Introduction To Industry 4.0 And Industrial Internet Of Things | Week 4

Session: JAN-APR 2024

Course Name: Introduction To Industry 4.0 And Industrial Internet Of Things

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These are NPTEL Introduction to Industry 4 Assignment 4 Answers And Industrial Internet Of Things

Q1. What does Cybersecurity protect?
a. Only physical infrastructure
b. Only software
c. Hardware, software, and data
d. Only company policies

Answer: c. Hardware, software, and data

Q2. What is the focus of Network Security?
a. Only securing physical buildings
b. Protecting network architecture from unauthorized access and improper use
c. Protecting only the company CEO’s information
d. Solely focused on securing paper documents

Answer: b. Protecting network architecture from unauthorized access and improper use

Q3. What does the CIA Triad in Cybersecurity stand for?
a. Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability
b. Costing, Integrity, Assets
c. Company, Internet, Availability
d. Communication, Information, Assessment

Answer: a. Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability

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These are NPTEL Introduction to Industry 4 Assignment 4 Answers And Industrial Internet Of Things

Q4. What are the key differences between IIoT and traditional Automation?
a. No significant differences
b. Ubiquitous sensing, advanced analytics, IT tools, and methodologies
c. Only in terms of cost
d. Limited to the type of machinery used

Answer: b. Ubiquitous sensing, advanced analytics, IT tools, and methodologies

Q5. What are the benefits of deploying sensors and actuators in lloT?
a. Limited to academic purposes
b. To sell more software
c. To control, enhance, and optimize various functions
d. To reduce operational efficiency

Answer: c. To control, enhance, and optimize various functions

Q6. How does IIoT benefit the mining industry?
a. By relaxing safety standards
b. Increasing disaster risks
c. Early disaster warning
d. Ignoring carbon footprint metrics

Answer: c. Early disaster warning

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Q7. What is the Third Wave in GE’s industrial level innovation?
a. The Industrial Intranet
b. The Digital Revolution
c. The Industrial Revolution
d. The Industrial Internet

Answer: d. The Industrial Internet

Q8. Scarcity of non-renewable sources of energy pose a significant challenge with respect to energy consumption for the future smart industries and industrial internet?
a. True
b. False

Answer: a. True

Q9. What was the negative effect of the Industrial Revolution?
a. Increased life expectancy
b. Environmental pollution
c. Rise in literacy
d. Technological advancement

Answer: b. Environmental pollution

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Q10. Which of the following is not one of the three key elements of the Industrial Internet?
a. Intelligent machines
b. Advanced analytics
c. People at work
d. Social Networking

Answer: d. Social Networking

Q11. How is a smart sensor defined according to IEEE 1451 standard?
a. Sensor with large storage capacity
b. Sensor with standardized physical connection for communication
c. Sensor that operates independently
d. Sensor without the need for a power supply

Answer: b. Sensor with standardized physical connection for communication

Q12. What is the purpose of the MRAA library in Intel IoT devices?
a. High-level gaming interface
b. Large data analysis
c. Cloud storage management
d. Low-level communication in GNU/Linux platform

Answer: d. Low-level communication in GNU/Linux platform

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Q13. What is a key aspect of the design philosophy for IIoT in industrial processes?
a. Facilitating communication between heterogeneous objects
b. Prioritizing manual control over automated systems
c. Limiting data interoperability
d. Reducing smart object autonomy

Answer: a. Facilitating communication between heterogeneous objects

Q14. What is a feature of the Autonomous Pull Economy in Industrial Process 4.0?
a. High waste generation
b. Manual data processing
c. Limited resource optimization
d. End-to-end automation facility

Answer: d. End-to-end automation facility

Q15. Considering the future architecture of the smart Industrial plant, which among the following layers is responsible for autonomous decision making, machine learning and decision support system?
a. Connection Layer
b. Conversion Layer
c. Cyber Layer
d. Cognition Layer

Answer: d. Cognition Layer

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These are NPTEL Introduction to Industry 4 Assignment 4 Answers And Industrial Internet Of Things

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Session: JAN-APR 2023

Course Name: Introduction To Industry 4.0 And Industrial Internet Of Things

Course Link: Click Here

These are NPTEL Introduction to Industry 4 Assignment 4 Answers And Industrial Internet Of Things

Q1. Protection of internet-connected systems from cyber-attacks is known as _.
(a) Network security
(b) Internet security
(c) Web security
(d) Cybersecurity

