Problem Solving Techniques

Problem Solving Techniques Answers All Quiz

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Problem Solving Techniques Answers Quiz-1

Question 1 of 10
John repeatedly asks why-type questions to analyze a problem. What does he produce?

  • a chart or table
  • an equation
  • a matrix
  • a tree or chain

Question 2 of 10
What are the “Five Whys”?

  • a way to assess the system, rather than the first person who has a problem
  • a linear method for getting to the root cause of a problem
  • a way to blame management for everything

Question 3 of 10
When investigating fault, why does it make sense to try swapping items in the scenario

  • to get at least one combination that works so you can get the job done
  • to look as if you’re doing something
  • to find out where the fault lies
  • to invalidate the null state

Question 4 of 10
Senge says ___

  • we struggle with time lags of more than two minutes
  • applying mathematical analysis is the answer
  • we will never win
  • we think we are in control, but really, our decisions are predictable

Question 5 of 10
Company A has 50,000 customers. According to the Pareto principle, about how many of
those customers are responsible for 80 percent of the customer complaints?

  • 20000
  • 5000
  • 30000
  • 10000

Question 6 of 10
How can you prove that you have found the real or correct cause of a problem?

  • Compare control groups.
  • Set up a cause matrix.
  • Implement all possible solutions.
  • Test every combination of causes.

Question 7 of 10
According to Senge, what do most difficult processes have in common?

  • multiple inputs and outcomes
  • uncertainty and prediction
  • time delays and feedback
  • loops and branches

Question 8 of 10
What is the most common reason for assuming the wrong cause of a problem?

  • A problem might be its own cause.
  • There can be a common cause for two problems, so you think one problem is
    causing the other.
  • A problem might not have a cause at all.

Question 9 of 10
What is Pareto’s primary message?

  • Pareto does not apply to staff and service, only to factories.
  • 20% of problems come from 80% of causes.
  • 80% of problems come from 20% of causes.
  • 80% of problems come from 80% of causes.

Question 10 of 10
A solution identification and evaluation process in the Kepner-Tregoe paradigm could also be

  • incremental improvement
  • optimization
  • minimization
  • trial and error

Problem Solving Techniques Answers Quiz-2

Question 1 of 10
Rosalinda wants to increase her creativity, but has no idea how to do so. What would
you recommend?

  • Think of analogies in other subject areas when solving problems.
  • Create a checklist of methods to try.
  • Practice several of the documented formal techniques until she has favorites.
  • Deconstruct all the problems into component pieces.

Question 2 of 10

What is not true about decision trees?

  • Decision trees can include probabilities.
  • Decision trees are just another version of a mind map.
  • Decision trees alternate between what you do and what other people do.
  • Decision trees use a time axis as you go along the branches.
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These are Problem Solving Techniques Answers

Question 3 of 10
Jim has no idea what a mind map is. How would you best describe one to him?

  • It is an ordered outline with main topics and subtopics.
  • It includes branching clusters of ideas that expand outward from a central
  • It is an ordered lists of ideas.
  • It is a random list of ideas placed wherever there is space on a page.

Question 4 of 10
What should an effective problem solver keep in mind when thinking about

  • There are just three effective ways to increase creativity.
  • Creativity can be increased via many different techniques.
  • Creativity can help you identify a problem but not solve it.
  • Creativity is fixed — you either have it or you don’t.

Question 5 of 10
What is the best type of thinking when solving a problem?

  • Use the logical part of your brain first, then the creative part.
  • Think inside the box.
  • Tap your intuition by running with the first idea that you think of. It will be the
  • Generate lots of ideas and then choose the best one.

Question 6 of 10
For which scenario would the use of a decision tree be most appropriate?

  • outlining the logical structure of a problem
  • listing all the factors that contribute to making a decision
  • calculating probabilities and expected values
  • describing a sequence of choices and outcomes

Question 7 of 10
When brainstorming, which practice should you follow for ideal results?

  • Separate the idea generation from the judging process.
  • Use the same people for the idea generation and for the judging.
  • Collect all the ideas, including the bad ones.
  • Throw out the bad ideas as you go along.

These are Problem Solving Techniques Answers

Question 8 of 10
Marge is a very analytical thinker who can reliably solve many problems. However,
sometimes she gets stuck. What will help Marge?

  • a more rigorous analysis
  • checking for errors
  • a creative leap
  • dividing the problem into component parts

Question 9 of 10
Mind maps should be ___

  • used to explain a problem as well as generate a view of a problem
  • created using a digital device instead of on paper
  • laid out in landscape orientation rather than portrait
  • used by one person, not a group

Question 10 of 10
Frank is leading a brainstorming group in his department. What are his two

  • to create a list and order the list
  • to record ideas and discourage judging
  • to encourage participation and reject bad ideas
  • to start discussions and evaluate ideas

Problem Solving Techniques Answers Quiz-3

Question 1 of 20
When solving problems, is it better to use intuition or logic?

