Programming in Modern C++ Week 4 Assignment Answers
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Programming in Modern C++ Week 4 Assignment Answers (Jan-Apr 2025)
Q1. Consider the following code segment.
using namespace std;
class myClass{
static int s;
myClass(int _s) : s(_s) { }
void incr(){ s = s+10; }
void print(){ cout << s; }
int myClass::s = 10;
int main(){
myClass o1(5), o2(10);
return 0;
What will be the output/error?
a) 15
b) 20
c) 30
d) Compilation Error: myClass::s is a static data member; it can only be initialized at its definition
Q2. Consider the following code segment.
using namespace std;
class Point{
int x, y;
Point(int r=0, int i=0) : x(r), y(i) {}
Point& operator<< (const Point& c){ //Line-1
cout << x + c.x << "," << y + c.y << endl;
return *this;
friend Point& operator<<(ostream& os, Point c);
Point& operator<<(ostream& os, Point c){ //Line-2
cout << c.x << "," << c.y << endl;
return c;
int main(){
Point c1(2,5), c2(4,6);
cout << c1 << c2;
return 0;
What will be the output?
a) 2,5 4,6
b) 6,5 2,11
c) 6,11 2,5
d) 2,5 6,11
Q3. Consider the following code segment.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int var = 0;
namespace name {
int var = 25;
int main() {
int var = 1;
using namespace name;
cout << ::var <<" " << var <<" " << name::var; // LINE-1
return 0;
What will be the output/error?
a) 0 1 2
b) 0 2 2
c) 2 0 1
d) Compilation Error: reference to ‘var’ is ambiguous
Q4. Consider the following code segment.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class myClass {
static int X;
static int Y;
____ void print() { // LINE-1
cout << X << " " << Y;
void setX(int a){ X = a; }
void setY(int a){ Y = a; }
int myClass::X = 10;
int myClass::Y = 10;
int main() {
myClass t1, t2;
return 0;
Fill in the blank at LINE-1 such that the output will be 4 5
a) mutable
b) static
c) const
d) friend
Q5. Consider the following code segment.
using namespace std;
int x = 10;
namespace e {
namespace e1 {
int x = 15;
int main(){
____ // LINE-1
cout << x;
return 0;
Fill in the blank at LINE-1 such that the program will print 15
a) using e::e1::x
b) using e::e1
c) using namespace e::e1
d) using namespace e
Q6. Consider the following code segment.
using namespace std;
class constTest{
____ int x; // LINE-1
constTest(int _x) : x(_x) {}
void set(int a) const {
x = a;
void print() const {
cout << x << endl;
int main(){
const constTest m(5);
return 0;
Fill in the blank at LINE-1 such that the output is 10
a) int mutable
b) mutable int
c) volatile int
d) const int
Q7. Consider the following code segment.
using namespace std;
namespace name{
class Student{
int roll;
Student(int x) : roll(x) {}
void print(){ cout << roll; }
int main(){
____ // LINE-1
return 0;
Fill in the blank at LINE-1 such that the output is 5
a) name::Student s(5);
b) Student s(5);
c) name.Student s(5);
d) using name::Student(5);
Q8. Consider the following code segment.
using namespace std;
class Point{
int x, y;
Point(int _x, int _y) : x(_x), y(_y) {}
____ // LINE-1
Point& operator<< (ostream& os, Point p){
cout << "(" << p.x << "," << p.y << ")" << endl;
return p;
int main(){
Point pt(2,5);
cout << pt;
return 0;
Fill in the blank at LINE-1 such that the program will print (2,5)
a) Point& operator<< (ostream&, Point&)
b) friend Point& operator<< (ostream&, Point&)
c) Point& friend operator<< (ostream&, Point&)
d) const Point& operator<< (ostream&, Point&)
Q9. Consider the following code segment.
using namespace std;
class A{
static int a;
int get(){ return a; }
____ // LINE-1
int A::a = 0;
class B{
int b;
B(int y) : b(y) {}
void print(){
A::a = 10;
cout << A::a << " " << A::a + b;
int main(){
B t(5);
return 0;
Fill in the blank at LINE-1 such that the program will print 10 15
a) static class B
b) friend class B
c) class friend B
d) using class B
Programming in Modern C++ Week 4 Assignment Answers (July-Dec 2024)
Q1.Consider the following code segment.
using namespace std;
class Counter {
static int count;
void increment() {
count = count + 5;
void display() {
cout << count;
int Counter::count = 15;
int main() {
Counter c1, c2;
return 0;
What will be the output?
