Computer Architecture Week 5 Assignment Nptel Answers 2024

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Computer Architecture Week 5 Assignment Solutions

Computer Architecture Nptel Week 5 Assignment Answers (July-Dec 2024)

1. In the x86 ISA, the instruction movzx copies a smaller register to a larger register and __:

a) Pads the MSB bits with the sign bit
b) Pads the MSB bits with 0s
c) Pads the LSB bits with the sign bit
d) Pads the LSB bits with 0s

Answer: b) Pads the MSB bits with 0s

2. In the x86 ISA, the size corresponding to the modifier dword (double word) is __ bits:

a) 8
b) 16
c) 32
d) 64

Answer: c) 32

3. Which instruction is not a single-operand ALU instruction in x86?

a) inc
b) dec
c) adc
d) neg

Answer: c) adc

4. Select the correct statement/s for the compare (cmp) instruction in x86. Choose the most appropriate option:

a) It does not have an explicit destination operand.
b) It performs the comparison by subtracting the value of the second operand from the first operand.
c) It sets the values of the flags.
d) All of the options

Answer: d) All of the options

5. Select the correct statement for the not instruction in x86:

a) It requires an explicit destination operand.
b) It computes the 1’s complement of the source operand.
c) It computes the 2’s complement of the source operand.
d) It sets the values of the flags.

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Answer: b) It computes the 1’s complement of the source operand.

These are Computer Architecture Week 5 Assignment Solutions

6. In the x86 ISA, the instruction rep inst executes the instruction inst n times where n is the value stored in the __ register:

a) eax
b) ebx
c) ecx
d) edx

Answer: c) ecx

7. Consider the following x86 assembly code sequence:

mov eax, 0xdeeddeed
shr eax, 4

What is the final value of eax?

a) 0xdeed0000
b) 0xdeeddee
c) 0xfdeeddee
d) 0xdeed

Answer: c) 0xfdeeddee

8. Select the correct statement/s for the x86 ISA. Choose the most appropriate option:

a) The ffree instruction frees the register specified as an operand.
b) The finit instruction resets the FP unit, frees all the registers, and resets the stack pointer.
c) Using ffree to free the entire stack is a slow solution.
d) All of the options

Answer: d) All of the options

9. In the x86 ISA, the instruction std sets the _ to _:

a) DF (direction flag), 1
b) DF (direction flag), 0
c) Z (zero flag), 1
d) S (sign flag), 1

Answer: a) DF (direction flag), 1

10. In the x86 ISA, the stosd instruction transfers the contents of _ to the memory address specified by _:

a) eax, edi
b) edi, eax
c) ebx, edi
d) eax, esi

Answer: a) eax, edi

These are Computer Architecture Week 5 Assignment Solutions

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