  • Logic is the most effective approach to solving problems.
  • It’s best to use both approaches and see if the results agree.
  • Intuition is the most effective approach to solving problems.
  • Neither approach is helpful for solving problems.
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Question 2 of 20
The four rules for decision making include tossing a coin, choosing the simplest
option, and ____

  • always doing the right
  • always betting on red
  • realizing that if it’s close, it doesn’t matter
  • always doing the sums

Question 3 of 20
What is the central message of the “sunk cost” paradox?

  • You should remember the past when you’re thinking about the future.
  • You should not build airplanes if your ship sinks.
  • Your decisions should be made only on the basis of the numbers going
    forward from now.
  • You can make up for the past by getting the future right.

These are Problem Solving Techniques Answers
Question 4 of 20
If your costs are between $230 and $250, and your sales are between $240 and $300,
what is the range for your profits?

  • $10 to $50
  • -$10 to $70
  • $10 to $50
  • –$10 to $50

These are Problem Solving Techniques Answers Quiz 3

Question 5 of 20
An important way to avoid bias in framing is to use ____ words.

  • neutral
  • colorful
  • common
  • descriptive

Question 6 of 20
Manipulative framing can be deliberate or ____.

  • accidental
  • intentional
  • mean-spirited
  • goal-driven

Question 7 of 20
What is true about implementation?

  • Implementation is the most important part of solving a problem.
  • Implementation is the least important part of solving a problem.
  • Implementation is often forgotten.

Question 8 of 20
Milan is analyzing a decision for which her heart and head disagree. What should
Milan do?

  • Trust her head.
  • Adjust both analyses until there is agreement.
  • She should not take any action, since there is disagreement.
  • Trust her heart.

These are Problem Solving Techniques Answers
Question 9 of 20
Why is tossing a coin more interesting than simply making a random choice?

  • All coins are biased.
  • There is more risk in making a decision this way.
  • Using this process indicates that you do not really care.
  • Using this process may help you discover your emotions or intuition.

Question 10 of 20
Alice wants to compare six possible solutions to a complex problem involving her
family’s affairs. How should Alice proceed?

  • Build a mind map for the problem.
  • Build a comparison chart, with pros and cons for each option.
  • Build a decision tree for the problem.
  • Build a comparison chart, with intuition and logic columns for each option.

These are Problem Solving Techniques Answers Quiz 3
Question 11 of 20
A comparison chart typically has__ .

  • columns for the strengths and weaknesses of each idea
  • an ANOVA graph
  • Like and Dislike buttons
  • monetary values for each option compared to the criteria

Question 12 of 20
How should you consider implementation in decision-making?

  • Ignore it.
  • Consider implementation costs.
  • Focus only on those solutions that are simple to implement.
  • Include it in the same way as any other factor.
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These are Problem Solving Techniques Answers

Question 13 of 20
Even though a rating chart is subjective, when is it most useful?

  • when the scores are very close
  • when there are many factors to consider
  • when making a group decision
  • when there is an ethical dilemma

Question 14 of 20
What is the best way to use a rating chart?

  • Multiply the scores for each option by the weighting of the factors.
  • Give each factor a score for how important it is.
  • Put a factor in for gut feel.
  • Ignore the top and bottom scoring factors.

Question 15 of 20
When making a decision, once you know the highest scoring option, what should
you do?

  • Check that it has all the “must-have” features.
  • Decide whether it has enough “want-to-have” features.
  • Definitely choose it.
  • Check that it has enough of the “must-have” features.

Question 16 of 20
What is the expected value of an investment that has a 40 percent chance of yielding
$1.2 million, and a 60 percent chance of losing $500,000?

  • 180000
  • 480000
  • 300000
  • 700000

These are Problem Solving Techniques Answers
Question 17 of 20
What is not a good foundation for making a decision?

  • Choose the method with the largest upside.
  • Calculate the upside x probability minus the downside y probability.
  • Choose the method with the smallest downside.
  • Choose the method with the lowest risk of failure.

Question 18 of 20
Suppose you are selling items for $100 and your cost of goods are $90. Which
analysis is the farthest off base?

  • A 5% cost of good increase will halve your profit.
  • A 10% price increase will double your profit.
  • A 5% price increase will double your profit.
  • A 5% price decrease will halve your profit.

Question 19 of 20
Why does Risky Shift occur?

  • Risk takers are more vocal than others.
  • Risk is difficult to calculate in groups.
  • Individuals tend to encourage risk in others.
  • There is less fear in a group.

These are Problem Solving Techniques Answers

Question 20 of 20

Greg is evaluating two pieces of equipment for purchase. They both meet minimum
functionality requirements. How should Greg choose?

  • by using intuition
  • by changing the minimum requirements
  • by comparing costs
  • by scoring the optional factors

These are Problem Solving Techniques Answers

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Problem Solving Techniques Answers