a) 15
b) 20
c) 25
d) 30
Answer: c) 25
Q2Consider the following code segment.
using namespace std;
class Example {
static int count;
void increment() {
count = count + 5;
void show() { // LINE-1
cout << count;
int Example::count = 0;
int main() {
Example e;
return 0;
Fill in the blank at LINE-1 such that the program will print 5.
a) mutable
b) static
c) class
d) friend
Answer: b) static
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Q3.Consider the following code segment.
using namespace std;
class Number {
int value;
Number(int_value = 0) value(_value) {}
// LINE-1
void show (Number &n) {
cout << n.value;
int main() {
Number n(10);
return 0;
Fill in the blank at LINE-1 such that the program will print 10.
a) void friend show (Number&);
b) static void show (Number&);
c) friend void show (Number&);
d) void const show (Number&);
Answer:a) void friend show (Number&); , c) friend void show (Number&);
Q4.Consider the following code segment.
using namespace std;
int num = 5;
namespace space {
int num = 15;
int main() { using namespace space;
int num = 10;
cout << : : num << << num << << space::num;
return 0;
What will be the output/error?
a) 5 10 15
b) 10 5 15
c) 15 5 10
d) Compilation Error: reference to ‘num’ is ambiguous
Answer: a) 5 10 15
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Q5.Consider the following code segment.
int main() { char message[] = “Welcome”; cout << message; // LINE-1 return 0;
The cout statement at LINE-1 gives an error. Change the cout statement such that it prints Welcome.
a) std::cout << message;
b) using cout << message;
c) using std::cout << message;
d) std.cout << message;
Answer:a) std::cout << message;
Q6. Consider the following code segment.
using namespace std;
int y = 2;
namespace name2 {
int y = 4;
int main() {
int y = 3;
cout << <<< endl; // LINE-1
return 0;
Fill in the blank at LINE-1 so that the program will print 6.
a) name2::y+ :: y
b) name2::y+ y
c) y+::y
d) name2.y+:: y
Answer: a) name2::y+ :: y
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Q7. Consider the following code segment.
using namespace std;
class X {
int x;
public: X(int x) x(x) {}
int getValue() {
return x;
class Y {
static X obj;
static int getValue() {
return obj.getValue();
int main(void) {
cout << Y::getValue();
return 0;
What will be the output/error?
a) 0
b) 10
c) Compilation error: cannot access static object obj
d) Compilation error: undefined reference Y::obj
Answer: d) Compilation error: undefined reference Y::obj
Q8. Consider the following code segment.
using namespace std;
class Counter {
static int count;
Counter() { count++;
static int getCount() { return count;
int Counter::count = 5;
int main() {
cout << Counter::getCount() << “;
Counter c [3];
cout << Counter::getCount();
return 0;
What will be the output?
a) 58
b) 5 9
c) 68
d) 69
Answer: a) 58
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Q9.Consider the following code segment.
using namespace std;
class Alpha {
int x = 15;
_; // LINE-1: };
class Beta {
int increase (Alpha &a) {
return (a.x + 5);
int main() {
Alpha a1;
Beta b1;
cout << bi.increase (a1);
return 0;
Fill in the blank at LINE-1 such that the program will print 20.
a) friend class Beta
b) class friend Beta
c) friend int increase (Alpha&)
d) friend int Beta:: increase (Alpha&)
Answer: a) friend class Beta
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Programming in Modern C++ Week 4 Assignment Answers (JAN-APR 2024)
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These are Programming in Modern C++ Week 4 Assignment Answers
Q1. Consider the following program.
Fill in the blank at LINE-1 so that the program will print 30.
a) friend class ReTest
b) class friend ReTest
c) static class ReTest
d) const class ReTest
Answer: a) friend class ReTest
Q2. Consider the following program.
Fill in the blank at LINE-1 so that the program will print 012.
a) using Test
b) namespace Test
c) using namespace Test
d) using namespace Test: :var
Answer: c) using namespace Test
Q3. Consider the following code segment.
Fill in the blank at LINE-1 so that the program will print 9.81.
a) mutable double
b) const double
c) static double
d) double mutable
Answer: a), d)
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These are Programming in Modern C++ Week 4 Assignment Answers
Q4. Consider the following code segment.
What will be the output?
a) 10
b) 15
c) 20
d) 25
Answer: d) 25
Q5. Consider the following code segment.
