Nptel Database Management System Assignment 4 Answers

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Nptel Database Management System Assignment 4 Answers
Nptel Database Management System Assignment 4 Answers

Nptel Database Management System Assignment 4 Answers (July-Dec 2024)

Q1.Find the functional dependencies that stand valid on the part of the relation shown below:
a) PQ, PR
b) QP, P→R
c) QP, R→ P, P → R
d) PQ, PR, R→ P

Answer:b) QP, P→R

Q2.Consider the relation Email (Sender, Receiver, Date, Time, Subject) with the following functional dependencies.
FD1: {Receiver, Date} Time
FD2: {Sender, Date} {Receiver, Subject}
FD3: Receiver→Subject
What is the highest normal form for the given relation?
a) 1 NF
b) 2 NF
c) 3 NF
Answer:a) 1 NF

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Q3.Consider the relation Office (OID, Emp, Branch, Dept) with the following functional depen- dencies:
FD1: {OID, Emp}→Branch
FD2: Branch→Dept
FD3: Dept→OID
How many candidate keys are there for the given relation?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

Answer: c) 3

Q4. Consider the relation TICKET (PNR, DERARTURE, ARRIVAL, SEATNO, COACHNO) with the fol- lowing functional dependencies.
Which of the following attributes cannot functionally determine COACHNO?

Answer: a) {ARRIVAL}

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Q5.Find the canonical cover of Relation R=(A, B, C) where F=(A→BC, BC, AB, AB→C)?
a) A→BC
b) A→B, B→C
c) AB, ABC
d) ABC, AB→C

Answer: b) A→B, B→C

Q6.Consider the following relational table FRUIT_STORE:

If (F_Name, Owner) is a key for this instance, what may be the value of X?
a) W. Hanna
b) C. Buck
c) W. Hanna or K. Bhardwaj
d) O. Kuzovkov

Answer: d) O. Kuzovkov

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Q7.Consider a relation Customer (CID, NAME, ADDRESS) with the following functional dependen- cies.
The current instance of this schema contains the tuple (121, Lucy, Delhi). Which of the following tuples can be inserted?
a) {255, Tom, Kolkata}
b) {137, Lucy, Delhi}
c) {233, Lucy, Mumbai}
d) {121, Jenny, Kolkata}

Answer: a) {255, Tom, Kolkata}b) {137, Lucy, Delhi}

Q8. The relation R(A,B, C, D, E, F, G) with the functional dependencies: { A→ B, A → C, AE → D, AEF G} is normalised into BCNF.
Which of the following decomposition is obtained as a result of this normalisation?
a) R₁(A, B, F), R₂(E, C, D), R3(A, G)
b) R1(A, B, C), R2(A, E, D), R3(A, E, F, G)
c) R₁(A, D, C), R₂(A, B, D), R3(A, D, F, G)
d) R1(A, B, C, F, G), R2(A, E, D)

Answer: b) R1(A, B, C), R2(A, E, D), R3(A, E, F, G)

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Q9.Consider a relation STUDENT (Name, Subject, Location, Marks).
STUDENT is decomposed into the following

STU SUB (Name, Subject, Location) and STU LOC(Name, Location, Marks)

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STU_LOC (Name, Location) and STU_SUB(Subject, Marks)
Which of the following is TRUE?
a) 1 is lossy but 2 is lossless.
b) 1 is lossless but 2 is lossy.
c) Both 1 and 2 are lossless.
d) Both 1 and 2 are lossy.

Answer: b) 1 is lossless but 2 is lossy.

Q10.Consider the relation DVDLibrary (Name, Company, Format, Price) with the following Func- tional Dependencies:
FD1: {Name, Company} → {Format, Price}
FD2: Company → Format
FD3: Format Price
Which of the following statements is (are) true?
a) The primary key for DVDLibrary is Company.
b) DVDLibrary is in 2NF.
c) Decomposition of DVDLibrary into DVDLibrary1 (Name, Company, Format), DVDLibrary2 (Company, Price) will not be dependency preserving.
d) Decomposition of DVDLibrary into DVDLibrary1 (Name, Company, Format), DVDLibrary2 (Company, Price) will be lossy.

Answer: c) Decomposition of DVDLibrary into DVDLibrary1 (Name, Company, Format), DVDLibrary2 (Company, Price) will not be dependency preserving.

