Introduction to Programming in C Week 8
Session: JAN-APR 2024
Course Name: Introduction to Programming in C
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These are Introduction to Programming in C Assignment 8 Answers
Question 1
Deletion from Doubly linked list
In this question, you have to write code to remove the first node in a doubly linked list containing a specified number. The code to create the linked list is already given.
The main() function calls a function removeData(head,tail,n) to remove the first node containing data n from the linked list. Complete the code by writing the missing function. You can also write additional functions which you may need.
Input Format
You will be given a positive number N in the first line.
This will be followed by a line containing N integers.
This will be followed by an integer M.
Output format
The output will be the list after deleting M.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct DoublyLinkedList {
int data;
struct DoublyLinkedList * prev;
struct DoublyLinkedList * next;
Create a new node
struct DoublyLinkedList * createNode(int n) {
struct DoublyLinkedList * newNodeptr;
newNodeptr = (struct DoublyLinkedList * )
malloc(sizeof(struct DoublyLinkedList));
newNodeptr -> data = n;
newNodeptr -> prev = NULL;
newNodeptr -> next = NULL;
return newNodeptr;
add a node at the end of a doubly linked list.
Tailptr is the address of the pointer to the end of the current list.
After adding the node, tail points to the new node inserted.
void appendNode(struct DoublyLinkedList ** tailptr, int n) {
struct DoublyLinkedList * newNode;
newNode = createNode(n);
newNode -> prev = * tailptr;
( * tailptr) -> next = newNode;
* tailptr = newNode;
void initializeList(
struct DoublyLinkedList ** headptr,
struct DoublyLinkedList ** tailptr,
int n) {
struct DoublyLinkedList * newNode;
newNode = createNode(n);
* headptr = newNode;
* tailptr = newNode;
void printList(
struct DoublyLinkedList * head,
struct DoublyLinkedList * tail) {
struct DoublyLinkedList * curr = head;
while (curr != NULL) {
if (curr -> next != NULL)
printf("%d,", curr -> data);
else printf("%d", curr -> data);
curr = curr -> next;
remove the node that contains data as n
void removeData(
struct DoublyLinkedList ** headptr,
struct DoublyLinkedList ** tailptr,
int n) {
struct DoublyLinkedList *curr = *headptr;
while (curr != NULL) {
if (curr->data == n) {
if (curr->prev == NULL) {
// If the node to be removed is the head
*headptr = curr->next;
if (*headptr != NULL) {
(*headptr)->prev = NULL;
} else {
// If the node to be removed is not the head
curr->prev->next = curr->next;
if (curr->next != NULL) {
curr->next->prev = curr->prev;
curr = curr->next;
int main() {
int n;
int i = 0;
int m;
struct DoublyLinkedList * head, * tail;
scanf("%d", & n);
if (n <= 0) {
return 0;
scanf("%d", & m);
initializeList( & head, & tail, m);
for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
/* read the remaining elements */
scanf("%d", & m);
appendNode( & tail, m);
scanf("%d", & n);
removeData( & head, & tail, n);
printList(head, tail);
return 0;
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These are Introduction to Programming in C Assignment 8 Answers
Question 2
Priority Queue using Linked List
In this question, a linked list is partially implemented where each element in the linked list is a structure of the following format:
struct node{
int id;
int priority;
struct node *next;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct node {
int id;
int priority;
struct node *next;
struct node *create_node(int id, int val) {
struct node *newNode = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
newNode->id = id;
newNode->priority = val;
newNode->next = NULL;
return newNode;
struct node *append(struct node *list, struct node *e) {
e->next = list;
return e;
struct node *search(struct node *list, int id) {
struct node *curr = list;
while (curr != NULL) {
if (curr->id == id) {
return curr;
curr = curr->next;
return NULL;
void change_priority(struct node *list, int id, int val) {
struct node *e = search(list, id);
if (e != NULL) {
e->priority = val;
struct node *delete_node(struct node *list, struct node *e) {
if (e == NULL) {
return list;
if (e == list) {
struct node *newHead = e->next;
return newHead;
struct node *curr = list;
while (curr->next != NULL) {
if (curr->next == e) {
curr->next = e->next;
curr = curr->next;
return list;
struct node *extract_max(struct node *list) {
struct node *maxNode = NULL;
struct node *curr = list;
while (curr != NULL) {
if (maxNode == NULL || curr->priority > maxNode->priority) {
maxNode = curr;
curr = curr->next;
if (maxNode != NULL) {
printf("Max: %d\n", maxNode->id);
} else {
printf("Max: -1\n");
return delete_node(list, maxNode);
int find_priority(struct node *list, int id)
struct node *e = search(list, id);
if (e != NULL)
return e->priority;
return -1;
int main() {
char op;
int id, val;
struct node *list = NULL;
int flag = 1;
do {
scanf("%c ", &op);
switch (op) {
case 'A':
scanf("%d %d", &id, &val);
list = append(list, create_node(id, val));
case 'S':
scanf("%d", &id);
printf("%d %d\n", id, find_priority(list, id));
case 'C':
scanf("%d %d", &id, &val);
change_priority(list, id, val);
case 'M':
list = extract_max(list);
case 'E':
flag = 0;
} while (flag == 1);
return 0;
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These are Introduction to Programming in C Assignment 8 Answers
Course Name: Introduction to programming in C
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These are Introduction to Programming in C Assignment 8 Answers
Question 1
In this question, you have to write code to remove the first node in a doubly linked list containing a specified number. The code to create the linked list is already given.
