Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 5 Nptel Answers
Are you searching for Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 5 Nptel Answers? Look no further! Our comprehensive assignment solutions are designed to guide you through the key concepts of IoT, including networking protocols, sensor technologies, and data communication.
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Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 5 Nptel Answers (Jan-Apr 2025)
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Q1. Which of the following is/are current challenges in IoT?
a) Large scale of co-operation
b) Global heterogeneity
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) Neither (a) nor (b)
Q2. State True or False.
Statement: “Interoperability is not a characteristic of a product or system.”
a) True
b) False
Q3. Interoperability is required because:
a) There are different programming languages
b) There are different communication protocols
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) Neither (a) nor (b)
Q4. State whether the following statement is true or false.
Statement: “Use of different programming languages such as JavaScript, Python, JAVA, and others is an example of heterogeneity in IoT. This brings in the need for interoperability.”
a) False
b) True
Q5. State True or False.
Statement: “The interoperability between devices and device users in terms of message formats is called Systematic Interoperability.”
a) True
b) False
Q6. What is the full form of UMB in IoT interoperability?
a) Universal Meta Bridge
b) Universal Main Bridge
c) Universal Main Bracket
d) None of these
Q7. State True or False.
Arduino is an open-source electronic programmable board.
a) True
b) False
Q8. State True or False.
Additional electronic circuits are essential to load a program into the Arduino controller board.
a) True
b) False
Q9. Arduino UNO has _________ number of Digital I/O pins.
a) 8
b) 13
c) 14
d) None of these
Q10. What does the following code do?
int ledPin = 13;
void setup() {
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
void loop() {
// Do nothing
a) Blink 3 times with 1000ms ON and 500ms OFF
b) Blink 3 times with 500ms ON and 500ms OFF
c) Blink 3 times with 1000ms ON and 1000ms OFF
d) Stay ON continuously
Q11. How many types of loops will you find in Arduino Programming?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
Q12. Choose the right option for the if/conditional operator.
a) Val = (condition)?(Statement 1):(Statement 2)
b) Val = (condition)?(Statement 2):(Statement 1)
c) Val = (condition):(Statement 1)?(Statement 2)
d) Val = (condition):(Statement 2)?(Statement 1)
Q13. What is the purpose of calling dht.begin();
in the setup()
a) To initialize the Serial Monitor
b) To start communication with the DHT sensor
c) To set the temperature and humidity values to zero
d) To define the data pin for the sensor
Q14. What function is used to read the humidity value from the DHT sensor?
a) dht.getHumidity();
b) dht.readTemp();
c) dht.readHumidity();
d) dht.getTemperature();
Q15. What function is used to set the servo motor to a specific angle?
a) ServoDemo.move()
b) ServoDemo.rotate()
c) ServoDemo.write()
d) ServoDemo.setAngle()
Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 5 Nptel Answers (July-Dec 2024)
Q1.‘When different processing logic are applied to the same IoT networked devices or applications, it gives rise to?
a. Large scale of co-operation
b. Semantic conflicts
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. Neither (a) nor (b)
Answer: b. Semantic conflicts
Q2.State True or False.
Statement: “Interoperability is a characteristic of a product or system.”
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True
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Q3.Interoperability is important in the context of IoT so that –
a. Physical objects remain isolated
b. Networks remain isolated
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. Neither (a) nor (b)
Answer: d. Neither (a) nor (b)
Q4.State whether the following statement is true or false
Statement: “Use of different programming languages such as JavaScript, Python, JAVA, and others is an example of heterogeneity in IoT. This brings in the need for interoperability.”
a. False
b. True
Answer: b. True
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Q5.State True or False.
Statement: “The interoperability between devices and device users in terms of message formats is called Syntactic Interoperability.”
