Soft Skills Development | Week 3

Session: JAN-APR 2024

Course name: Soft Skills Development

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These are NPTEL Soft Skill Development Assignment 3 Answers

Q1. Micro-expressions can help us detect _________.
(a) lies
(b) truthfulness
(c) equivocation
(d) All of the above

Answer: (d) All of the above

Q2. The background and foreground of an image are not reversible.
(a) True
(b) False

Answer: (b) False

Q3. Non-verbal component is ___________ in face-to-face communication.
(a) 63%
(b) 53%
(c) 40%
(d) 65%

Answer: (d) 65%

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Q4. Harmony is associated with
(a) Only music
(b) Music and visuals
(c) Only visuals
(d) Music, visuals, and language

Answer: (b) Music and visuals

Q5. Consider the following statements.
A: Gestures share a universal commonality that does not need any specific context for them to have a meaning.
B: Smiling is both an in-born and an acquired non-verbal communication.

(a) Both A and B are correct
(b) A is correct but B is wrong
(c) B is correct but A is wrong
(d) Both A and B are wrong

Answer: (c) B is correct but A is wrong

Q6. Intense sadness affects
(a) Lower face
(b) Upper face
(c) Both upper and lower face
(d) None of the above

Answer: (c) Both upper and lower face

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These are NPTEL Soft Skill Development Assignment 3 Answers

Q7. The difference between timbre and frequency gets reflected through
(a) Beats per minute (BPM)
(b) Amplitude
(c) Caliber of the singers
(d) None of the above

Answer: (d) None of the above

Q8. The associated emotion with irregular rhythm is
(a) joy
(b) anger
(c) discomposure
(d) None of the above

Answer: (c) discomposure

Q9. _____ is an innate quality of the mind to see something as a totality.
(a) Insight
(b) Gestalt
(c) Gesture
(d) Closure

Answer: (b) Gestalt

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These are NPTEL Soft Skill Development Assignment 3 Answers

Q10. Consider the following statements:
A: Scanning bias is different for different languages.
B: Visuals can supplement texts, and vice versa.

(a) Both A and B are correct
(b) A is correct but B is wrong
(c) B is correct but A is wrong
(d) Both A and B are wrong

Answer: (a) Both A and B are correct

Q11. Consider the following sentences.
A: Optical illusion can depend on the position of an imagined light source.
B: Vanishing point is relevant in both two-dimensional paintings and three-dimensional art forms.

(a) Both A and B are correct
(b) A is correct but B is wrong
(c) B is correct but A is wrong
(d) Both A and B are wrong

Answer: (b) A is correct but B is wrong

Q12. Consider the following statements.
A: Anger gets reflected most readily in the eyes.
B: Micro-expressions are always masked after a fraction of a second.

(a) Both A and B are correct
(b) A is correct but B is wrong
(c) B is correct but A is wrong
(d) Both A and B are wrong

Answer: (a) Both A and B are correct

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These are NPTEL Soft Skill Development Assignment 3 Answers

Q13. Visual representation is not possible for ______.
(a) music
(b) pulse
(c) event
(d) None of the above

Answer: (d) None of the above

Q14. Consider the following statements:
A: The visual is not just a feature of our current reality; visualization constitutes the reality itself.
B: The image as a portable object and the image as an object of art are conceptually disparate categories.

(a) Both A and B are true
(b) Both A and B are false
(c) Only B is true
(d) Only A is true

Answer: (d) Only A is true

Q15. Who proposed a quantification of territoriality around the human body to determine intimacy, personal space, etc.?
(a) Allan Pease
(b) Daniel Goleman
(c) Bruno Latour
(d) None of the above

Answer: (a) Allan Pease

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These are NPTEL Soft Skill Development Assignment 3 Answers

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Session Jan-Apr 2023

Course Name: Soft Skills Development

Course Link: Click Here

These are NPTEL Soft Skill Development Assignment 3 Answers

Q1. Tempo is the linear succession of musical tones that the listener perceives as a single entity.
A. True
B. False

Answer: B. False

Q2. The false facial expressions are more symmetrical that the genuine facial expressions.
A. True
B. False

Answer: B. False

These are NPTEL Soft Skill Development Assignment 3 Answers

Q3. ____________ are innocent lies which we continuously keep on telling, showing. displaying in various ways in a social face, because that is expected from us.
A. White lies
B. Bold-faced lies
C. Exaggerated lies
D. Deceptive lies

Answer: A. White lies

Q4. In our today’s day to day lives, our experience of a visual to a very great extent is mediated interfaced by _________.
A. Visuals
B. Auditory
C. Screens
D. None of the above

Answer: C. Screens

These are NPTEL Soft Skill Development Assignment 3 Answers

Q5. What is the meaning of visual culture?
A. Culturally driven visuals
B. Screens, animations, paintings
C. Meaning making through visuals
D. None of the above

