Creating Dashboards and Storytelling with Tableau Week 1

Course Name: Data Visualization with Tableau

Sub-course: Creating Dashboards and Storytelling with Tableau

Course Link: Data Visualization with Tableau

Sub-course Link: Creating Dashboards and Storytelling with Tableau

These are answers of Creating Dashboards and Storytelling with Tableau Week 1 Coursera Quiz

Module 1 Quiz

Q1. When thinking about a story, which of the following best describes the fundamental structure?
Details, Summary, Review
Context, Challenge, Conclusion
Conflict, Revision, Ideation

Answer: Context, Challenge, Conclusion

Q2. Which are potential benefits of using stories?
Improving comprehension
Boosting recall
Increasing potential engagement and empathy
All of the above

Answer: All of the above

These are answers of Creating Dashboards and Storytelling with Tableau Week 1 Coursera Quiz

Q3. Which is a potential drawback to using stories for data?
Engaging the audience
False narratives
Fostering empathy in the viewer

Answer: False narratives

Q4. Talking to stakeholders can help you
Define the business and/or other goals
Develop an initial sense of audiences
Learn about the available data and technologies
All of the above

Answer: All of the above

These are answers of Creating Dashboards and Storytelling with Tableau Week 1 Coursera Quiz

Q5. What best describes the meaning of expressiveness and effectiveness in relation to data visualization and storytelling?
Expressiveness is telling a story with as little data as possible and effectiveness is how well you do it
Expressiveness is about displaying all the relevant data for an accurate understanding and effectiveness is the ability of the visualization to convey the meaning
Expressiveness is about bright colors and effectiveness is how well they are applied

See also  Essential Design Principles for Tableau Week 4

Answer: Expressiveness is about displaying all the relevant data for an accurate understanding and effectiveness is the ability of the visualization to convey the meaning

Q6. Which of the following is not a primary consideration in developing a design strategy for a visualization?
Determining the best chart before talking to anyone
Needs and goals of target audiences
Business goals from stakeholders
The characteristics of the data

Answer: Determining the best chart before talking to anyone

These are answers of Creating Dashboards and Storytelling with Tableau Week 1 Coursera Quiz

Q7. Which description best describes a Persona?
A homogenous version of an “average” user segment
Descriptions and photos of users to show a project is employing “user centered design”
Highly specific archetypes or representatives of a particular user segment

Answer: Highly specific archetypes or representatives of a particular user segment

Q8. Which of the following best describes an important purpose of Personas?
Prioritize design requirements
Demonstrate that a design is “user-centered”
Help consolidate very different types of users into one “average” type

Answer: Prioritize design requirements

These are answers of Creating Dashboards and Storytelling with Tableau Week 1 Coursera Quiz

Q9. Which choice below is not generally considered an essential element of a useful Persona description?
The Persona’s goals
The Persona’s needs
The Persona’s pet’s name

Answer: The Persona’s pet’s name

Q10. It’s good practice in the beginning of an audience interview to
Ask open-ended questions about interviewee’s goals and pain points
Tell interviewees, at the start, the details of a proposed visualization
Ask leading questions to help the interviewees think

Answer: Ask open-ended questions about interviewee’s goals and pain points

See also  Fundamentals of Visualization with Tableau Week 3

These are answers of Creating Dashboards and Storytelling with Tableau Week 1 Coursera Quiz

Q11. Questions to consider about your data include
What kinds of data are available?
What is the quality of the data?
What are the gaps?
All of the above

Answer: All of the above

Q12. Which is a potential pitfall of turning data patterns into narratives?
Conflating correlation and causation
Finding more than one interesting story
Finding something previously discovered

Answer: Conflating correlation and causation

These are answers of Creating Dashboards and Storytelling with Tableau Week 1 Coursera Quiz

Q13. One reason Tableau is great for finding stories in data and alternative ways to express them is
It’s relatively fast and easy to import, visualize, and evaluate data in different ways
Tableau fills in missing data
Tableau has a “story detector” widget

Answer: It’s relatively fast and easy to import, visualize, and evaluate data in different ways

Q14. To increase the likelihood of your design’s success, you should
Put audience’s goals above all
Try to match, balance, and align stakeholder and audience goals
Put stakeholder’s goals above all

Answer: Try to match, balance, and align stakeholder and audience goals

These are answers of Creating Dashboards and Storytelling with Tableau Week 1 Coursera Quiz

Q15. Albert Einstein is said to have remarked which of the following?
“Make things as simple as possible, but not simpler.”
“Less is always more.”
“Make things as simple as possible.”

Answer: “Make things as simple as possible, but not simpler.”

Q16. What is a tool that Tableau offers to help you organize your data story?
Script Supervisor
Story Points
Plot Twister

See also  Visual Analytics with Tableau Week 2

Answer: Story Points

These are answers of Creating Dashboards and Storytelling with Tableau Week 1 Coursera Quiz

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These are answers of Creating Dashboards and Storytelling with Tableau Week 1 Coursera Quiz