Developing Cross Cultural Intelligence

Developing Cross Cultural Intelligence Linkedin Answers

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Developing Cross Cultural Intelligence Linkedin Answers Quiz 1

Question 1 of 2
Developing the ability to work seamlessly across cultures is about having all the right _.

  • questions ๐Ÿ—ธ
  • answers
  • documentation
  • knowledge

Question 2 of 2
What do you need to know before taking this course?

  • that cultures differ across the globe, based on high and low contexts and seven cultural factors ๐Ÿ—ธ
  • the full history of the world
  • why some countries use the phrase “God willing” and others don’t
  • the specific differences between high and low context cultures

Developing Cross Cultural Intelligence Linkedin Answers Quiz 2

Question 1 of 1
In high context cultures, communication is _.

  • detail-oriented
  • quiet
  • implied ๐Ÿ—ธ
  • loud

Developing Cross Cultural Intelligence Linkedin Answers Quiz 3

Question 1 of 7
Taking time to build relationships, and thus feeling comfortable with fewer rigid rules and policies, is indicative of a _ culture.

  • universalist
  • particularist ๐Ÿ—ธ
  • individualist
  • democratic

Question 2 of 7
Groups from high context cultures tend to work more , whereas groups from low context cultures are often more .

  • competitively; collaborative
  • collaboratively; competitive ๐Ÿ—ธ
  • efficiently; inefficient
  • inefficiently; efficient

These are Developing Cross Cultural Intelligence Linkedin Answers

Question 3 of 7
Which time orientation is most effective in a business setting?

  • monochronic time orientation
  • none of these answers ๐Ÿ—ธ
  • histrionic time orientation
  • polychronic time orientation

Question 4 of 7
What is the best example of a culture with an internal locus of control?

  • The people display a heavy reliance on astrology.
  • The people have an entire channel on TV dedicated to predicting weather. ๐Ÿ—ธ
  • The people generally leave things to fate.
  • Everyone hangs a lucky rabbit’s foot from their rearview mirror.

Question 5 of 7
The toughest word to say in an indirect communication culture is _.

  • no ๐Ÿ—ธ
  • antidisestablishmentarianism
  • maybe
  • yes

Question 6 of 7
You visit an office and cannot immediately discern who is the boss. You notice that people communicate openly, and that it seems like a pretty laid back atmosphere. What are you most likely observing?

  • high context
  • high-power distance
  • low context
  • low-power distance ๐Ÿ—ธ

These are Developing Cross Cultural Intelligence Linkedin Answers

Question 7 of 7
The CEO of a firm asks a group of interns to present their suggestions on how to improve organizational efficiency. This is most indicative of _.

  • low-power distance
  • low-risk aversion ๐Ÿ—ธ
  • high-power distance
  • high-risk aversion
See also  Managing a Diverse Team

Developing Cross Cultural Intelligence Linkedin Answers Quiz 4

Question 1 of 3
What is the purpose of assessing the situation before entering a cross-cultural communication event?

  • to prepare answers for any questions you may receive
  • to know exactly what to expect from a different culture
  • to evaluate your progress
  • to raise your awareness of a new situation and collect new information ๐Ÿ—ธ

Question 2 of 3
_ is the most important influence on the course of a communication event.

  • Individual temperament ๐Ÿ—ธ
  • Locus of control
  • High context culture
  • Time orientation

These are Developing Cross Cultural Intelligence Linkedin Answers

Question 3 of 3
How can you measure whether you were successful in a cross-cultural communication event?

  • Define success by whether or not the deal was completed.
  • See if your business partner from the new culture is smiling.
  • Define success by the terms of this new culture and your time orientation. ๐Ÿ—ธ
  • Ask your boss if you did a good job.

Developing Cross Cultural Intelligence Linkedin Answers Quiz 5

Question 1 of 2
Based on Scenario 1, which question should Judy ask herself going into her performance evaluation with Caroline?

  • Is French culture task- or relationship-oriented? ๐Ÿ—ธ
  • What should I wear?
  • How much coffee should I drink beforehand?
  • Can we do this over email?

Question 2 of 2
Based on Scenario 2, how can Bruno best measure his success in this transaction, beyond whether or not he made the sale?

