Making Quick Decisions

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Making Quick Decisions LinkedIn Learning Quiz Answers

Question 1 of 8

How can the 80/20 rule help you deal with decisions that have to be made under a time constraint?

  • Quickly make the 80% of decisions that involve simple, recurring, or less important issues, and invest more time in the remaining 20%.
  • If your decision is less than 80% as important as other decisions, only devote 20% of your time to it.
  • Limit the time you spend on making decisions to 80% of your time, so the other 20% of your time can be used more productively.

Question 2 of 8

Sy is facing a problem he has not seen before. Because of this, he has collected a lot of data and spent hours analyzing it. Considering human nature, why is this is the wrong approach?

  • Time constraints are not being considered, as he’s spending too much time analyzing the data.
  • This is an instance where Sy should rely on his instincts and gut feelings.
  • Many individuals find comfort in the analysis process because it’s easier than making a decision.
  • Because it’s easier for many people to analyze data than to actually make a decision, Sy may end up not making a decision at all.

Making Quick Decisions LinkedIn Learning Quiz Answers

Question 3 of 8

One of your employees completes a project well after it was due. How can you identify the root cause?

  • Ask them, “Why is the work late?”
  • Ask them, “Who worked with you on this?”
  • Ask them, “When was the work due?”

Question 4 of 8

The sales department requested a modification to a storage cabinet for a new customer. As you generate options and make a choice, what role will time and resource constraints play?

  • Some of the options will become less attractive, which is what you want when choosing from multiple options.
  • Some of the options will become less attractive, which defeats the purpose of generating options to make a choice.
  • You will have to seek the experience of colleagues who have made choices in similar situations.

Making Quick Decisions LinkedIn Learning Quiz Answers

Question 5 of 8

As project manager, why should you collaborate with your team members even when decisions will not impact them?

  • to allow the team that will be working on the project to make the decisions regarding the project
  • to build trust and rapport, leverage their expertise, and overcome your decision-making biases
  • to inform team members of your decisions and the reasons for those decisions

Question 6 of 8

When gathering information, which question will improve your decision-making?

  • What is the minimum amount of data or measurements I need?
  • How can I maximize the number of sources for this process?
  • How do I maintain a wide variety of measurements related to my decision?

Making Quick Decisions LinkedIn Learning Quiz Answers

Question 7 of 8

You are the new production manager. Leah, the sales manager, comes to you with a urgent request. How can you determine if the request is truly urgent?

  • if she thinks it is urgent, then it must be urgent
  • if not acting quickly interferes with your systematic approach to decisionmaking
  • if not acting quickly will result in a negative outcome

Question 8 of 8

Along with communication and people skills, what else is key to making a decision stick?

  • being able to implement the decision
  • having complete buy-in from your team
  • determining the real problem you need to solve

Making Quick Decisions LinkedIn Learning Quiz Answers

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Making Quick Decisions LinkedIn Learning Quiz Answers

Making Quick Decisions LinkedIn Learning Quiz Answers
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