide))
*element = *(element + ide);
printf("Largest element = %.2f\n", *element);
return 0;
Question 4
Write a C program to find the sum of two 1D integer arrays ‘A’ and ‘B’ of same size and store the result in another array ‘C’, where the size of the array and the elements of the array are taken as input.
In the Test case the input is given as follows
So the output will be displayed as
Result is
int *a1,*b,*c;
a1 = (int *) malloc(n*sizeof(int));
b = (int *) malloc(n*sizeof(int));
c = (int *) malloc(n*sizeof(int));
for(i=0;i < n;i++)
for(i=0;i < n;i++)
for(i=0;i < n;i++)
*(c+i) = *(a1+i) + *(b+i);
These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 12 Answers
More Weeks of Problem Solving Through Programming In C: Click here
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Session: JAN-APR 2023
Course Name: Problem Solving Through Programming In C
Course Link: Click Here
These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 12 Answers
Q1. Which of the following are themselves a collection of different data types?
a) String
b) Array
c) Character
d) Structure
Answer: d) Structure
Q2. Can we declare function inside structure of C Programming?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Compiler dependant
d) Its possible, but causes runtime errors.
Answer: b) No
These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 12 Answers
Q3. What is the output of the following C program? #include struct p { }; int x; char y : int main() { } struct p p1[] = {1,21,69,42,64}; struct p ptrl=pl; int x = (sizeof(p1)/4); if ((x == sizeof(int) + 2sizeof(char))) printf(“True”); else printf(“False”); return 0;}
a. True
b. False
c. No output
d. Compilation error
Answer: a. True
Q4. Which of the following statements is true about the equality of two structure variables?
a) Two structure variables are equal if all their members are equal
b) Two structure variables are equal if they have the same address
c) Two structure variables cannot be compared for equality
d) None of the above
Answer: a) Two structure variables are equal if all their members are equal
These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 12 Answers
Q5. What will be output? #include int main() { } struct insti { int x = 2; char ins[] = “IIT”; }; struct insti s1; printf(“%d”,s1.ins); printf(“%d”, s1.x); return 0;}
a) IIT
b) 2
c) IIT 2
d) Compilation error
Answer: d) Compilation error
Q6. What is the size of the following structure in bytes? struct example { char c; int i; double d; };
a) 7
b) 12
c) 16
d) 20
Answer: c) 16
These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 12 Answers
Q7. What will be output?
a) 5 10 10
b) 10 5 15
c) 10 5 10
d) 10 15 5
Answer: c) 10 5 10
Q8. What is the output of the following C code? Assume that the address of x is 2000 (in decimal) and an integer requires four bytes of memory
a) 2036 2036 2036
b) 2012 4 2204
c) 2036 10 10
d) 2012 4 6
Answer: a) 2036 2036 2036
These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 12 Answers
Q9. What is the output of the following code?
a) Hello, world!
b) Hello!
c) world
d) world!
Answer: d) world!
Q10. Which of the following is a disadvantage of the Trapezoidal Rule?
a) It is computationally expensive
b) It is only accurate for certain types of functions
c) It can produce inaccurate results for functions with rapidly changing curvature
d) It requires a large number of subintervals to achieve high accuracy
Answer: c) It can produce inaccurate results for functions with rapidly changing curvature
These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 12 Answers
Problem Solving Through Programming In C Programming Assignment
Question 1
Write a program in C to find the factorial of a given number using pointers.
void findFact(int n, long int *f)
int i;
*f =1;
Question 2
Write a C program to print the Record of the Student Merit wise. Here a structure variable is defined which contains student rollno, name and score.
struct student temp;
int j;
These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 12 Answers
Question 3
Write a C program to store n elements using Dynamic Memory Allocation – calloc() and find the Largest element.
element = (float*) calloc(n, sizeof(float));
if(element == NULL)
printf("Error!!! memory not allocated.");
// Stores the number entered by the user.
int i;
for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
scanf("%f", element + i);
// find the largest
for(i = 1; i < n; ++i)
if(*element < *(element + i))
*element = *(element + i);
printf("Largest element = %.2f\n", *element);
return 0;
These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 12 Answers
Question 4
Write a C program to add two distance given as input in feet and inches.
if (sum.inch>=12)
These are Problem Solving Through Programming In C Assignment 12 Answers
More Weeks of Problem Solving Through Programming In C: Click Here
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