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Nptel Database Management System Assignment 4 Answers (JAN-APR 2024)

Course Name: Data Base Management System

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These are Nptel Database Management System Assignment 4 Answers

Q1. Consider the relation R(X, Y, Z,V,W) which satisfies the following functional dependencies:
Which of the following functional dependencies are also guaranteed to be satisfied by relation R?
a) XZ → V
b) YZV → X
c) Z → W
d) X → Z

Answer: b) YZV → X

Q2. Consider the relation Student (Reg No, Name, Address, Phone, Class_ID) and the set of following functional dependencies:
• FD1: Reg No → Name
• FD2: Address, Phone → Class_ID
• FD3: Name → Phone
• FD4: Class_ID → Reg No, Address
Which of the following are possible sets of candidate key(s) of Student?

a) Reg_No
b) Address, Phone
c) Name
d) Class_ID

Answer: b), d)

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Q3. Consider the following relational table R:
If, relation R is decomposed into R₁ = (A, B, C) and R2 = (C, D, E). Choose the correct statement/s based on the above relations.

a) The decomposition does not preserve dependencies
b) ПR₁ (R) >< ПR₂ (R) will be:
c) ПР₁ (R) >< ПR2 (R) not equals to R
d) AB  holds in the table ПR₁ (R) >< ПR₂ (R)

Answer: a), c)

Q4. The following relation guarantees which highest normal form?
a) 1NF
b) 2NF
d) 3NF

Answer: a) 1NF

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Q5. In a relation MountainTreking(Altitud (Altitude, MName, Location, MType, TrekkerAge, Climate, TrekkerExp), Altitude identifies MName and Location. Also, MName, MType, TrekkerAge and Climate combined determines the TrekkerExp, MType. TrekkerAge of the MountainTreking are dependent on Altitude and Climate together. Which of the following are the non-prime attributes of Mountain?
a) Altitude
b) Trekker Age
c) Climate
d) TrekkerExp

Answer: b), d)

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Q6. Consider the following instance of the relation MonthlyExpense (Budget, Month, Expense, Salary)
Which of the following Functional Dependencies hold for MonthlyExpense?
a) (Budget, Month)  Expense
b) (Expense, Month)  Budget
c) Budget  Salary
d) Expense  Salary

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Answer: d) Expense → Salary

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Q7. Consider the relational schema Flight (FNo, SeatNo, Window, Pilot, Duration) with the following functional dependencies:
FNo {Pilot, SeatNo}
Duration{FNo, Window}
Which of the following decomposition of Flight is lossless?

a) F1(FNo, Duration), F2(SeatNo, Window, Pilot, Duration)
b) F1 (FNo, SeatNo), F2(Window, Pilot, Duration)
c) Fi(FNo, Window), F2(SeatNo, Pilot, Duration)
d) F1(FNo, Pilot), F2(SeatNo, Window, Pilot, Duration)

Answer: a) F1(FNo, Duration), F2(SeatNo, Window, Pilot, Duration)

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Q8. Consider the relation HousePlan (Room, Area, Location, Floor) with the following Functional Dependency set
FD1: Room → {Area, Location}
FD2: Location → Floor
FD3: Area, Floor} → {Room, Location}
What is the canonical cover of F?

a) FD1: Room→ {Area, Location}
FD2: LocationFloor
FD3: (Area, Floor)→Room
b) FD1: RoomArea
FD2: LocationFloor
FD3: Area, Floor}{Room, Location}
c) FD1: RoomLocation
FD2: LocationFloor
FD3: {Area, Floor}{Room, Location}
d) FD1: Room→{Area, Location}
FD2: LocationFloor
FD3: Floor{Room, Location}

Answer: a)

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Q9. Consider the relational schema Book(Author, ISBN, Title, Category, Pages, Publisher) which satisfies the following functional dependencies:
•FD1: Author, ISBN → Title
•FD2: Author → Category
•FD3: ISBN → Pages, Publisher
The given relation guarantees which highest normal form?

a) 1 NF
b) 2 NF
c) 3 NF

Answer: a) 1 NF

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Q10. Determine the highest Normal Form of the relation Restaurant (Dish, Chef, Table, Price) having the following complete set of functional dependencies.
Dish → Chef, Table
Table → Price

a) 1 NF
b) 2 NF
c) 3 NF

Answer: b) 2 NF

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Nptel Database Management System Assignment 4 Answers (July-Dec 2023

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These are Nptel Database Management System Assignment 4 Answers

Q1. Consider the relational schema Course Assignments (Assignment No, QNo, Topic, Marks, QType) with the following Functional Dependencies : Assignment No → Topic Topic {Topic, QNo} → QType Which of the following is not a prime attribute of Course Assignments? (Marks, AssignmentNo}
a) QNo
b) Topic
c) QType
d) AssignmentNo

