Software Testing NPTEL Week 8 Assignment Answers

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Software Testing NPTEL Week 8 Assignment Answers

Software Testing NPTEL Week 8 Assignment Answers (July-Dec 2024)

  1. Which of the following is a correct regular expression for the language of all binary words (over the alphabet {0, 1}) that begin with a 0 and end with a 1?
    A) 0+(0+1)∗+1
    B) 0⋅(0⋅1)∗⋅1
    C) 0⋅(0+1)∗⋅1
    D) (0⋅(0+1)∗⋅1)∗

Answer: C) 0⋅(0+1)∗⋅1

  1. Suppose a programming language has identifier names from the lower case English alphabet that can be exactly of length three. Which of the following is a regular expression that corresponds to these identifier names?
    A) (a+b+c+…+z)⋅(a+b+c+…+z)⋅(a+b+c+…+z)
    B) (a⋅b⋅c⋅…⋅z)+(a⋅b⋅c⋅…⋅z)+(a⋅b⋅c⋅…⋅z)
    C) (a+b+c+…+z)∗
    D) (a+b+c+…+z)⋅(a+b+c+…+z)⋅(a+b+c+…+z)∗

Answer: A) (a+b+c+…+z)⋅(a+b+c+…+z)⋅(a+b+c+…+z)

  1. Which are the three levels in which the syntax of a programming language is typically given?
    A) Characters, tokens, words and phrases.
    B) Words, phrases and context that specifies types, variable references etc.
    C) Regular expressions and context-free languages.
    D) Regular expressions and context-free grammars.

Answer: B) Words, phrases and context that specifies types, variable references etc.

  1. State true or false: If a mutant is strongly killed, it is also weakly killed.
    A) True
    B) False

Answer: A) True

  1. If an expression of the form if (a <= b) is replaced with if (true), then it is an application of which of the mutation operators below?
    A) Boolean constant replacement.
    B) Logical operator replacement.
    C) Relational operator replacement.
    D) True operator replacement.
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Answer: A) Boolean constant replacement.

These are Software Testing NPTEL Week 8 Assignment Answers

  1. Identify the mutation operator that is applied at statement 4 in the above code snippet.
    A) Arithmetic operator replacement.
    B) Loop initialization replacement.
    C) Scalar variable replacement.
    D) Constant value replacement.

Answer: B) Loop initialization replacement.

  1. Can the mutant be reached if the input array is empty?
    A) Yes
    B) No

Answer: B) No

  1. State Yes or No: Is it possible that infection of the mutation occurs when the input array is the empty array?
    A) Yes
    B) No

Answer: B) No

  1. Which of the following test cases ensures that the mutated statement is infected but propagation does not occur?
    A) A test case with the value not in the array will ensure that infection occurs and propagation does not occur.
    B) A test case in which the last occurrence of the value is not in array num[0] will ensure infection and not propagation.
    C) A test case in which the element occurs exactly once in the array will ensure that infection occurs and propagation does not occur.
    D) A test case in which the last occurrence of the value is anywhere except in the first position will ensure that infection occurs and propagation does not occur.

Answer: C) A test case in which the element occurs exactly once in the array will ensure that infection occurs and propagation does not occur.

  1. Which of the following test cases will strongly kill the mutant?
    A) A test case in which the value is not in the array will strongly kill the mutant.
    B) A test case in which the value occurs exactly once at any position in the array will strongly kill the mutant.
    C) A test case in which the value is in the first position of the array will strongly kill the mutant.
    D) A test case in which the value is not in the first position of the array will strongly kill the mutant.
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Answer: C) A test case in which the value is in the first position of the array will strongly kill the mutant.

These are Software Testing NPTEL Week 8 Assignment Answers

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