The main() function calls a function removeData(head,tail,n) to remove the first node containing data n from the linked list.
Complete the code by writing the missing function. You can also write additional functions which you may need.
These are Introduction to Programming in C Assignment 8 Answers
Input Format
You will be given a positive number N in the first line.
This will be followed by a line containing N integers.
This will be followed by an integer M.
These are Introduction to Programming in C Assignment 8 Answers
Output format
The output will be the list after deleting M.
Note : Only delete the first occurrence of M in list. If M is not present in the list, no change should happen to the list. Maintain the remaining elements in the original order.
Note : You do not have to add any additional code to print the list – once you code the removeData() function, the code will print the contents of the remaining list.
These are Introduction to Programming in C Assignment 8 Answers
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct DoublyLinkedList {
int data;
struct DoublyLinkedList *prev, *next;
void initializeList(struct DoublyLinkedList **head, struct DoublyLinkedList **tail, int data) {
*head = (struct DoublyLinkedList*) malloc(sizeof(struct DoublyLinkedList));
(*head)->data = data;
(*head)->prev = NULL;
(*head)->next = NULL;
*tail = *head;
void appendNode(struct DoublyLinkedList **tail, int data) {
struct DoublyLinkedList *newNode = (struct DoublyLinkedList*) malloc(sizeof(struct DoublyLinkedList));
newNode->data = data;
newNode->prev = *tail;
newNode->next = NULL;
(*tail)->next = newNode;
*tail = newNode;
void printList(struct DoublyLinkedList *head, struct DoublyLinkedList *tail) {
while (head != NULL) {
printf("%d", head->data);
if (head != tail) {
head = head->next;
void removeData(struct DoublyLinkedList **headptr, struct DoublyLinkedList **tailptr, int n) {
struct DoublyLinkedList *current = *headptr;
// Find the node to be removed
while (current != NULL && current->data != n) {
current = current->next;
// If the node is not found, do nothing
if (current == NULL) {
// If the node is the head
if (current == *headptr) {
*headptr = current->next;
if (*headptr != NULL) {
(*headptr)->prev = NULL;
// If the node is the tail
else if (current == *tailptr) {
*tailptr = current->prev;
(*tailptr)->next = NULL;
// If the node is in the middle
else {
current->prev->next = current->next;
current->next->prev = current->prev;
int main() {
int n;
int i = 0;
int m;
struct DoublyLinkedList *head, *tail;
scanf("%d", &n);
if (n <= 0) {
return 0;
scanf("%d", &m);
initializeList(&head, &tail, m);
for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
/* read the remaining elements */
scanf("%d", &m);
appendNode(&tail, m);
scanf("%d", &n);
removeData(&head, &tail, n);
printList(head, tail);
return 0;
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These are Introduction to Programming in C Assignment 8 Answers
Question 2
You are given a non-negative number less than 10000000 (1 followed by 7 zeroes). You have to divide the number into the following components, and print them in the following order.
1. The part of the number which is less than a thousand.
2. The part of the number which is between a thousand and a lakh (10^5)
3. The part of the number which is between a lakh and a crore (10^7)
These are Introduction to Programming in C Assignment 8 Answers
You should terminate printing when no higher power of 10 is present to be printed.
Sample input
Sample Output
These are Introduction to Programming in C Assignment 8 Answers
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int num;
scanf("%d", &num);
int crore = num / 10000000;
num %= 10000000;
int lakh = num / 100000;
num %= 100000;
int thousand = num / 1000;
num %= 1000;
int lessThanThousand = num;
if (crore > 0) {
printf("%d\n", lessThanThousand);
printf("%d\n", thousand);
printf("%d\n", lakh);
printf("%d", crore);
} else if (lakh > 0) {
printf("%d\n", lessThanThousand);
printf("%d\n", thousand);
printf("%d", lakh);
} else if (thousand > 0) {
printf("%d\n", lessThanThousand);
printf("%d", thousand);
} else {
printf("%d", lessThanThousand);
return 0;
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These are Introduction to Programming in C Assignment 8 Answers
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These are Introduction to Programming in C Assignment 8 Answers