Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 7 Nptel Answers

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Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 7 Nptel Answers
Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 7 Nptel Answers

Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 7 Nptel Answers (July-Dec 2024)

Q1.‘Adafruit provides a library to work with DHT22 Sensor.
a. True
b. False

Answer: a. True

Q2.‘Which python library is used for plotting the data in 2D.
a. List
b. Numpy
c. Pandas
d. Matplotlib

Answer: d. Matplotlib

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Q3.Fill in the blanks. creates a two-way communication between two nodes in |
a network. 
a. Peer-to-Peer Network 
b. Parallel Programming 
c. Socket Programming 
d. None of these 

Answer: c. Socket Programming 

Q4‘What are the two main challenges of SDN?
a. File placement and Node placement
b. Rule placement and Controller placement
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b

Answer: b. Rule placement and Controller placement

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Q5.IoT cannot control the network remotely.
a. True
b. False

Answer: b. False

Q6.‘Which of the following is a part of data processing? 
a. Splitting 
b. Filtering 
¢. Neither a no rb 
d. Both a and b 

Answer: d. Both a and b 

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Q7.‘What is introduced if a controller is down in SDN?
a. Backup controller
b. Intro controller
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b

Answer : a. Backup controller

Q8.Ion() is used to add a subplot in the data plotting in python.
a. True
b. False

Answer: b. False

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Q9.Matplotlib cannot plot in 2D.
a. True
b. False

Answer: b. False

Q10.How many rules are deleted from the switch at hard timeout?
a. None
b. All
c. Half
d. Some

Answer: b. All

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Q11.Are controllers able to handle all incoming requests from switches?
a. Yes
b. No

Answer: a. Yes

Q12.Are Indigo and LINC Open source? 
a Yes 
b. No

Answer: a. Yes 

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See also  Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 3

Q13‘Which of the following forward the sensed data based on the ID of the source node?
a. ID-centric data forwarding 
b. Northbound IDs 
c. Both a and b
 d. Neither a nor b

Answer: a. ID-centric data forwarding 

Q14.‘How many requests can a controller handle through a single thread?
a. 200/sec
b. 50/sec
¢. Neither a nor b
d. Both a and b

Answer: a. 200/sec

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Q15.Switches that forward the traffic in a distributed manner have a global view of the network.
a. True
b. False

Answer: b. False

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Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 7 Nptel Answers (JAN-APR 2024)

Course Name: Introduction To Internet Of Things

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These are Introduction To Internet Of Things Assignment 7 Answers

Q1. DHT Sensor refers to Digital Humidity and Temperature Sensor.
a. True
b. False

Answer: a. True

Q2. Fill in the blanks ________ is a python library used for plotting the data in 2D.
a. List
b. Numpy
c. Pandas
d. Matplotlib

Answer: d. Matplotlib

Q3. Fill in the blanks _________ makes a scatter plot of the given points.
a. ion()
b. figure()
c. Scatter()
d. None of these

Answer: c. Scatter()

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Q4. What are the two main challenges of SDN?
a. File placement and Node placement
b. Rule placement and Controller placement
c. All of these
d. None of these

Answer: b. Rule placement and Controller placement

Q5. In soft-timeout, all the rules are deleted from the switch.
a. True
b. False

Answer: b. False

Q6. Which of the following is a component of SDN?
a. Hardware switches
b. Flow-rules
c. None of these
d. All of these

Answer: d. All of these

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Q7. What is introduced if a controller is down in SDN?
a. Backup controller
b. Intro controller
c. All of these
d. None of these

Answer: a. Backup controller

Q8. Southbound API is used to communicate between control layer and application layer.
a. True
b. False

Answer: b. False

Q9. SDN is OpenFlow.
a. True
b. False

See also  Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 2 Nptel Answers

Answer: b. False

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Q10. Which of the following forwards the sensed data based on the ID of the source node?
a. Value-centric data forwarding
b. ID-centric data forwarding
c. All of these
d. None of these