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True
Q6.What is the full form of UMB in IoT interoperability?
a. Universal Middleware Bridge
b. Universal Main Bridge
c. Universal Main Bracket
d. None of these
Answer: a. Universal Middleware Bridge
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Q7.Which of the following pins is NULL in the DHT-11 sensor?
a. Pin 2
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. Neither (a) nor (b)
Answer : d. Neither (a) nor (b)
Q8Arduino MEGA microcontroller board is also known as?
a. MEGA 3370
b. MEGA 2570
c. MEGA 9980
d. None of these
Answer: d. None of these
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Q9.A…………….. provides high-precision rotary motion of 0 to 180 degrees.
a. Solenoid Valve
b. Relay
c. Servo Motor
d. None of these
Answer: c. Servo Motor
Q10.‘What does the following code snippet do in interfacing a servo motor with the Arduino MEGA
int servoPin = 12;
a. Declares pin for connecting servo motor
b. Declares pin for providing power to MEGA board
¢. Declares pin for Ground supply for servo motor
d. None of these
Answer: a. Declares pin for connecting servo motor
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Q11‘What does the delay(1000); line do mean in an Arduino sketch?
a. It introduces a delay of 1 second
b. It introduces a delay of 10 seconds
c. It introduces a delay of 100 milliseconds
d. None of these
Answer: a. It introduces a delay of 1 second
Q12.State True or False.
Statement: “Additional hardware is required to load a program into the Arduino Uno board using
a computer.”
a. True
b. False
Answer: b. False
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Q13 Arduino Uno board has number of PWM pins?
a 9
b. 4
c. 8
d. None of these
Answer: d. None of these
Q14.Consider the following Arduino sketch.
‘What must be inserted in the place of ‘??” within the second pinMode() function in void setup)?
c. None of these
d. Anyone of these 1s okay
Answer: b. OUTPUT
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Q15.State True or False.
Statement: “The “Verify” option in the Arduino IDE checks the code for compilation errors.”
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True
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Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 5 Nptel Answers (JAN-APR 2024)
Course Name: Introduction To Internet Of Things
Course Link: Click Here
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Q1. Which of the following is/are current challenge/challenges in IoT?
a. Large scale of co-operation
b. Global heterogeneity
c. Unknown IoT device configuration
d. All of these
Answer: d. All of these
Q2. When two IoT devices wish to communicate, semantic conflict in such a scenario in IoT interoperability refers to ___________.
a. Two devices built by the same manufacturer
b. Two devices having different processing and business logic
c. Two devices sensing the same physical parameter
d. Two devices having different deployment location
Answer: b. Two devices having different processing and business logic
Q3. Which of the following issues needs to be addressed while solving user interoperability?
a. Device characterization and identification
b. Syntactic interoperability
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of these
Answer: c. Both (a) and (b)
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These are Introduction To Iot Week 5 Nptel Answers
Q4. State whether the following statement is true or false
Statement: UMB core interoperability component is responsible for converting physical devices into virtually abstracted ones.
a. False
b. True
Answer: a. False
Q5. What is the full form of UMB in IoT interoperability?
a. Universal Middleware Bridge
b. Universal Main Bridge
c. Universal Main Bracket
d. None of these
Answer: a. Universal Middleware Bridge
Q6. Which of the following is NOT a function available in the Servo library for Arduino ?
a. kill()
b. destroy()
c. burn()
d. All of these
Answer: d. All of these
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These are Introduction To Iot Week 5 Nptel Answers
Q7. Arduino UNO Board is open source?
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True
Q8. Arduino Uno board accepts which type of input/inputs?
a. Analog
b. Digital
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of these
Answer: c. Both (a) and (b)
Q9. Arduino boards are based on which of the following microcontroller/microcontrollers.
a. ATMEGA328
b. ATMEGA32u4
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of these
Answer: c. Both (a) and (b)
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Q10. What is the clock speed of the Arduino Uno board?
a. 16MHz
b. 17MHz
c. 8MHz
d. None of these
Answer: a. 16MHz
Q11. Consider the following Arduino sketch.
