Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 5

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These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 5

Q1. Identify those aspects that describe Cyborgs and their nature:
a. It is a result of the fusion between Biology and Chemistry.
b. Cyborgs are machines.
c. They are cybernetic organisms.
d. They are a threat to human life.
e. Human beings are slowly becoming cyborgs due to the growing significance of technology.
f. Cyborgs exist only in mythology and fantasy books.

Answer: c,e

These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 5

Q2. Consider the following statement by Marshall McLuhan and choose the correct options that describe its significance and have some relevance to it: “All media are extensions of some human faculty. . . . The wheel is an extension of the foot, the book is an extension of the eye . . . clothing, an extension of the skin . . . electric circuitry, an extension of the nervous system.”

a. In this techno-culture, these extensions have become real and have gained autonomy.
b. The extensions often give an identity to the source.
c. The machine and the human are further separated from one another owing to this phenomenon.
d. Technology and humankind can never be completely connected.
e. McLuhan says this in his text, The Medium is the Message.
f. A pacemaker can be seen as one such extension.

Answer: a, b, e, f

These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 5

Q3. Fill in the blanks: “Our machines are disturbingly ___(i)___ and we ourselves are frighteningly ___(ii)___.”
a. (i) inert
b. (i) lively
c. (i) dangerous
d. (ii) lively
e. (ii) inert
f. (ii) precious

Answer: b, e

These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 5

Q4. Which of the following are NOT the three keywords associated with technology?
a. Control
b. Caution
c. Choice
d. Power
e. Benefit
f. Bargain

Answer: b, d, f

Q5. Which of the following are the purposes of mobile phones?
a. To help us avoid meeting people we do not like
b. To give mobility against the fixity of landline phones
c. To make instant connection possible
d. To kill human contact
e. Facilitating communication though voice remotely
f. To distract us from our real-life problems

Answer: b, c, e

These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 5

Q6. Raman, Seema, and Tarun are writing emails to their boss to receive feedback for their monthly performance at the office. According to the email norms you have studied, evaluate the following subject lines that they use and choose the correct options:
Seema : “Requesting Sweetest Sir for their Lovely Feedback”
Tarun : “Requesting Monthly Feedback”

See also  Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 2

These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 5

a. Raman’s subject line is appropriate; one should use FULL CAPS in subject lines.
b. Tarun’s subject line should contain a closing salutation like “yours sincerely.”
c. Raman’s subject line is inappropriate; one should avoid using FULL CAPS in subject lines.
d. Seema’s subject line is informal and contains grammatical errors.
e. Tarun’s subject line is brief and simple, and thus, is appropriate.
f. Seema’s subject line appropriately addresses the receiver as “Sweetest.”

Answer: c, d, e

Q7. Choose from among the following suitable norms of writing an email:
a. One should be aware and empathetic of the fact that there is a human presence behind the technology of email.
b. One should add suitable emoticons to give a personal touch to digital communication.
c. One should respond to an email with utmost urgency, especially when one is angry or depressed.
d. Written words are stored forever, and thus, one should be very careful in one’s choice of words.
e. Ethical correctness is not required in emails.
f. Professional emails should use informal and casual language.

Answer: a, d

These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 5

Q8. Having previously learnt about good and bad habits, and in Lecture 26 about the use of mobile phones, choose some of the good mobile phone habits from the following:
a. Calling people to gossip at any time in the day
b. Giving missed calls to save money
c. Keeping important points written down for an efficient conversation
d. Using obscene ringtone and caller tune
e. Using phone while driving to save time
f. Not talking loudly on phone

Answer: c, f

Q9. Albert Einstein said that, “I fear the day that (i) will surpass our (ii). The world will have generation of idiots.
a. (i) cyborgs
b. (i) computers
c. (i) technology
d. (ii) human interaction
e. (ii) intelligence
f. (ii) earth

Answer: c, d

These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 5

Q10. Identify errors in the following email:
a. There are spelling errors.
b. There is no need to mention the date.
c. Uppercase and lowercase text is appropriately used.
d. The sender has forgotten to add a subject line.
e. There are undue spaces between words.
f. There is excessive and unwarranted use of capital letters.