  • by asking his boss back in Brazil
  • by gauging how much the audience smiles
  • by considering the level of ongoing contact with the British reps and the overall impact he had on the two companies ๐Ÿ—ธ

Developing Cross Cultural Intelligence Linkedin Answers FINAL EXAM

Question 1 of 9
Which example best illustrates an internal locus of control?

  • A person is introverted and methodical.
  • A person is “being” oriented and believes in fate and luck.
  • A person is outgoing and optimistic.
  • A person is “doing” oriented and believes that fate is of little importance. ๐Ÿ—ธ

Question 2 of 9
Your friend crosses in front of a red light, and a police officer notices. The officer stops to question you. Which statement is most likely true?

  • In a rules-based culture, the officer will treat you, your friend, and all other citizens uniquely.
  • In a rules-based culture, the officer will be flexible based on your friend’s circumstances.
  • In a relationship-based culture, your loyalty will be with your friend. ๐Ÿ—ธ
  • In a relationship-based culture, the officer will give your friend a ticket.
See also  Leading with Emotional Intelligence

Question 3 of 9
Which statement best describes the difference between high and low context cultures?

  • In a low context culture, people gesture more than in a high context culture.
  • In a high context culture, people tend to communicate with detailed messages. In a low context culture, messages are minimal and implicit.
  • In a high context culture, messages are communicated with fewer words and more nonverbals. In a low context culture, messages are communicated with explicit words. ๐Ÿ—ธ
  • In a high context culture, people tend to speak more softly than in a low context culture.

These are Developing Cross Cultural Intelligence Linkedin Answers

Question 4 of 9
Assume you come from a monochronic, direct, and low-power distance culture. How could you best start reaching out to and securing a new vendor in a culture very different from your own?

  • Dive right in and start introducing yourself to new people.
  • Learn the timeline for the assignment and set realistic expectations, knowing that it may take longer to establish connections in this new culture. ๐Ÿ—ธ
  • Email your boss and say the assignment might be too hard.
  • Try to close the deal with the first vendor you meet.

Question 5 of 9
What is the best definition of individual culture?

  • It is a culture were people place importance on relationships.
  • It is a culture where people prefer to be recognized individually and are more likely to make decisions on their own. ๐Ÿ—ธ
  • It is a culture that is likely to be a high context culture.
  • It is a culture where people make decisions as a group but are comfortable acting individually.

Question 6 of 9
Which statement about risk in a culture is true?

  • Risk describes the degree to which people within a culture are comfortable with change, innovation, and not following the status quo. ๐Ÿ—ธ
  • Risk is related to the historical background of a country, and it is often restrained in cultures with a newer history and traditions.
  • Risk depends on the average age of a culturesโ€™ working population. The older the population, the more comfortable they will be with risk.
  • Risk is related to the number of relationships built in the workplace, and it tends to be higher in Mediterranean cultures.
See also  Interpersonal Communication

These are Developing Cross Cultural Intelligence Linkedin Answers

Question 7 of 9
Which scenario best describes a monochronic workplace?

  • agendas, procedure manuals, and a free flowing meeting space
  • free flowing meetings and lots of open workspaces for collaboration
  • reminder emails, water cooler chats, and longer lunches
  • agendas, procedure manuals, and tight time management meetings throughout the day ๐Ÿ—ธ

Question 8 of 9
Which choice best differentiates between a direct and indirect communicator?

  • Indirect communicators say no without hesitation and direct communicators generally have trouble saying no.
  • Direct communicators speak with conviction but are less likely to be succinct and to the point when compared with indirect communicators.
  • Direct communicators will hesitate to ask open ended questions. Indirect communicators are more likely to ask yes or no questions.
  • Direct communicators say what they mean and say it clearly. Indirect communicators may gather more information by asking questions and offer suggestions for consideration. ๐Ÿ—ธ

Question 9 of 9
What is the definition of a high status culture?

  • In a high status culture, it is preferred that you send a direct email asking for a face-to-face meeting.
  • In a high status culture, formal communication style is preferable and professional job titles matter ๐Ÿ—ธ
  • In a high status culture, people refer to one another on a first name basis.
  • In a high status culture, junior-level professionals take the lead in meetings, and older, more experienced attendees are mere observers.

These are Developing Cross Cultural Intelligence Linkedin Answers

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Developing Cross Cultural Intelligence Linkedin Answers
Developing Cross Cultural Intelligence Linkedin Answers

Developing Cross Cultural Intelligence Linkedin Answers