Programming in Modern C++ | Week 6

Session: JAN-APR 2024

Course Name: Programming in Modern C++

Course Link: Click Here

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These are Nptel Programming in Modern C++ Assignment 6 Answers


Q1. Consider the following code segment.
What will be the output?
a) A1B1
b) A1B2
c) A2B1
d) A2B2

Answer: b) A1B2

Q2. Consider the following code segment.
What will be the output?

a) 8 8 1
b) 8 8 4
c) 1 8 4
d) 0 1 4

Answer: b) 8 8 4

Q3. Consider the following code segment.
What will be the output?

a) A B C ~C ~B ~A
b) A B C ~C ~B
c) A B C ~B ~A
d) A B C ~A

Answer: d) A B C ~A

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These are Nptel Programming in Modern C++ Assignment 6 Answers

Q4. Consider the following code segment.
Which line/s will NOT give you error?

a) LINE-1
b) LINE-2
c) LINE-3
d) LINE-4

Answer: a) LINE-1

Q5. Consider the following code segment.
Which line/s will give you error?

a) LINE-1
b) LINE-2
c) LINE-3
d) LINE-4

Answer: a), c)

Q6. Consider the following code segment.
Fill in the blank at LINE-1 such that the program will print Class2: : fun().

a) new Class1
b) new Class2
c) new Class3
d) It cannot be printed

Answer: b) new Class2

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These are Nptel Programming in Modern C++ Assignment 6 Answers

Q7. Consider the following code segment.
What will be the output?

a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) Garbage values

Answer: a) 0

Q8. Consider the following code segment.
Fill in the blank at LINE-1 so that the program will print 1.

a) cb-›f()
b) classA: : cb->f (
c) cb->classA: :f ()
d) classA: :f ()

Answer: c) cb->classA: :f ()

Q9. Identify the abstract class/es from the following code snippet.
a) Flower, FlowerWSmell, FlowerWOSmell
b) Flower, FlowerWOSmell, Dahlia
c) Flower, FlowerWSmell, FlowerWOSmell, Sunflower
d) Flower

Answer: b) Flower, FlowerWOSmell, Dahlia

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These are Nptel Programming in Modern C++ Assignment 6 Answers


Question 1

Complete the program with the following instructions.
• Fill in the blank at LINE-1 with appropriate keyword,
• Fill in the blanks at LINE-2 to declare fun () as a pure virtual function,
• fill in the blank at LINE-3 with approriate object instantiation,
The program must satisfy the given test cases.



using namespace std;

class Base{
    int s;

        Base(int i=0) : s(i){}

        virtual ~Base(){ }

        virtual int fun() = 0;

class Derived : public Base{
    int x;
        Derived(int i, int j) : Base(i), x(j) {}
        int fun(){
            return s*x;
class Wrapper{
        void fun(int a, int b){
            Base *t = new Derived(a, b);
            int i = t->fun();
            cout << i << " ";
            delete t;

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These are Nptel Programming in Modern C++ Assignment 6 Answers

Question 2

Consider the following program with the following instructions.
• Fill in the blank at LINE-1 and LINE-2 with appropriate return statements
The program must satisfy the sample input and output.


double Customer::getMaturity(){

    return principal + getInterest();

double Employee::getMaturity(){

    return principal + getInterest() + getExtraAmt();

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These are Nptel Programming in Modern C++ Assignment 6 Answers

Question 3

Consider the following program. Fill in the blanks as per the instructions given below :
• Fill in the blank at LINE-1 with an appropriate destructor declaration.
• Fill in the blank at LINE-2 with an appropriate constructor statement.
such that it will satisfy the given test cases.


using namespace std;
class A{
        A(){ cout << "11 "; }
        A(int n){ cout << n + 2 << " "; }
        virtual ~A();

class B : public A{
        B(int n) : A(n)
            cout << n + 5 << " "; 
        B(){ cout << "21 "; }
        virtual ~B(){ cout << "22 "; }

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These are Nptel Programming in Modern C++ Assignment 6 Answers

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Session: JULY-DEC 2023

Course Name: Programming in Modern C++

Course Link: Click Here

These are Nptel Programming in Modern C++ Assignment 6 Answers


Question 1
Consider the following program. Fill in the blanks as per the instructions given below:
• Complete the destructor statement,
• Complete the constructor statement,
such that it will satisfy the given test cases


using namespace std;
class B{
    B(){ cout << "1 "; }
    B(double n){ cout << n << " "; }

    virtual ~B();

class D : public B{

    D(double n) : B(n)

These are Nptel Programming in Modern C++ Assignment 6 Answers

Question 2
Consider the following program. Fill in the blanks as per the instructions given below.
• at LINE-1, define fun as pure abstract function,
• at LINE-2, complete constructor definition,
• at LINE-3, complete constructor definition,
such that it will satisfy the given test cases.


