Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 8

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These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 8

Q1. Identify all the ways for giving an effective presentation:
a. Using PowerPoint slides to make the presentation lucid and appealing.
b. Using overhead projectors to illustrate key points.
c. Using an uncomfortable environment to minimize questions from the audience. 
d. Using colloquial slang and local dialect while speaking. 
e. Using handouts to remember the ideas precisely and coherently.
f. Using excessive makeup and gestures to make the presentation dramatic. 

Answer: a, b, e

These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 8

Q2. Based on the people’s behavior during oral presentation, identify those who are afraid of it:
a. Bala starts mumbling if he has a crowd of more than thirty people.
b. Dinesh profusely sweats and shivers while giving a presentation. 
c. Vinayagam makes frequent eye contact with the audience while presenting.
d. Durai looks only at the screen instead of the audience. 
e. Meera stands straight and delivers the presentation in a common language. 
f. Michael is confident and speaks loud and clear while presenting. 

Answer: a, b, d

These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 8

Q3. Consider a situation where your best friend Wasif is to give an oral presentation on the topic “Beauty of India,” in an international forum. He approaches you for suggestions knowing that you have done the course “Developing Soft Skills and Personality.” What are all the suggestions you would give him to make his oral presentation a success?

These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 8

a. Suggest him to go on a trip around India and learn in-depth about different culture and people. 
b. Insist on practicing the presentation in front of his friends and professors. 
c. Induce him to disrespect the other delegates from various countries during the presentation. 
d. Encourage the habit of visiting the venue before the presentation. 
e. Counsel him to be confident and believe in his subject. 
f. Recommend him to use pictures in a PowerPoint presentation. 

Answer: b, d, e, f

These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 8

Q4. Your friend Wasif has travelled and gained in-depth knowledge about India and its plural culture. Now he wants to prepare a presentation that is attractive and effective. What are the tips you have for him?
a. Deliver the oral presentation using simple language. 
b. Using jargon and native language during the presentation. 
c. Narrate anecdotes from his trip throughout India. 
d. Start with a question. 
e. Have a smooth transition from one point to another 
f. Use relevant quotes whenever possible

Answer: a, c, e, f

These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 8

Q5. Now that your friend Wasif’s presentation is ready, he asks you to give some advice on his mannerisms and behaviors that would enhance the mood and the presentation. What are the suggestions you have for him?
a. “Choose an attire that fits formal occasions.”
b. “Relax your facial muscles and smile often.”
c. “Look at the feet of others while presenting.”
d. “Practice in front of a mirror before the official presentation.”
e. “Make frantic movements on stage to gain attention.”
f. “Fake your tone and try to speak with a British accent.”

See also  Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 5

Answer: a, b, d

These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 8

Q6. Now that Wasif has learned about mannerisms during an oral presentation, his confidence is high. But he is still unaware of bad mannerisms and what not to do during the presentation. So, advise him on what not to do during a presentation.
a. “Do not shift your legs often while presenting.”
b. “Do not smile at the audience”
c. “Do not look at each person in the crowd.”
d. “Do not hold on to anything during presentation.”
e. “Do not move back and forth when on stage.”
f. “Do not look constantly at the screen or the computer.”

Answer: a, d, e, f

These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 8

Q7. Wasif has learned almost everything for an effective oral presentation. But as the saying goes, “Hope for the best but prepare for the worst,” what are a few precautions you advise him to consider in case of some mishaps?
a. “Wasif, email the files in advance to the organizing committee!”
b. “Bro, be carefree and go just with the original PPT file.”
c. “Some mishap might happen, thus, have extra hard copies.”
d. “Hey man, do not worry! Mishap is impossible to happen.”
e. “Wasif, have soft copies of the PPT on a pen drive or CDs.”
f. “If possible, practice presentation using the official device.”

Answer: a, e, f

These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 8

Q8. Consider that you are finishing your PhD course and are supposed to give an oral presentation before the experts. You ask your friend to give some tips to make the presentation professional. Identity all the healthy ways suggested by your friend to become professional in your oral presentation:
a. I should have a calm mind before the presentation.
b. I shall visualize myself presenting for psychological advantage.
c. I will avoid apologies; instead, be honest.
d. I should be arrogant and have a “know-it-all” attitude.
e. I must greet all the officials before the presentation.
f. I will avoid eye contact at any cost.