Answer: d) AssignmentNo

These are Nptel Database Management System Assignment 4 Answers

Q2. Consider the relational schema FileRepo (RepoName, FileNo, IndexNo, AdminID, FileCount) with the following functional dependencies : RepoName→{AdminID, FileNo} FileCount {RepoName, IndexNo} Which of the following decomposition of FileRepo is lossless?
a) FileRepo1 (RepoName, FileNo), FileRepo2 (IndexNo, Admin ID, FileCount)
b) FileRepo1 (RepoName, FileNo), FileRepo2 (FileNo, AdminID, FileCount)
c) FileRepo1 (RepoName, FileCount), FileRepo2 (FileNo, IndexNo, AdminID, FileCount)
d) FileRepo1 (RepoName, AdminID), FileRepo2 (FileNo, IndexNo, AdminID, FileCount)

Answer: b) FileRepo1 (RepoName, FileNo), FileRepo2 (FileNo, AdminID, FileCount)

These are Data Base Management System Week 4 Assignment Answers

Q3. Consider the relational schema Course Assignments (Assignment No, QNo, Topic, Marks, QType) with the following Functional Dependency set : F={ QNo {Topic, AssignmentNo} Topic {Topic, QNo} → QType (Marks, AssignmentNo} } What is the canonical cover of F?

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Answer: d

These are Nptel Database Management System Assignment 4 Answers

Q4. Consider the relational schema Game Repo (Game Name, Game Type, Developer, PlayedBy) with the following Functional Dependency GameName, GameType → Developer GameTypePlayedBy Developer Game Name Identify the possible number of superkeys of GameRepo.
a) 4
b) 6
c) 8
d) 10

Answer: a) 4

These are Nptel Database Management System Assignment 4 Answers

Q5. Consider the relation Fig (FNo, Page, Colored, Dimensions) with the following Functional De pendencies : FD1 : FNo, Page → Colored FD2 : Colored → Dimensions FD3 : Dimensions → FNo If Fig is decomposed into Fig1 (FNo, Page, Colored) and Fig2 (Colored, Dimensions), which of the following options is (are) true?
a) The decomposition is both lossless and dependency preserving.
b) The decomposition is lossless but not dependency preserving.
c) The decomposition neither lossless nor dependency preserving.
d) The decomposition is not lossless but is dependency preserving.

Answer: d) The decomposition is not lossless but is dependency preserving.

Q6. Consider the relational schema Game Repo (Game Name, GameType, Developer, PlayedBy) with the following Functional Dependency GameName, GameType → Developer GameType → PlayedBy Developer Game Name What is the highest Normal form of GameRepo?
a) INF
b) 2NF
c) 3NF

Answer: b) 2NF

These are Nptel Database Management System Assignment 4 Answers

Q7. Consider the relation Fig (FNo, Page, Colored, Dimensions) with the following Functional De pendencies : FD1 : FNo, Page → Colored FD2 : Colored → Dimensions FD3 : Dimensions → FNo Which of the following is true?
a) Fig has 1 candidate keys and is in 1NF
b) Fig has 2 candidate keys and is in 2NF
c) Fig has 3 candidate keys and is in 3NF
d) Fig has 2 candidate keys and is in BCNF

Answer: d) Fig has 2 candidate keys and is in BCNF

These are Nptel Database Management System Assignment 4 Answers

Q8. Consider the instance of the relation Food (DishName, Price, Restaurant) :

image 42

Which of the following Functional Dependencies hold true on Food as can be found in the given instance?
a) (DishName, Price} → Restaurant
b) {Restaurant, Price} → DishName
c) {Restaurant, DishName} → Price
d) Restaurant → {Price, DishName}

Answer: a, b, c, d

These are Nptel Database Management System Assignment 4 Answers

Q9. Consider the instance of the relation Food (DishName, Price, Restaurant) :

image 43

If a new tuple {Risotto, 250, ItaliYum} is inserted to the given instance of Food, which of the following can not be a possible candidate key of Food?
a) {DishName, Price}
b) {Restaurant, Price}
c) {Restaurant, DishName}
d) {DishName, Price, Restaurant}

Answer: a, b, c, d

These are Nptel Database Management System Assignment 4 Answers

Q10. Consider the following relation : ClothesShop (ClothType, CColor, Designer, Shop ID) with the following functional dependencies : FD1 : ClothType → CColor FD2 : {Designer, CColor} → ShopID According to the rule of pseudo-transitivity, which of the following functional dependencies can be derived?
a) CColor ShopID
b) {ClothType, CColor} → Shop ID
c) {ClothType, Designer} → Shop ID
d) ClothType → ShopID

Answer: d) ClothType → ShopID

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