Ethical Hacking Nptel Week 5 Assignment Answers
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Ethical Hacking Nptel Week 5 Assignment Answers (July-Dec 2024)
Q1 Which of the following NMAP options can be used to run some of the nmap scripts?
a. PE
b. PU
c. A
d. 0
e. sC
Answer: c. A, e. sC
Q2.Which of the following NMAP scripts is used to perform DoS attack?
a. ssh-brute
b. smb-os-discovery
c. smb-brute
d. http-dos-attack
e. None of these
e. None of these
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Q3.Which of the following tools/software can be used for scanning vulnerabilities?
a. Nessus
b. Hydra
c. crunch
d. hascat
Answer: a. Nessus, e. NMAP
Q4.Which of the following tools can be used to create a dictionary for dictionary-based password
a. Hydra
b. Crunch
d. None of these.
Answer: b. Crunch
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Q5.Consider the following statements:
(i) User enumeration refers to collecting details of users and their privileges.
(if) Hydra and Crunch tool can be used for user enumeration.
a. Only (i) is true.
b. Only (ii) is true.
c. Both (i) and (ii) are true.
d. Both (i) and (ii) are false..
Answer: a. Only (i) is true.
Q6.Assume that we want to connect to a target system ( through ssh service, the
username and password are “user” and “pwd” respectively. Which of the following commands
can be used to create a ssh connection?
a. ssh user -p pwd
b. ssh
c. ssh10.0.0.1@user
d. None of these
Answer: d. None of these
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Q7.How many words will be generate by crunch tool if we use the crunch command as “crunch 12
Answer: 110
Q8.Which of the following can be used for gaining same level privilege as the existing one?
a. Vertical privilege escalation.
b. Horizontal privilege escalation.
c. Diagonal privilege escalation.
d. Triangular privilege escalation.
e. None of these.
Answer: b. Horizontal privilege escalation.
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Q9.Which of the following tools can be used for user enumeration?
a. Hydra
b. Crunch
c. Enumdlinux
d. None of these.
Answer: c. Enumdlinux
Q10 To download any file from the target system that is connected through FTP connection, which
of the following commands can be used?
a. put
b. get
c. upload
d. download
Answer: b. get
Q11.Which of the following statement(s) is/are false?
a. Malware are malicious software that damages or disables computer systems and
gives limited or full control to the malware creator for the purpose of theft or fraud.
b. Malware can get inside systems through file sharing or fake programs.
c. Malwares can alter, corrupt, modify or delete some data/files.
d. None of these.
Answer: d. None of these
Q12.‘Which of the following commands is used to delete an ARP entry?
a. arp -I
b. arp-s
c arp -i
d. arp-e
e. None of these
Answer: e. None of these
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Ethical Hacking Nptel Week 5 Assignment Answers (Jan-Apr 2024)
Course Name: Ethical Hacking
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These are nptel ethical hacking week 5 assignment answers
Q1. Consider the following statements:
(i) The purpose of vulnerability scanning is to identify weakness of system/network in order to determine how a system can be exploited.
(ii) NMAP script can be useful for automated scanning. However, scripts can have specific equirement.
a. Only (i) is true.
b. Only (ii) is true.
c. Both (i) and (ii) are true.
d. Both (i) and (ii) are false.
Answer: c. Both (i) and (ii) are true.
Q2. Which of the following NMAP option runs some of the nmap scripts?
a. -A
b. -sC
c -pn
d. -PE
e. -sL
Answer: a, b
These are nptel ethical hacking week 5 assignment answers
Q3. Which of the following NMAP scripts is used to preform DoS attack?
a. ssh-brute
b. smb-os-discovery
c. smb-brute
d. http-slowloris-check
e. None of these.
Answer: e. None of these.
Q4. Which of the following tools/software cannot be used for scanning vulnerabilities?
a. Hypervisor
b. Nessus
c. Hydra
d. crunch
e. hascat
f. Nmap
Answer: a, c, d, e
These are nptel ethical hacking week 5 assignment answers
Q5. Which of the following tool/approach can be used for proxy preparation?
a. Web based proxy/Proxychains tools
b. By running NMAP vulnerability scanning scripts.
c. Macchanger tool
d. Hypervisor
e. Firewall
Answer: a, c
Q6. Which of the following is not a password cracking approach?
a. Shoulder Surfing
b. Social Engineering
c. Dictionary Attack
d. Brute-Force attack
e. Rule Based Attack
f. None of these.
Answer: f. None of these.
These are nptel ethical hacking week 5 assignment answers
Q7. Which of the following tools can be used to create a dictionary for dictionary based password attack?
a. Hydra
b. Crunch
c. Nessus
d. None of these.
Answer: b. Crunch
Q8. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true for user enumeration?
a. Enumeration refers to collecting details of users and their privileges.
b. User enumeration refers to collecting username and passwords.
c. NMAP does not have any script for user enumeration.
d. Hydra and crunch tool can be used for user enumeration.
Answer: a. Enumeration refers to collecting details of users and their privileges.
These are nptel ethical hacking week 5 assignment answers
Q9. Which of the following can be used for gaining same level privileges than existing one?
a. Vertical privilege escalation.
b. Horizontal privilege escalation.
c. Diagonal privilege escalation.
d. Triangular privilege escalation.
e. None of these.
Answer: b. Horizontal privilege escalation.
Q10. Which of the following approaches can be helpful to avoid privilege escalation attack?
a. Run user level application on least privileges.
b. Keep the software updated.
c. Regularly perform vulnerability scan.
d. Institute a strong password policy.
e. Avoid downloading files from untrusted/malicious websites.
f. Ignore unknown mails.
Answer: a, b, c, d
These are nptel ethical hacking week 5 assignment answers
Q11. Which of the following statement(s) is/are false?
a. Malware are malicious software that damages or disables computer systems and gives limited or full control to the malware creator for the purpose of theft or fraud.
b. Malware can get inside systems through file sharing or fake programs.
c. Malware cannot replicate itself.
d. Malwares can alter, corrupt, modify or delete some data/files.
e. None of these.
Answer: c. Malware cannot replicate itself.
Q12. Which of the following can be used as a countermeasure against malwares?
a. Use of firewall
b. Avoid downloading files from untrusted/malicious websites
¢ Use of antivirus tools
d. Keep computer and software updated.
e. Ignoring unknown mails
f. All of these
Answer: f. All of these
These are nptel ethical hacking week 5 assignment answers
Q13. Which of the following statement(s) is/are false for sniffing?
a. Sniffing is a process of monitoring and capturing all data packets passing through a given network.
b. The HTTPS packets are vulnerable to sniffing attack.
c. In passive sniffing ARP packets are used to flood the switch’s CAM table.
d. None of these.
Answer: b, c
Q14. Which of the following commands is used to delete an ARP entry in a system?
a. arp-l
b. arp-s
c. arp-i
d. arp—e
e. None of these
Answer: e. None of these
These are nptel ethical hacking week 5 assignment answers
Q15. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?
a. ARP spoofing involve construction of large number of forged ARP request/reply packets.
b. Using fake ARP messages, an attacker can divert all communications between two machines so that all traffic is exchanged via his/her PC.
c. In MAC attack, CAM table are flooded with fake MAC address and IP pairs.
d. MAC attack cannot change the behavior of the switch.
e. MAC attack can fill the CAM table of adjacent switches.
f. None of these.
Answer: a, b, c, e
These are nptel ethical hacking week 5 assignment answers