using namespace std;
class Test{
    virtual void fun()=0; //Line-1
class ReTest1 : public Test{
    int d1;
    ReTest1(int n) : d1(n*2){ } //Line-2
    void fun();
class ReTest2 : public Test{
    int d2;
    ReTest2(int n) : d2(n*3){ } //Line-3
    void fun(){
        cout << d2 << " ";

These are Nptel Programming in Modern C++ Assignment 6 Answers

Question 3
Consider the following program. Fill in the blanks as per the instructions given below.
• at LINE-1, declare the function show() as pure virtual function,
• at LINE-2, with appropriate function call,
• at LINE-3, with appropriate function header,
such that it will satisfy the given test cases.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class shape{
    int a,b;
    shape(int x, int y) : a(x), b(y) {}
    virtual void show() = 0;    //LINE-1
class triangle : public shape{
    triangle(int x, int y) : shape(x,y){}
    void Area();
    void show(){
        cout << a + b << " "; //LINE-2
void shape::show(){ //LINE-3
    cout << a+b << " ";

These are Nptel Programming in Modern C++ Assignment 6 Answers

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Course Name: Programming in Modern C++

Course Link: Click Here

These are Nptel Programming in Modern C++ Assignment 6 Answers


Q1. Consider the following code segment.
What will be the output?

a) 13
b) 14
c) 23
d) 24

Answer: b) 14

Q2. Consider the following code segment.
What will be the output/error?

a) 10 6
b) 10 4
c) 8 6
d) 8 4

Answer: a) 10 6

These are Nptel Programming in Modern C++ Assignment 6 Answers

Q3. Consider the following code segment.
What will be the output?

a) ABC ~C ~B ~A
b) ABC ~C ~B
c) ABC~B~A
d) ABC ~A

Answer: d) ABC ~A

Q4. Consider the following code segment.
Which line/s will give you error?

a) LINE-1
b) LINE-2
c) LINE-3
d) LINE-4

Answer: b, c

These are Nptel Programming in Modern C++ Assignment 6 Answers

Q5. Consider the following code segment.
Which line/s will give you error?

a) LINE-1
b) LINE-2
c) LINE-3
d) LINE-4

Answer: a, d

Q6. Consider the following code segment.
What will be the output?

a) A::f(0) B::g() C::h()
b) C::f() C::g() B::h()
c) C::f() B::g() B::h()
d) C::f() C::g() C::h()

Answer: b) C::f() C::g() B::h()

These are Nptel Programming in Modern C++ Assignment 6 Answers

Q7. Consider the following code segment.
Fill in the blank at LINE-1 so that the program will print 2.

a) cb->B::fun()
b) B::fun()
c) B::cb->fun()
d) cb->fun()

Answer: a) cb->B::fun()

Q8. Consider the following code segment.
Identify the abstract classes.

a) Vehicle, Car, MotorCycle
b) Vehicle, Car, SUV
c) Vehicle, Car
d) Vehicle, Car, SportsCar, SUV

Answer: d) Vehicle, Car, SportsCar, SUV

These are Nptel Programming in Modern C++ Assignment 6 Answers

Q9. Consider the following code segment.
What will be the output?

a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) Garbage

Answer: a) 0

Programming Assignment of Programming in Modern C++

Question 1

Complete the program with the following instructions.
• Fill in the blank at LINE-1 with proper access specifier.
• Fill in the blanks at LINE-2 to declare area() as a pure virtual function.
The program must satisfy the given test cases.


using namespace std;
class Shape
  double ar;
  virtual void area()=0;
  void show()
    cout << ar << " ";

These are Nptel Programming in Modern C++ Assignment 6 Answers

Question 2

Consider the following program with the following instructions.
• Fill in the blank at LINE-1 with appropriate destructor declaration.
• Fill in the blank at LINE-2 with appropriate initialization list of derived class constructor.
The program must satisfy the sample input and output.


using namespace std;
class Base
    cout << "1 ";
  Base(int n)
    cout << n << " ";
  virtual ~Base()
    cout << "2 ";
class Derived : public Base
  int num;
    cout << "3 ";
  Derived(int n) : Base(n), num(n*3)
    cout << num << " ";
  virtual ~Derived()
    cout << "4 ";

These are Nptel Programming in Modern C++ Assignment 6 Answers

Question 3

Consider the following program. Fill in the blanks as per the instructions given below:
• Fill in the blanks at LINE-1 with an appropriate keyword.
• Fill in the blank at LINE-2 with an appropriate function declaration.
• Fill in the blank at LINE-3 with an appropriate statement.
such that it will satisfy the given test cases.


using namespace std;
class B
  int s;
  B(int i=0) : s(i)
  virtual ~B()
  virtual int fun(int x)=0;
class D : public B
  D(int i) : B(i)
  int fun(int x)
    return s+x;
class Z
  void fun(int a, int b)
    B *t = new D(a);
    int i = t->fun(b);
    cout << i << " ";
    delete t;

These are Nptel Programming in Modern C++ Assignment 6 Answers

These are Nptel Programming in Modern C++ Assignment 6 Answers

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