Answer: C. Meaning making through visuals

Q6. Which element is added in visualizing that makes it different from seeing?
A. other senses are getting transferred into visuals
B. imagination is getting transferred into visuals
C. imageries are getting transferred into visuals
D. seeing with understanding

Answer: A. other senses are getting transferred into visuals

These are NPTEL Soft Skill Development Assignment 3 Answers

Q7. What is the meaning of perception?
A. Sensation and Interpretation
B. Conceptualization
C. Visualization
D. Understanding

Answer: A. Sensation and Interpretation

Q8. What is the tendency of brain to complete that which is incomplete called?
A. Illusion
B. Subjective perception
C. Orientation
D. Attention

Answer: A. Illusion

These are NPTEL Soft Skill Development Assignment 3 Answers

Q9. ________ has a significant association with colours and strongly evokes visual images.
A. Culture
B. Society
C. Music
D. Lines

Answer: A. Culture

Q10. According to the research, non-verbal communication contributes _______ among the various components of communication.
A. 7%
B. 10%
C. 38%
D. 55%

Answer: D. 55%

These are NPTEL Soft Skill Development Assignment 3 Answers

Q11. Smiling and laughing are regulated by various factors. One of the significant among them is _______.
A. Behaviour
B. Socio-cultural strata
C. Physiology
D. None of the above

Answer: B. Socio-cultural strata

Q12. In the Picasso’s painting displayed in the presentation, which is the most important non verbal (body language) indicator of sadness?
A. use of colours
B. hand on guitar
C. drooped head
D. None of the above

Answer: A. use of colours

These are NPTEL Soft Skill Development Assignment 3 Answers

Q13. _______ are the expressions which are suppressed before they can appear fully.
A. Micro-expressions
B. Macro-expressions
C. Squelched expressions
D. Sadness and fear

Answer: C. Squelched expressions

Q14. Read the following statements and choose the CORRECT option.
A. Sound is not associated with culture.
B. Sound cannot trigger certain kinds of information and associated behaviour.
C. Sound triggers certain kinds of information and associated behaviour.
D. None of the above.

Answer: C. Sound triggers certain kinds of information and associated behaviour.

These are NPTEL Soft Skill Development Assignment 3 Answers

Q15. What are the various bases on which the perception of colours changes?
i. Age and gender
ii. Culture and class
iii. Current trend and fashion

A. Only i and ii are correct
B. Only i and iii are correct
C. All i, ii and iii are correct
D. None of the above

Answer: C. All i, ii and iii are correct

These are NPTEL Soft Skill Development Assignment 3 Answers

More Weeks of Soft Skill Development: Click Here

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Session Jul-Dec 2022

Course Name: Soft Skills NPTEL

Link of course: Click Here

These are NPTEL Soft Skill Development Assignment 3 Answers

Q1) The study of mental space during a communicative situation is called Proxemics.



Answer: False

Q2) In Thailand and Laos, it is rude for a stranger or acquaintance to touch a child on the top of the head.



Answer: True

Q3) In meta-communication meaning is restricted only to words.



Answer: False

These are NPTEL Soft Skill Development Assignment 3 Answers

Q4) Effective Listening is different from hearing and it requires adequate practice.



Answer: True

Q5) A good conversation is only where both the speaker and the listener come into a sort of symphony.



Answer: True

Fill in the blanks

Q6) The study of time is called _________.



Answer: chronemics

These are NPTEL Soft Skill Development Assignment 3 Answers

Q7) Meta-communication symbolizes_________.



Answer: neutrality

Q8) Lying is done with words and also with ________.



Answer: silence

Q9) A successful communication is the result of shared assumptions and _________

unspoken arguments

spoken words

Answer: unspoken arguments

These are NPTEL Soft Skill Development Assignment 3 Answers


Q10) To which stage of Listening, does Interpreting belong?





Answer: Third

Q11) Which one of the following statements is/are most suitable for Combative listening?

Listening simply to promote/strengthen our own views

Listening to each and every word of the speaker

Listening to words and analyzing them simultaneously.

None of the above.

Answer: Listening simply to promote/strengthen our own views

Q12) Pick out the odd one which does not fall into the external factors that affect listening :





Answer: space

These are NPTEL Soft Skill Development Assignment 3 Answers

Q13) In the word Meta-Communication, what does “Meta” mean?





Answer: Beyond

Q14) Which of the following does not fall under the High Context Culture?





Answer: France

Q15) Which of the following is not symbolized by a handshake?





Answer: Animosity

These are NPTEL Soft Skill Development Assignment 3 Answers

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These are NPTEL Soft Skill Development Assignment 3 Answers
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