Answer: (d) Cybersecurity

Q2. In which category of countermeasure does an application firewall fall?
(a) Hardware
(b) Software
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above

Answer: (b) Software

Q3. State true or false — “Cybersecurity is recognized as a subset of information security”.
(a) True
(b) False

Answer: (b) False

These are NPTEL Introduction to Industry 4 Assignment 4 Answers And Industrial Internet Of Things

Q4. Which of the following is/are correct regarding network security?
(a) It provides protection from unofficial access, improper use, fault, deletion, demolition
(b) It is an analytical action which categorizes information benefits.
(c) It ensures the protection of applications from outer threats.
(d) All of the above

Answer: (a) It provides protection from unofficial access, improper use, fault, deletion, demolition

Q5. What is a malware?
(a) A computer program which is used to disturb the computer user, such as computer viruses, spyware etc.
(b) A computer program which breaks security policy to get critical information, which is typically secured.
(c) A computer program which provides a facility to the attacker in which the attacker locks the user’s computer files by using an encryption and demand some money to unlock them.
(d) None of the above

Answer: (a) A computer program which is used to disturb the computer user, such as computer viruses, spyware etc.

Q6. What is SDCMA stand for?
(a) Software-Defined Cloud Management Architecture
(b) Software-Developed Cloud Manufacturing Architecture
(c) Software-Developed Cloud Management Architecture
(d) Software-Defined Cloud Manufacturing Architecture

Answer: (d) Software-Defined Cloud Manufacturing Architecture

These are NPTEL Introduction to Industry 4 Assignment 4 Answers And Industrial Internet Of Things

Q7. What are the three key differences between IIoT and Automation?
(a) Connectivity, advanced analytics, and IT tools and methodologies
(b) Ubiquitous sensing, advanced analytics, and IT tools and methodologies
(c) Advance sensing, connectivity, and IT tools and methodologies
(d) Ubiquitous sensing, connectivity, and advanced analytics

Answer: (b) Ubiquitous sensing, advanced analytics, and IT tools and methodologies

Q8. What is the role of optimum scheduling in transportation & logistics?
(a) It provides good customer services by reducing cancellation and delays.
(b) It provides better safety to both the on boarded passengers and machines.
(c) It reduces maintenance expenses.
(d) It enhances end-to-end automation.

Answer: (a) It provides good customer services by reducing cancellation and delays.

Q9. Which one of the following digital industrial companies coined the term, Industrial Internet?
(a) Siemens Global
(b) General Electric
(c) Accenture
(d) Digital Industry

Answer: (b) General Electric

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Q10. The __ started with the invention of internal combustion engines and electricity
(a) First Stage of the Industrial Revolution
(b) Second Stage of the Industrial Revolution
(c) Third Stage of the Industrial Revolution
(d) Fourth Stage of the Industrial Revolution

Answer: (b) Second Stage of the Industrial Revolution

Q11. Why is outage a huge problem in power industries?
(a) Because the service provided by any power industry is very large.
(b) Because power lines and other equipment are not mobile.
(c) Because replacing a broken equipment is hard.
(d) Because locating a broken power line or equipment is not an easy task.

Answer: (d) Because locating a broken power line or equipment is not an easy task.

Q12. The emergence of __ system will replace the isolated systems
(a) Edge-based
(b) Cloud-based
(c) Real-time
(d) All of the above

Answer: (b) Cloud-based

These are NPTEL Introduction to Industry 4 Assignment 4 Answers And Industrial Internet Of Things

Q13. Which of the following is a sensors technology manufacturer?
(b) General Electric
(c) Intel
(d) Honeywell

Answer: (d) Honeywell

Q14. What are the three main modules in PLC architecture?
(a) CPU, power supply, and I/O
(b) Sensors, processor, and actuation
(c) Sensors, CPU, and power supply
(d) Sensors, CPU, and network

Answer: (a) CPU, power supply, and I/O

Q15. Which of the following is not an actuators technology manufacturer?
(a) MOOG
(b) SPAT

Answer: (c) ADAFRUIT

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Session: JUL-DEC 2022

Course Name: Introduction to industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things

Course Link: Click Here

These are NPTEL Introduction to Industry 4 Assignment 4 Answers And Industrial Internet Of Things

Q1. What is Cybersecurity?
(a) Protection of internet-connected systems from cyber-attacks
(b) Protection of factories systems from the government is known as cybersecurity.
(c) Protection of laborers in the work environment is known as cybersecurity.
(d) None of the above