Answer: b. ID-centric data forwarding

Q11. Does integrating SDN in IoT provide intelligent routing decisions?
a. Yes
b. No

Answer: a. Yes

Q12. Are Indigo and LINC Open source?
a. Yes
b. No

Answer: a. Yes

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Q13. Which of the following is used to communicate among multiple controllers in the control layer?
a. East-Westbound APIS
b. Northbound APIs
c. All of these
d. None of these

Answer: a. East-Westbound APIS

Q14. How many requests can a controller handle through a single thread?
a. 200/sec
b. 50/sec
c. None of these
d. All of these

Answer: a. 200/sec

Q15. Size of the ternary content-addressable memory is not limited at the switches.
a. True
b. False

Answer: b. False

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Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 7 Nptel Answers (July-Dec 2023)

Course Name: Introduction To Internet Of Things

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These are Introduction To Internet Of Things Assignment 7 Answers

Q1. Raspberry Pi is like a mini computer which can perform a wide range of general purpose tasks.
a. True
b. False

Answer: a. True

Q2. What is the complete form of GPIO pins on Raspberry Pi devices.
a. General Public Input/Output
b. Generative Purpose Input/Output
c. General Purpose Input/Output
d. Global Purpose Input/Output

Answer: c. General Purpose Input/Output

Q3. The Python program which you execute on Raspberry Pi to read data from sensors and control actuators has the same syntax and style as any other Python program.
a. False
b. True

Answer: b. True

These are Introduction To Internet Of Things Assignment 7 Answers

Q4. During remote server access by a Raspberry Pi, where the Raspberry Pi acts as a client, the client needs the following?
a. Only IP address of server
b. Only port number
c. Both server IP address and port number
d. Client’s IP address

Answer: c. Both server IP address and port number

See also  Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 8 Nptel Answers

Q5. Which among the following are valid data processing activities
a. Data Splitting
b. Data filtering
c. Data plotting
d. All of the given

Answer: d. All of the given

Q6. Consider the following Python code snippet. Assume the syntax is correct and all required libraries are imported
var = ‘Sensor@Actuator%Arduino’
pt = var.split(‘%’)
What will be the output (See every detail, including the apostrophes carefully)?

a. [‘Sensor’,’Actuator’,’Arduino’]
b. [‘Sensor@Actuator’,’Arduino’]
c. [‘Sensor’,’Actuator%Arduino’]
d. [‘Sensor@Actuator%Arduino’]

Answer: b. [‘Sensor@Actuator’,’Arduino’]

These are Introduction To Internet Of Things Assignment 7 Answers

Q7. Which among the following functions do you use while using MATPLOTLIB to add title to a plot?
a. plot()
b. add()
c. label()
d. title()

Answer: d. title()

Q8. In traditional non software-defined network consisting of a network of switches, suppose OSPF is being used as the routing protocol. In this context which among the following is true.
a. All the switches execute OSPF distributively
b. Only one switch executes OSPF
c. No switch executes OSPF
d. All of these are true

Answer: a. All the switches execute OSPF distributively

Q9. In SDN, the Operating System (OS) is separated (i.e not strongly coupled) from the physical hardware for each switch.
a. True
b. False

Answer: a. True

These are Introduction To Internet Of Things Assignment 7 Answers

Q10. Which among the following is a popular protocol implementing SDN?
a. OpenSwitch
b. OpenStack
c. OpenFlow
d. OpenEdge

Answer: c. OpenFlow

Q11. With respect to Software Defined Networking (SDN), which among the following is true?
a. SDN couples the data plane and control plane.
b. SDN has no relation to either data plane or control plane
c. SDN separates the data plane and control plane.
d. None of the stated.

Answer: c. SDN separates the data plane and control plane.

These are Introduction To Internet Of Things Assignment 7 Answers

Q12. Consider the following figure below. To which issue of SDN does this particular figure can be related to?
a. Controller placement issue
b. Flow Rule placement issue
c. Hardware placement issue
d. Analysis placement issue

Answer: b. Flow Rule placement issue