Data Mining Week 8 Nptel Assignment Answers
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Data Mining Week 8 Nptel Assignment Answers (Jan-Apr 2025)
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1) Regression is used in:
a) Predictive data mining
b) Exploratory data mining
c) Descriptive data mining
d) Explanative data mining
2) The output of a regression algorithm is usually a:
a) Real variable
b) Integer variable
c) Character variable
d) String variable
3) Regression finds out the model parameters which produce the least square error between:
a) Input value and output value
b) Input value and target value
c) Output value and target value
d) Model parameters and output value
4) Consider x₁, x₂ to be the independent variables and y the dependent variable, which of the following represents a linear regression model?
a) y = a₀ + a₁/x₁ + a₂/x₂
b) y = a₀ + a₁x₁ + a₂x₂
c) y = a₀ + a₁x₁ + a₂x₂²
d) y = a₀ + a₁x₁² + a₂x₂
5) The linear regression model y = a₀ + a₁x is applied to the data in the table shown below. What is the value of the sum squared error function S(a₀, a₁), when a₀ = 1, a₁ = 2?
a) 0.00
b) 0.25
c) 0.50
d) 0.51
6) The linear regression model y = a₀ + a₁x is to be fitted to the data in the table shown below. What is the optimal regression model obtained by minimizing sum squared error?
a) y = 1.01 – 2.10x
b) y = 1.01 + 2.10x
c) y = 1.01 – 0.98x
d) y = 1.01 + 0.98x
7) The linear regression model y = a₀ + a₁x₁ + a₂x₂ + … + aₚxₚ is to be fitted to a set of N training data points having p attributes each. Let X be an N × (p+1) vector of input values (augmented by 1’s), Y be an N × 1 vector of target values, and q be a (p+1) × 1 vector of parameter values (a₀, a₁, a₂, …, aₚ). If the sum squared error is minimized for obtaining the optimal regression model, which of the following equation holds?
a) XᵀX = Xy
b) Xq = Xᵀy
c) XᵀXq = y
d) XᵀXq = Xᵀy
8) Accuracy of a linear regression model usually has:
a) Low bias and low variance
b) Low bias but high variance
c) High bias but low variance
d) High bias and high variance
9) A time series prediction problem is often solved using:
a) Multivariate regression
b) Autoregression
c) Logistic regression
d) Sinusoidal regression
10) In principal component analysis, the projected lower-dimensional space corresponds to:
a) Subset of the original coordinate axis
b) Eigenvectors of the data covariance matrix
c) Eigenvectors of the data distance matrix
d) Orthogonal vectors to the original coordinate axis
Data Mining Week 8 Nptel Assignment Answers
For answers to others Nptel courses, please refer to this link: NPTEL Assignment