What must be inserted in the place of ‘??’ within the second pinMode() function in void setup()?
c. None of these
d. Anyone of these is okay
Answer: b. OUTPUT
Q12. The “Verify” option in the Arduino IDE checks the code for
a. Compilation errors
b. Improper hardware connection
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of these
Answer: a. Compilation errors
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These are Introduction To Iot Week 5 Nptel Answers
Q13. How many pins does the DHT Digital Humidity and Temperature sensor have?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. None of these
Answer: c. 4
Q14. What is the function of the delay() function in an Arduino program?
a. Initializes a sensor
b. Introduces a delay for the specified time
c. Stores the sensor value
d. None of the above
Answer: b. Introduces a delay for the specified time
Q15. What does the following code snippet do?
Servo myservo;
a. Creates a variable to store the sensor value
b. Instructs the sensor to sense data
c. Creates an instance of servo to use it in the Arduino sketch
d. None of these
Answer: c. Creates an instance of servo to use it in the Arduino sketch
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Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 5 Nptel Answers (July-Dec 2023)
Course Name: Introduction To Internet Of Things
Course Link: Click Here
These are Introduction To Iot Week 5 Nptel Answers
Q1. Company ABC manufactures a room temperature monitor which sends data via protocol X and company MNO manufactures another kind of room temperature sensor which sends data via protocol Y. With respect to this, which among the following correctly captures the said scenario?
a. Homogeneity of IoT
b. Heterogeneity of IoT
Answer: b. Heterogeneity of IoT
Q2. When two IoT devices wish to communicate, semantic conflict in such a scenario in IoT interoperability refers to____________________.
a. Two devices built by the same manufacturer
b. Two devices sensing the same physical parameter
c. Two devices having different deployment location
d. Two devices having different processing and business logic
Answer: d. Two devices having different processing and business logic
Q3. Which of the following issues needs to be addressed while solving user interoperability?
a. Device characterization and identification
b. Syntactic interoperability
c. Semantic interoperability
d. All of these
Answer: d. All of these
These are Introduction To Iot Week 5 Nptel Answers
Q4. Which UMB interoperability component is responsible for converting physical devices into virtually abstracted ones?
a. UMB Adaptor
b. UMB Core
c. UMB Hypervisor
d. UMB Abstractor
Answer: a. UMB Adaptor
Q5. A Protocol Translation Unit (PTU) acts as a middleware between two IoT devices with different native protocols to enable them communicate with each other by translating the language of one device to the other one and vice versa.
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True
Q6. Suppose that a smart CCTV camera has been configured using C++ language. With respect to the device’s cosign identification as per the standard definition (A,B,C,D), which among the following the information “Configuration Lang:C++” will be most appropriately mapped ?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
Answer: d. D
These are Introduction To Iot Week 5 Nptel Answers
Q7. Which among the following are components of an Arduino UNO Board?
a. LED Power Indicator
b. Digital I/O Pins
c. Analog IN Pins
d. All of these
Answer: d. All of these
Q8. What is the series of micro controller chips powering Arduino UNO boards?
a. ATM series
b. X86 series
c. ARM 64 series
d. ATMEGA series
Answer: d. ATMEGA series
Q9. In Arduino IDE the ‘Verify’ and ‘Upload’ buttons perform the exact same task.
a. False
b. True
Answer: a. False
These are Introduction To Iot Week 5 Nptel Answers
Q10. Suppose that an Arduino UNO board is connected to a pneumatic sensor which sends tyre pressure as floating point numbers. Which among the functions will you use to read from the sensor?
a. digitalRead()
b. analogWrite()
c. analogRead()
d. None of these
Answer: c. analogRead()
Q11. Consider the following Arduino sketch.
What must be inserted in the place of ‘??’ within the second pinMode() function in void setup()?
c. None of these
d. Anyone of these is okay
Answer: b. OUTPUT
These are Introduction To Iot Week 5 Nptel Answers
Q12. For integrating different types of sensors (such as DHT) with Arduino, you would need to install and #include the sensor specific libraries in your sketch.
a. True
b. False
Answer: a. True
Q13. Which of the following best describes the command given below?
a. Creates an instance of the servo
b. Pin writes 180 to the servo
c. Servo moves 180 degrees
d. All of these
Answer: c. Servo moves 180 degrees
These are Introduction To Iot Week 5 Nptel Answers
Q14. In an Arduino sketch, for the default function void setup(), which of the following is true?
a. Point where the code terminates.
b. Point where the code starts.
c. It iterates over the different tasks in the program.
d. None of the above.