Fill in the blank at LINE-1 so that the program will print 5.
a) display()
b) myClass: :display()
c) myClass.display()
d) myClass->display()
Answer: b) myClass: :display()
Q6. Consider the following code segment.
Change the LINE-1 with the appropriate option so that the program will run successfully.
a) using cout < greet;
b) using std:: cout « greet;
c) std:: cout < greet;
d) std.cout < greet;
Answer: c) std:: cout < greet;
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These are Programming in Modern C++ Week 4 Assignment Answers
Q7. Consider the following code segment.
Which line/s will generate a compilation error?
a) LINE-1
b) LINE-2
c) LINE-3
d) LINE-4
Answer: a) LINE-1
Q8. Consider the following code segment.
What will be the output /error?
a) 0
b) 5
c) Compilation error: inaccessible object c1
d) Compilation error: undefined reference classB:: c1
Answer: d) Compilation error: undefined reference classB:: c1
Q9. Consider the following code segment.
What will be the output?
а) 0 3
b) 0 4
c) 1 3
d) 1 4
Answer: b) 0 4
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These are Programming in Modern C++ Week 4 Assignment Answers
Question 1
Consider the program below.
• Fill in the blank at LINE-1 with appropriate keyword,
• Fill in the blank at LINE-2 with appropriate return type of the function,
• Fill in the blank at LINE-3 with the appropriate initialization statement of the static variable obj.
The program must satisfy the given test cases.
using namespace std;
class myClass {
char c;
static myClass* obj;
myClass(char x) : c(x) { }
static myClass* create(char x) {
obj = new myClass(x);
return obj;
void show();
myClass* myClass::obj = nullptr;
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These are Programming in Modern C++ Week 4 Assignment Answers
Question 2
Consider the following program.
• Fill in the blank at LINE-1 with the appropriate statement such that the global function can access private class members,
• Fill in the blank at LINE-2 with the appropriate statement such that the global function can access private class members
The program must satisfy the sample input and output.
using namespace std;
class B;
class A {
int x;
A(int _x) : x(_x) { cout << "Class A: "; }
friend void print(int a, int b);
class B {
int x;
B(int _x) : x(_x) { cout << "Class B: "; }
friend void print(int a, int b);
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These are Programming in Modern C++ Week 4 Assignment Answers
Question 3
Consider the following program.
• Fill in the blanks at LINE-1, LINE-2, LINE-3 and LINE-4 with appropriate keywords
The program must satisfy the sample input and output.
using namespace std;
class Emp{
int id;
mutable double basic; //LINE-1
mutable double salary; //LINE-2
Emp(int i, double b, double s=0) : id(i), basic(b), salary(s){ }
void setBasic(double b) const{ //LINE-3
basic = b;
friend double calculate(const Emp&); //LINE-4
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Session: JULY-DEC 2023
Course Name: Programming in Modern C++
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These are Programming in Modern C++ Week 4 Assignment Answers
Question 1
Consider the following program. Fill in the blanks as per the instructions given below:
• Complete the variable declaration at LINE-1,
• Complete the function prototype at LINE-2 and LINE-3 with appropriate keywords
such that it will satisfy the given test cases.
using namespace std;
class Employee
const int id;
string name;
mutable int salary;
Employee(int a, string b, int c) : id(a), name(b), salary(c) {}
void updateSal(int x) const
salary += x;
void print() const
cout << id << " : " << name << " : " << salary;
These are Programming in Modern C++ Week 4 Assignment Answers
Question 2
Consider the following program. Fill in the blanks as per the instructions given below.
• at LINE-1 with appropriate forward declaration,
• at LINE-2 with appropriate statement
such that it will satisfy the given test cases
using namespace std;
class B;
class A
int a_ = 0;
A(int x) : a_(x) {}
int mulB (B&);
int subtractB (B&);
class B
int b_;
B(int y) : b_(y) { }
friend int A::mulB(B&), A::subtractB(B&);
These are Programming in Modern C++ Week 4 Assignment Answers
Question 3
Consider the following program. Fill in the blanks at LINE-1, LINE-2 and LINE-3 with appropriate statements such that it will satisfy the given test cases.
using namespace std;
class Singleton{
int data;
static Singleton *ins;
Singleton(int i) : data(i) {}
int get(){ return data; }
static Singleton* createIns(int i)
ins = new Singleton(i);
return ins;
~Singleton(){ cout << data; }
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Programming in Modern C++ Week 4 Assignment Answers (JULY-DEC 2022)
Course Name: Programming in Modern C++
Course Link: Click Here
These are Programming in Modern C++ Week 4 Assignment Answers
Q1. Consider the following code segment.