Answer: a, d, e, f

These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 5

Q11. Shikha wants to send an email to her Manager about her Weekly progress. What should she NOT do?
a. Keep the email short
b. Put a relevant Subject Line
c. CC it to all the other employees
d. Use spell-check while editing her email
e. Use paras and sub-headings in case of a long email
f. Close the email with “Yours sincerely”

See also  Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 1

Answer: c. CC it to all the other employees

Q12. Which of the following terms can be used to describe the amazing transformation of society with technological growth, characterized by the presence of new devices and social communication platforms, a change in thought and communication patterns :
a. Cyborgian Shift
b. Horticulture
c. Primordial Shift
d. Zeigarnik Effect
e. Literary Revolution
f. Haraway Phenomenon

Answer: a. Cyborgian Shift

These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 5

Q13. It is important to maintain a uniformity of a standard language in email because :
a. Some languages are better than others.
b. Being multilingual is not sophisticated.
c. One cannot assume what all languages the receiver is familiar with.
d. The Internet does not allow the use of multiple languages in an email.
e. To write in more than one language is an unachievable task.
f. Using more than one language is an act of pretense.

Answer: c. One cannot assume what all languages the receiver is familiar with.

These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 5

Q14. The idea that human beings are rarely divorced from technology, and that the two cannot be removed from each other, is discussed in his text, Technoscience and Cyberculture by :
a. Marshall McLuhan
b. Donna Haraway
c. Albert Einstein
d. S. Aronowitz
e. Sydney J. Harris
f. Isaac Newton

Answer: a. Marshall McLuhan

These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 5

Q15. What is the full form of WRT in an email?
a. Wireless Router Transmission
b. Why respond timely?
c. Winter rest time
d. With respect to
e.Writing response time
f. Web Rights Team

Answer: d. With respect to

Q16. If people display a lack of netiquette, there is likely to be an increase in :
a. Emoticons
b. Cyber abuse and bullying
c. Better communication
d. Respectful online interaction
e. Internet speed
f. Ethical correctness

Answer: b. Cyber abuse and bullying

These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 5

Q17. Which of the following habits can make a person more human in her/his usage of mobile phones?
a. Using mobile phone to check time, calculations, etc.
b. Using video calls instead of face-to-face communication in order to keep recordings
c. Texting people in the same house
d. Switching off your phone when you sleep
e. Making time for more mobile phone usage to keep up with technology
f. Using artificial assistants available in phones to satisfy the need for human interaction

See also  Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 8

Answer: d. Switching off your phone when you sleep

Q18. Which of the following is NOT one of the Cardinal Principles of Soft Skills and Personality Development?
a. Planning
b. Preparedness
c. Power
d. Persuasiveness
e. Presentability
f. Perseverance

Answer: c. Power

These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 5

Q19. What should Yasmeen do to make her email look more professional?
a. Use no subject line to increase the element of surprise
b. Make her email very long
c. Use difficult words and jargon
d. Use idioms, metaphors, and proverbs
e. Use a lot of abbreviations
f. Take note of punctuation marks and spaces after punctuation

Answer: f. Take note of punctuation marks and spaces after punctuation

Q20. Sandhya needs to approach her professor with a request for taking leave to go home. Which of the following mannerisms indicate that she possesses good soft skills?
a. Barging into the professor’s office with great urgency
b. Taking an appointment with the professor beforehand
c. Discussing irrelevant issues to waste time
d. Approaching without an application for taking leave
e. Demanding the leave as she has already booked her train tickets
f. Not indicating the period of the leave

Answer: b. Taking an appointment with the professor beforehand

These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 5

Q21. The boundaries between man and machine are becoming blurred in these times of growing tech
a. True
b. False

Answer: a. True

Q22. Using SMS language in emails should be encouraged.
a. True
b. False

Answer: b. False

These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 5

Q23. Potter Stewart believes that “Ethics is discouraging the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do.”
a. True
b. False

Answer: b. False

Q24. One should never use sub-headings in a long email.
a. True
b. False

Answer: b. False

These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 5

Q25. BTW means “Black to White.”
a. True
b. False

Answer: b. False

These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 5

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These are the answers for Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL Assignment Week 5