Emotional Intelligence Nptel Week 8 Assignment Answers
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Nptel Emotional Intelligence Week 8 Assignment Answers (Jan-Apr 2025)
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1. Emotional intelligent leader is less effective in collaborating skills in inter-organizational collaborations
a. True
b. False
2. Which of the following statement is wrong about Emotion?
a. Emotions are universal psychological phenomenon that is based on evolution.
b. There is a considerable universality in emotion and its appraisal and expression or experience of regulations or recognition of emotions in others.
c. Emotional universal processes allow humans to adapt, respond, and cope with problems in their social lives.
d. Emotions are only experienced by individuals when they are physically active.
3. Culture can be defined as the beliefs, values, behaviour and material objects that together form a people’s way of life
a. True
b. False
4. Culture can be divided into two halves’, one is materialistic culture another is called________
a. Non-materialistic
b. Physical culture
c. Technological culture
d. Economic culture
5. _________ is anything that meaningfully represents something else.
a. Value
b. Language
c. Culture
d. Symbol
6. ________ is a set of symbols that expresses ideas and enables people to think and communicate with one another.
a. Language
b. Values
c. Norms
d. Symbols
7. Which one of the following is NOT a component of culture?
a. Values
b. Symbol
c. Language
d. Neuroplasticity
8. There is a _________ relation between emotion and culture.
a. Direct
b. Indirect
c. No
d. Complex
9. Cultural display rules are rules that dictate how universal emotional expressions should be modified according to specific social situations
a. True
b. False
10. _________ is associated with better recognition of anger, fear
a. Individualism
b. Materialism
c. Cognitive dissonance
d. Apathy
11. Cultural competence is a unidimensional construct.
a. True
b. False
12. According to _________, emotions are a set of socially shared scripts that are inextricably linked with culture and develop as individuals are enculturated into cultures
a. Biological approach
b. Social learning approach
c. Cultural constructionist approach
d. Cognitive appraisal approach
13. Becoming culturally competent is a process not an end point
a. True
b. False
14. Which of the following is not considered non-material culture?
a. Language
b. Raw materials
c. Family patterns
d. Beliefs
15. A process of learning that leads to an ability to effectively respond to the challenges and opportunities posed by the presence of cultural diversity in a defined social system” is known as?
a. Cultural Incapacity
b. Cultural Competence
c. Cultural Destructiveness
d. Cultural Incompetence
Nptel Emotional Intelligence Week 8 Assignment Answers (Jan-Apr 2025)
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