Answer: (a) Protection of internet-connected systems from cyber-attacks

Q2. Which of the following is not a component of cybersecurity?
(a) Application Security
(b) Network Security
(c) Both a and b
(d) None of the above

Answer: (c) Both a and b

Q3. Trojan Horse is a type of _______.
(a) Ransom-ware
(b) Hardware
(c) Malware
(d) All of the above

Answer: (c) Malware

These are NPTEL Introduction to Industry 4 Assignment 4 Answers And Industrial Internet Of Things

Q4. What is the aim of phishing?
(a) It enables industrial intelligent actions to use advanced data analytic tools for gettable business results
(b) To get critical data, such as login information or credit card information.
(c) Both a and b
(d) None of the above

Answer: (b) To get critical data, such as login information or credit card information.

Q5. “Cyber-attack recognition systems deal with an extensive volume of big dimensional data along with uniform advancing attack features.” True or false?
(a) True
(b) False

Answer: (a) True

Q6. What is/are the benefit(s) of IIoT?
(a) Improves productivity
(b) Enables remote diagnosis
(c) Reduces operation time
(d) All of the above

Answer: (d) All of the above

These are NPTEL Introduction to Industry 4 Assignment 4 Answers And Industrial Internet Of Things

Q7. What is SDCMA?
(a) Software-Defined
(b) Sensor-Defined Cyber Manufacturing Architecture Cyber Management Architecture
(c) Sensor-Defined Cloud Management Architecture
(d) Software-Defined Cloud Manufacturing Architecture

Answer: (d) Software-Defined Cloud Manufacturing Architecture

These are NPTEL Introduction to Industry 4 Assignment 4 Answers And Industrial Internet Of Things

Q8. Which of the following is not a challenge in deployment of IIoT?
(a) Cyber security
(b) Legacy installations
(c) Lack of skills
(d) Advanced IT technologies

Answer: (d) Advanced IT technologies

These are NPTEL Introduction to Industry 4 Assignment 4 Answers And Industrial Internet Of Things

Q9. What are the key elements in the Industrial Internet?
(a) Intelligent machines, Advanced analytics, People at work
(b) Intelligent people, Advanced machines, Internet at work
(c) Sensors, Actuators, communication protocols
(d) None of the above

Answer: (a) Intelligent machines, Advanced analytics, People at work

These are NPTEL Introduction to Industry 4 Assignment 4 Answers And Industrial Internet Of Things

Q10. Industrial internet can benefit the commercial aviation industry by
(a) Improving airlines operations
(b) Improving asset management
(c) Both a and b
(d) None of the above

Answer: (c) Both a and b

These are NPTEL Introduction to Industry 4 Assignment 4 Answers And Industrial Internet Of Things

Q11. What does “self-decision making” mean in terms of smart sensor function?
(a) Software Control and Data Acquisition
(b) Communicating vital information like measured, calibration and compensation data to the Central control unit
(c) Actuator
(d) Self-monitor its operation and changes in the ambience by taking proper decision for required compensation by itself or by alerting human for required action

Answer: (d) Self-monitor its operation and changes in the ambience by taking proper decision for required compensation by itself or by alerting human for required action

These are NPTEL Introduction to Industry 4 Assignment 4 Answers And Industrial Internet Of Things

Q12. What is SCADA?
(a) Software Control and Data Acquisition
(b) Supervisory Communication and Data Acquisition
(c) Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
(d) Software for Communication and Data Acquisition

Answer: (c) Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

These are NPTEL Introduction to Industry 4 Assignment 4 Answers And Industrial Internet Of Things

Q13. _________ combine the advantages of Electric and Pneumatic actuators.
(a) Cyber security systems
(b) Electro-hydrostatic actuation systems
(c) Both a and b
(d) Electro-pneumatic systems

Answer: (d) Electro-pneumatic systems

These are NPTEL Introduction to Industry 4 Assignment 4 Answers And Industrial Internet Of Things

Q14. What is/are the benefit(s) of operation efficiency in Industrial Process 4.0?
(a) Improved resource utilization
(b) Increased productivity
(c) Cost reduction
(d) All of the above

Answer: (d) All of the above

These are NPTEL Introduction to Industry 4 Assignment 4 Answers And Industrial Internet Of Things

Q15. Which of the following is/are not part of the operational domain of Industrial Process?
(a) Management
(b) Deployment
(c) Both a and b
(d) Transportation

Answer: (d) Transportation

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