Introduction to Mongo DB (Week 3 Quiz)|Coursera
Which of the following commands are valid index creation commands?
- mflix.create_index(“movies”, “title”)
- mflix.create_index( [ “title”, “year” ])
- mflix.movies.create_index((“title”, pymongo.DESCENDING))
Which of the following is true regarding geospatial queries and 2dsphere indexes?
- When using $nearSphere, then $minDistance and $maxDistance operators are defined using meters.
- The $centerSphere operator requires a 2dsphere index.
- When making a query with $geoWithin and $centerSphere, the radius is defined using kilometers.
- GeoJSON specifies coordinates as [<latitude>, <longitude>].
Which of the following is true regarding graphing with MongoDB?
- Matplotlib’s 3D plots require an additional module to be imported.
- A small amount of data transformation might be required after querying MongoDB to support matplotlib graphs.
- MongoDB natively supports the rendering of scatter plots via its query engine.
- The aggregation framework is required to create boxplots.