What will be the output/error?
a) 15
b) 20
c) 30
d) Compilation Error : myClass::s is a static data member; it can only be initialized at its definition
Answer: d) Compilation Error : myClass::s is a static data member; it can only be initialized at its definition
Q2. Consider the following code segment.
What will be the output?
a) 2,5 4,6
b) 6,5 2,11
c) 6,11 2,5
d) 2,5 6,11
Answer: d) 2,5 6,11
These are Programming in Modern C++ Week 4 Assignment Answers
Q3. Consider the following code segment.
What will be the output/error?
a) 0 1 2
b) 0 2 2
c) 2 0 1
d) Compilation Error: reference to ‘var’ is ambiguous
Answer: a) 0 1 2
Q4. Consider the following code segment.
Fill in the blank at LINE-1 such that the output will be 4 5.
a) mutable
b) static
c) const
d) friend
Answer: b) static
These are Programming in Modern C++ Week 4 Assignment Answers
Q5. Consider the following code segment.
Fill in the blank at LINE-1 such that the program will print 15.
a) using e::e1 : : x
b) using e::e1
c) using namespace e::e1
d) using namespace e
Answer: a) using e::e1 : : x
These are Programming in Modern C++ Week 4 Assignment Answers
Q6. Consider the following code segment.
Fill in the blank at LINE-1 such that the output is 10.
a) int mutable
b) mutable int
c) volatile int
d) const int
Answer: a, b
These are Programming in Modern C++ Week 4 Assignment Answers
Q7. Consider the following code segment.
Fill in the blank at LINE-1 such that the output is 5.
a) name::Student s(5)
b) Students (5)
c) name. Student s(5)
d) using name::Student s(5)
Answer: a) name::Student s(5)
These are Programming in Modern C++ Week 4 Assignment Answers
Q8. Consider the following code segment.
Fill in the blank at LINE-1 such that the program will print (2,5).
a) Point& operator<<(ostream&, Point&)
b) friend Point& operator<<(ostream&, Point&)
c) Point& friend operator<<(ostream&, Point&)
d) const Point& operator<<(ostream&, Point&)
Answer: b) friend Point& operator<<(ostream&, Point&)
These are Programming in Modern C++ Week 4 Assignment Answers
Q9. Consider the following code segment.
Fill in the blank at LINE-1 such that the program will print 5 15.
a) static class B
b) friend class B
c) class friend B
d) using class B
Answer: b) friend class B
These are Programming in Modern C++ Week 4 Assignment Answers
Assignment Questions
Question 1
Consider the program below which defines a class Database. Complete the program with the following instructions.
• Fill in the blank at LINE-1 to complete the declaration of member variable ins.
• Fill in the blank at LINE-2 to specify the return type of createIns() function.
• Fill in the blank at LINE-3 to call the createIns() function with parameter i.
The program must satisfy the given test cases.
using namespace std;
class Database{
int id;
static Database *ins;
Database(int i) : id(i) {}
int getIns(){ return id; }
static Database *createIns(int i){
ins = new Database(i);
return ins;
Database *Database::ins = 0;
void fun(int i){
Database *s = Database::createIns(i);
These are Programming in Modern C++ Week 4 Assignment Answers
Question 2
Consider the following program.
• Fill in the blanks at LINE-1 to complete forward declaration.
• Fill in the blank at LINE-2 with appropriate function declaration so that function
calculate can access private data member of TotalAmount class.
The program must satisfy the sample input and output.
using namespace std;
class Interest; //LINE-1
class TotalAmount{
double prinAmt;
double amt = 0;
TotalAmount(double p) : prinAmt(p){}
double calculate(Interest&);
class Interest{
double in;
Interest(double i) : in(i){ }
friend class TotalAmount; //LINE-2
These are Programming in Modern C++ Week 4 Assignment Answers
Question 3
Consider the following program. Fill in the blanks as per the instructions given below:
• at LINE-1 to complete operator overload function,
• at LINE-2 and LINE-3 to calculate subtraction of two position class.
such that it will satisfy the given test cases.
using namespace std;
class position{
int x, y;
position(int a, int b) : x(a), y(b) {}
position operator-(const position& p1){
position p(0,0);
p.x = x-p1.x;
p.y = y-p1.y;
return p;
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