Deep Learning Week 8 Nptel Assignment Answers

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NPTEL Deep Learning Week 8 Assignment 8 Answers
NPTEL Deep Learning Week 8 Assignment 8 Answers

NPTEL Deep Learning Week 8 Assignment 8 Answers (Jan-Apr 2025)

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1) Which of the following is false about CNN?

a) Output should be flattened before feeding it to a fully connected layer
b) There can be only 1 fully connected layer in CNN
c) We can use as many convolutional layers in CNN
d) None of the above

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2) The input image has been converted into a matrix of size 64 × 64 and a kernel of size 5 × 5 with a stride of 1 and no padding. What will be the size of the convoluted matrix?

a) 5 × 5
b) 59 × 59
c) 60 × 60
d) None of the above

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NPTEL Deep Learning Week 8 Assignment 8 Answers

3) A filter size of 3 × 3 is convolved with a matrix of size 4 × 4 (stride = 1). What will be the size of the output matrix if valid padding is applied?

a) 4 × 4
b) 3 × 3
c) 2 × 2
d) 1 × 1

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4) Let us consider a Convolutional Neural Network having three different convolutional layers in its architecture as:

  • Layer-1: Filter Size 3 × 3, Number of Filters 10, Stride 1, Padding 0
  • Layer-2: Filter Size 5 × 5, Number of Filters 20, Stride 2, Padding 0
  • Layer-3: Filter Size 5 × 5, Number of Filters 40, Stride 2, Padding 0

Layer 3 of the above network is followed by a fully connected layer. If we give a 3D image input of dimension 39 × 39 to the network, then which of the following is the input dimension of the fully connected layer?

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a) 1960
b) 2200
c) 4563
d) 13690

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NPTEL Deep Learning Week 8 Assignment 8 Answers

5) Suppose you have 40 convolutional kernels of size 3 × 3 with no padding and stride 1 in the first layer of a convolutional neural network. You pass an input of dimension 1024 × 1024 × 3 through this layer. What are the dimensions of the data which the next layer will receive?

a) 1020 × 1020 × 40
b) 1022 × 1022 × 40
c) 1022 × 1022 × 3
d) None of the above

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6) Consider a CNN model which aims at classifying an image as either a rose, a marigold, a lily, or an orchid (consider the test image can have only one of the classes at a time). The last (fully-connected) layer of the CNN outputs a vector of logits, L, that is passed through an activation function that transforms the logits into probabilities, P. These probabilities are the model predictions for each of the 4 classes. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate option.

a) Leaky ReLU
b) Tanh
c) ReLU
d) Softmax

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7) Suppose your input is a 300 × 300 color (RGB) image, and you use a convolutional layer with 100 filters that are each 5 × 5. How many parameters does this hidden layer have (without bias)?

a) 2501
b) 2600
c) 7500
d) 7600

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8) Which of the following activation functions can lead to vanishing gradients?

a) ReLU
b) Sigmoid
c) Leaky ReLU
d) None of the above

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NPTEL Deep Learning Week 8 Assignment 8 Answers

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9) Statement 1: Residual networks can be a solution for the vanishing gradient problem.
Statement 2: Residual networks provide residual connections straight to earlier layers.
Statement 3: Residual networks can never be a solution for the vanishing gradient problem.

Which of the following options is correct?

a) Statement 2 is correct
b) Statement 3 is correct
c) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct
d) Both Statement 2 and Statement 3 are correct

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10) Input to the SoftMax activation function is [0.5, 0.5, 1]. What will be the output?

a) [0.022, 0.956, 0.022]
b) [0.42, 0.429, 0.16]
c) None of the above
d) Cannot be determined

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NPTEL Deep Learning Week 8 Assignment 8 Answers