Answer: b. Point where the code starts.
Q15. Which among the following can also be described as a relay, which is an actuator?
a. Pneumatic actuator
b. Motor type actuator
c. Electro-mechanical switch
d. Thermal switch
Answer: c. Electro-mechanical switch
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Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 5 Nptel Answers (JAN-APR 2023)
Course Name: Introduction To Internet Of Things
Course Link: Click Here
These are nptel iot week 5 assignment answers
Q1. Suppose that an IoT sensor node A works on wireless WiFi and senses pressure as a physical parameter in integer number, and another IoT node B operates on IEEE 802.15.4 Zigbee and senses humidity as a floating point (decimal) number. In this context, which among the following correctly describes the issues with the deployment.
a. Heterogeneity
b. Interoperability
c. Both heterogeneity and interoperability
d. Neither heterogeneity and interoperability
Answer: c. Both heterogeneity and interoperability
Q2. RESTful web services are utilized for
a. Syntactic interoperability for device interaction
b. Semantic interoperability for device interaction
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of the above
Answer: a. Syntactic interoperability for device interaction
Q3. Which UMB interoperability component is responsible for converting physical devices into virtually abstracted ones?
a. UMB Adaptor
b. UMB Core
c. UMB Hypervisor
d. UMB Abstractor
Answer: b. UMB Core
These are nptel iot week 5 assignment answers
Q4. User interoperability is the interoperability problem between an user and ______.
a. Another user
b. Device
c. Both user and device
d. None of these
Answer: b. Device
Q5. Which of the following is an open, global, multi-sector standard for efficient, accurate, flexible classification of products and services?
a. eC1@ss
c. EPC
d. Both UNSPSC and EPC
Answer: b. UNSPSC
Q6. What does the routing component in UMB-C use for routing the metadata messages?
a. Flow Table
b. Routing Table
c. Middleware Routing Table
d. Middleware Flow Table
Answer: c. Middleware Routing Table
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Q7. Which among the following are components of an Arduino UNO Board?
a. LED Power Indicator
b. Digital I/O Pins
c. Analog IN Pins
d. All of these
Answer: d. All of these
Q8. The tool used to select a particular COM port for connecting Arduino to a serial connector is called a sketch.
a. True
b. False
Answer: b. False
Q9. Which kind of conflict occur when different processing logic are applied to same IoT networked devices or applications?
a. Semantic conflict.
b. Syntactic conflict.
c. System conflict.
d. Device conflict.
Answer: a. Semantic conflict.
These are nptel iot week 5 assignment answers
Q10. Which of the following is TRUE for the sketch command given below?
a. Provides a delay of 3000 seconds
b. Provides a delay of 3 seconds
c. Provides a delay of 3000 nano seconds
d. Provides a delay of 3000 simulation time
Answer: b. Provides a delay of 3 seconds
Q11. How many types of loops will you find in Arduino Programming?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
Answer: c. 3
Q12. How many digital I/O pins are there in Arduino Uno.
a. 14
b. 54
c. 11
d. 16
Answer: a. 14
These are nptel iot week 5 assignment answers
Q13. Servo motors that you connect to Arduino, are an example of
a. Sensors
b. Actuators
c. Gateways
d. Routers
Answer: b. Actuators
Q14. Which of the following functions exist by default in Arduino IDE?
a. main()
b. loop and main()
c. setup and loop()
d. setup and main()
Answer: c. setup and loop()
Q15. Choose the right option for if/conditional operator.
