Software Testing NPTEL Week 9 Assignment Answers

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Software Testing NPTEL Week 9 Assignment Answers

Software Testing NPTEL Week 9 Assignment Answers (July-Dec 2024)

  1. Which of the following statements are true about mutation testing applied at the various stages of the software development life-cycle?
    A) Mutation can be applied to programs, input strings, and design artifacts. In all the cases, test cases are written to kill the mutants.
    B) Mutation can be only applied to programs, and test cases can be written to kill the mutants.
    C) Mutation can be applied to programs, inputs, and design artifacts. Test cases can be written to kill the mutants for programs and design artifacts, not for input mutations.
    D) Mutation can be applied only to individual methods, not for inputs and design artifacts. Test cases can be written to kill the mutants.

Answer: C) Mutation can be applied to programs, inputs, and design artifacts. Test cases can be written to kill the mutants for programs and design artifacts, not for input mutations.

  1. State yes or no: Are there mutation operators available for inputs that are XML files that are used in web applications?
    A) Yes
    B) No

Answer: B) No

  1. Consider a method A calling another method B, with the callee method B returning an integer back to method A. In a particular mutation, the method call for B is deleted, and instead of the return statement, an integer constant is added in the same statement in method A. Which type of mutation will this be?
    A) Integration method replacement
    B) Integration method call deletion
    C) Integration method return value change
    D) Integration callee method change
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Answer: B) Integration method call deletion

  1. Suppose the access level for a method M in a particular class C is changed and this change denies access to the method M for one of the child classes of C. Which mutation operator has been applied here and has the resulting mutant been successfully killed?
    A) Overriding method change operator has been applied, and the resulting mutant has been killed.
    B) Overriding method deletion operator has been applied, and the resulting mutant has been killed.
    C) Method access has been changed, and it need not mean that the resulting mutant has been successfully killed.
    D) Access modifier change mutation operator has been applied, and the resulting mutant has been successfully killed.

Answer: D) Access modifier change mutation operator has been applied, and the resulting mutant has been successfully killed.

  1. Is method overloading different from method overriding and if yes, what is the main difference?
    A) Method overloading and method overriding are the same.
    B) Method overloading is different from method overriding. In the former case, the two methods are in the same class, and in the latter case, the method is present in a class and one of its descendants.
    C) Method overloading is different from method overriding. In the former case, the method is present in a class and one of its descendants, and in the latter case, the two methods are in the same class.
    D) Method overloading and method overriding are nearly the same where two different pieces of code are given to the same method.
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Answer: B) Method overloading is different from method overriding. In the former case, the two methods are in the same class, and in the latter case, the method is present in a class and one of its descendants.

These are Software Testing NPTEL Week 9 Assignment Answers

  1. When a particular variable belonging to a class is such that there is only one copy of the variable for the entire class, what is the associated declaration of the variable called?
    A) Static
    B) Private
    C) Instance
    D) Protected

Answer: A) Static

  1. How do we say that mutation testing subsumes node and edge graph coverage criteria despite the fact that these are two different testing techniques?
    A) Mutation testing does not subsume node and edge coverage criteria.
    B) Mutation testing is a weaker testing technique than node and edge coverage criteria.
    C) We consider weak mutation and specific mutation operators for the given subsumption.
    D) We consider strong mutation and specific mutation operators for the given subsumption.

Answer: D) We consider strong mutation and specific mutation operators for the given subsumption.

  1. In the code snippet below, what is the use of the this keyword?
public class Main {
    int x;

    // Constructor with a parameter
    public Main(int x) {
      this.x = x;

    // Call the constructor
    public static void main(String[] args) {
      Main myObj = new Main(5);
      System.out.println("Value of x = " + myObj.x);

A) It refers to the current object in the constructor.
B) It invokes the current class method.
C) It is used to pass an argument whose value is not clear.
D) It is a method parameter.

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Answer: A) It refers to the current object in the constructor.

  1. What will the output of the above code snippet be if the this keyword is omitted?
    A) Output will be unknown.
    B) Output will be 0.
    C) Output will be 5.
    D) There will be no output.

Answer: C) Output will be 5.

  1. Will the mutant that is created by a mutation that deletes the this keyword be killed by any test case? State yes or no.
    A) Yes
    B) No

Answer: A) Yes

These are Software Testing NPTEL Week 9 Assignment Answers

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