Essential Design Principles for Tableau Week 3

Course Name: Data Visualization with Tableau

Sub-course: Essential Design Principles for Tableau

Course Link: Data Visualization with Tableau

Sub-course Link: Essential Design Principles for Tableau

These are answers of Essential Design Principles for Tableau Coursera Week 3 Quiz

Final Quiz

Q1. An example of leveraging white space means that…
Fill white space with a legend.
The bars in a bar graph should not be too wide or too narrow.
You must leave a lot of room between the titles and data.
You must stretch the graph to narrow the margins.

Answer: The bars in a bar graph should not be too wide or too narrow.

Q2. True/False: You can use any combination of fonts you’d like to add pop to your visual.

Answer: False

These are answers of Essential Design Principles for Tableau Coursera Week 3 Quiz

Q3. Choose the most appropriate way to design a visualization.
Choose a corporate or a standard font that is consistent and easy to read.
Do not coordinate the color of the text with the color of the category.
Add a paragraph in small font as a footnote to the visualization to explain every nuance of the data.
Use a fun font like Comic Sans to get the reader’s attention.

Answer: Choose a corporate or a standard font that is consistent and easy to read.

Q4. True/False: The Gestalt principle of proximity and the first law of geography are closely related.

Answer: True

These are answers of Essential Design Principles for Tableau Coursera Week 3 Quiz

Q5. The Gestalt principle of proximity does not mean…
If a data point is not close to other points then it is not related at all.
Things that are close to each other are more likely to be related than those that are further apart.

See also  Creating Dashboards and Storytelling with Tableau Week 1

Answer: If a data point is not close to other points then it is not related at all.

Q6. What would be the best guess for why there were Cholera deaths of people outside of the neighborhood of the polluted water pump?
The victims who lived outside of the hot spot consumed water from the polluted pump despite living further away from the pump.
The researcher was wrong about determining what were polluted pumps.
The victims died of something other than Cholera.
Polluted water was not the cause of Cholera. There must be some other cause.

Answer: The victims who lived outside of the hot spot consumed water from the polluted pump despite living further away from the pump.

These are answers of Essential Design Principles for Tableau Coursera Week 3 Quiz

Q7. What other attributes were used in the Cholera map to ascertain which water pump was polluted?
Color and size

Answer: Color and size

Q8. True/False: If you’re careful and thoughtful you can re-scale complex data to help aid in accessibility of your data.

Answer: True

These are answers of Essential Design Principles for Tableau Coursera Week 3 Quiz

Q9. True/False: It is unacceptable to use more than one type of pre-attentive attribute.

Answer: False

Q10. Outliers may be…
Always something to be concerned about
Interesting in its own way and an analyst must understand the context
Deleted from the dataset
Safely ignored after looking for them

Answer: Interesting in its own way and an analyst must understand the context

See also  Visual Analytics with Tableau Week 1

These are answers of Essential Design Principles for Tableau Coursera Week 3 Quiz

Q11. In the lessons, we saw a strip plot, scatterplot, histogram, and control charts being used to investigate unusual data. Which of the following visualizations would be another good way to check for outliers?
A pie chart that shows a very small slice for one category means those are outliers.
A line chart which shows a very large spike in one time period.
A map for data are within a defined geographic range (such as cities in a particular state or province) and there are a couple of points that are out of the expected range.
A bar chart that has a very small bar that indicates that there is likely outliers.

Answer: A map for data are within a defined geographic range (such as cities in a particular state or province) and there are a couple of points that are out of the expected range.

Q12. True/False: Because a control chart is often used in manufacturing and heavy industry, paying attention to aesthetics and pre-attentive attributes is not as important.

Answer: False

These are answers of Essential Design Principles for Tableau Coursera Week 3 Quiz

Q13. Exploratory analysis is ______________?
Understanding your data well to facilitate explanatory analysis.
Playing around with the data in an aimless way.
Something that should be ignored if you have a clearly defined question.
Learning about outliers.

Answer: Understanding your data well to facilitate explanatory analysis.

These are answers of Essential Design Principles for Tableau Coursera Week 3 Quiz

Q14. Anscombe’s quartet showed _________________.
Correlation is causation.
Visualizations are sufficient.
Visualizations are necessary and complements summary statistics.
Summary statistics are not helpful in any way because they mask problems with the data.

See also  Essential Design Principles for Tableau Week 1

Answer: Visualizations are necessary and complements summary statistics.

These are answers of Essential Design Principles for Tableau Coursera Week 3 Quiz

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These are answers of Essential Design Principles for Tableau Coursera Week 3 Quiz