Answer: a, c, e

These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 8

Q9. Identify all the aspects that would degrade the quality of an oral presentation:
a. Racing through the speech
b. Talking too slow
c. Standing in a straight posture
d. Talking with a very low voice
e. Enunciating the points clear
f. Exceeding the time limit
g. Turning back to the audience

Answer: a, b, d, f

Q10. Why should an individual use ‘visuals’ in a presentation?
a. To present key ideas effectively.
b. To keep the audience distracted.
c. To reinforce the verbal message.
d. To keep the audience’s focus on the presentation.
e. To stimulate the audience’s interest.
f. To make the audience believe that you are a born leader.

See also  Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 4

Answer: a, c, e

These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 8

Q11. Kalaivani is the topper of her class. She is confident talking to people individually but fears public presentations. She fears facing questions and worries that she might be ridiculed for her feeble voice. Identify Kalaivani’s real fear while giving public presentation:
a. She is afraid of emerging as a natural leader.
b. She is afraid of humiliation.
c. She is shy of showing her expertise in her subject.
d. She is afraid that people will consider her over-confident.
e. Being a topper, she should give a top-class presentation.
f. She suffers from claustrophobia.

Answer: b

These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 8

Q12. Identify the WRONG way to reduce anxiety before a presentation:
a. Visualize the delivery.
b. Know your subject.
c. Respect preparation.
d. Practice presentation.
e. Smoke a cigarette.
f. Be confident.

Answer: e

These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 8

Q13. Why should an individual avoid apologizing during a presentation?
a. To show that only the presenter can be right.
b. To feel sanctimonious.
c. To humiliate the critics.
d. To take the lead and prove that the speaker can confidently tackle the audience’s questions.
e. To indicate that the audience knows nothing.
f. To blame the fault on others.

Answer: d

Q14. What is NOT an objective of public speaking?
a. To interest or amuse the audience.
b. To inform or to teach the audience.
c. To influence the audience.
d. To provoke the audience.
e. To show off the speaker’s skill and intellect to the audience.
f. To persuade the audience.

Answer: e

These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 8

Q15. Identify the WRONG hand gesture during a presentation:
a. Resting the palms initially to control nervousness.
b. Inserting the hands into one’s pocket.
c. Presenting with open palms.
d. Steepling one’s hands while answering the questions.
e. Keeping your hands in front you.
f. Having open gestures instead of folding them.

Answer: b

Q16. Who said, “I have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
a. Mahatma Gandhi
b. Bruce Lee
c. Maya Angelou
d. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
e. Ruskin Bond
f. Bertrand Russell

Answer: c

These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 8

Q17. Identify the inappropriate suggestion pertaining to presentation skills:
a. Use topics from your own experience as you become a professional.
b. Develop the narrative skill to deliver the message clearly.
c. Never speak without a purpose.
d. Use compelling examples to gain the audience’s attention.
e. Organize the PPT slides chronologically to make the topic easily understandable.
f. Digress from the presentation topic to keep the experts amused.

See also  Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 7

Answer: f

Q18. Choose the WRONG statement pertaining to ‘skimming.’
a. Skimming is the act of glancing quickly through pages.
b. Skimming is apt for light reading materials.
c. Skimming gives you an overall idea of what the book is about.
d. Skimming can be used to read newspapers when you are in a hurry.
e. Skimming looks for specific bits of information and locates key facts.
f. Skimming should not be used when one has to scan for particular data like a specific year or number.

Answer: e

These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 8

Q19. Identify the WRONG sentence about human relations:
a. It is difficult but not impossible to gain the trust of people.
b. Never bring power struggle in a relationship.
c. Empower people around you.
d. It is okay to disappoint someone in impulsive moments.
e. Treat others the way how you want to be treated.
f. Practice before you preach others.

Answer: d

Q20. Who is the wholesome presenter?
a. Ram’s presentation is excellent, but he is forced into oral presentation due to circumstances and not because of passion.
b. Leela uses attractive visuals plagiarized from different sources.
c. Vijay started oral presentation due to his passion for it and now h style of presenting and has a huge fanbase.
d. Ahmad uses very long sentences and always stands between the audience.
e. Jordan loves to deliver oral presentations but often mumbles while presenting.
f. Meenakshi has a great voice and authentic ideas but does not know how to make presentations.

Answer: c

These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 8

Q21. Winning the trust of people is impossible.
a. True
b. False

Answer: b

Q22. “You start dying slowly . . . ” is a poem by Pablo Neruda.
a. True
b. False

Answer: a. True

These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 8

Q23. To read faster, one should read word by word or letter by letter. 
a. True
b. False

Answer: b

These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 8

Q24. Scanning is used to read or glance through quickly.
a. True
b. False

Answer: a

These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 8

Q25. Viewing the venue before the presentation helps one to reduce anxiousness.
a. True
b. False

Answer: a

These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 8

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These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 8