a. Val = (condition)?(Statement 1):(Statement 2)
b. Val = (condition)?(Statement 2):(Statement 1)
c. Val = (condition):(Statement 1)?(Statement 2)
d. Val = (condition):(Statement 2)?(Statement 1)
Answer: a. Val = (condition)?(Statement 1):(Statement 2)
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Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 5 Nptel Answers (July-Dec 2022)
These are nptel iot week 5 assignment answers
Course Name: Introduction To Internet Of Things
Link to Enroll: Click Here
Q1. UMB consists of ___________.
a) UMB-A and UMB-C
b) UMB-A and UMB-B
c) UMB-B and UMB-C
d) UMB-A and UMB-E
Answer: a) UMB-A and UMB-C
Q2. UMB creates virtual maps among the _________ of all middleware home networks.
a) Virtual devices
b) Physical devices
c) Heterogeneous devices
d) Services
Answer: b) Physical devices
Q3. Which of the following is the functionality of UMB adaptors?
a) Translate local middleware’s message into global metadata’s message
b) Translate global middleware’s message into global metadata’s message
c) Translate local middleware’s message into local metadata’s message.
d) Translate global middleware’s message into local meta-data’s message
Answer: a) Translate local middleware’s message into global metadata’s message
These are nptel iot week 5 assignment answers
Q4. Which of the following is true?
a) Relay is an actuator that uses electromagnetic effect to acts as a switch.
b) Relay can open and close circuit when electricity is passed through it.
c) Relay can be used to control the power supply to any other connected device.
d) All of these.
Answer: d) All of these.
Q5. What is sketch?
a) Program coded in IoT devices.
b) Program coded in Arduino IDE.
c) Services of Arduino Uno.
d) Services of IoT devices.
Answer: b) Program coded in Arduino IDE.
Q6. What is function setup()?
a) Point where code terminates.
b) Point where code starts.
c) It iterates the task in the program.
d) None of the above.
Answer: b) Point where code starts.
These are nptel iot week 5 assignment answers
Q7. Which of the following is true for the given command?
a) Gives random number within the range [0, 10]
b) Gives random number within the range [1, 10]
c) Gives random number within the range [0, 9]
d) Reset the pseudo-random number generator with seed value 10SHOW ANSWER
Answer: a) Gives random number within the range [0, 10]
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Q8. Which kind of conflict occur when different processing logics are applied to same IoT networked devices or applications?
a) Semantic conflict
b) Syntactic conflict
c) System conflict
d) Device conflict
Answer: a) Semantic conflict
Q9. Which of the following is TRUE for the sketch command given below?
a) Provides a delay of 3000 seconds
b) Provides a delay of 3 seconds
c) Provides a delay of 3000 nano seconds
d) Provides a delay of 3000 simulation time
Answer: b) Provides a delay of 3 seconds
These are nptel iot week 5 assignment answers
Q10. Which of the following solutions are not responsible for generating unique address?
a) Election Product Code (EPC)
b) Unique Product Code (UPC)
c) Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
d) IP Addresses
Answer: b) Unique Product Code (UPC)
Q11. How many digital I/O pins are there in Arduino Uno.
a) 14
b) 54
c) 11
d) 16
Answer: a) 14
These are nptel iot week 5 assignment answers
Q12. The interoperability between devices and device user in term of message formats is called ____________.
a) Systematic interoperability
b) Semantic interoperability
c) Syntactic interoperability
d) Device interoperabilitySHOW ANSWER
Answer: c) Syntactic interoperability
Q13. ____________ dynamically maps physical devices with different domains.
a) Collaborative concept
b) Middleware technology
c) End devices
d) Cloud
Answer: b) Middleware technology
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Q14. Which of the following ontology utilize previous data to estimate what is going to happen?
a) Device ontology
b) Physical domain ontology
c) Estimation ontology
d) Virtual domain ontology
Answer: c) Estimation ontology
Q15. Which component of UMB converts physical devices into virtually abstracted one, as described by Universal Device Template (UMB)
a) UMB-A
b) UMB-C
c) UDT mapping
Answer: b) UMB-C