Introduction to Agile Development and Scrum | Week 2

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These are answers for Introduction to Agile Development and Scrum Week 2

1. Select the key problem with having a traditional product manager who becomes a product owner.

The product owner must be able to focus on vision over operations.

The product owner must be able to focus on business requirements over technical goals.

The product owner must stay focused on the budget.

The product owner must stay focused on the stakeholders rather than the team.

2. Select the correct statement regarding the scrum master.

The scrum master is a role based on the waterfall approach.

The scrum master is a coach rather than a task master.

The scrum master keeps the team marching to a fixed plan.

The scrum master documents impediments as project risks.

3. Select the correct statement regarding kanban pipelines.

The new issues pipeline is for storing items you will do in the next two weeks.

The sprint backlog is followed by the icebox.

A kanban board is made of multiple pipelines.

The first pipeline on a kanban board is product backlog.

4. What happens to sticky notes on a kanban board?

They are removed as tasks are completed.

They are moved across the board to show progress.

They are used as messages from one team member to another.

They stay put until the story is finished.

5. The parts of a user story are: As a _____, I need _____, so that _____.

benefit, detail, outcome

role, function, benefit

user, assumption, goal

direction, idea, outcome

and paint.)

These are answers for Introduction to Agile Development and Scrum Week 2

6. INVEST says stories should be _____.





7. Select the correct statement regarding product backlog.

The stories at the bottom of the backlog are the most detailed.

The product backlog is ordered by importance.

The product backlog is ordered by which stories follow the template.

Epic stories are automatically put first in the product backlog.

8. Select the correct statement regarding backlog refinement.

The team sorts the product backlog in order of importance.

The product owner provides estimates and technical information.

Large, vague items are split into smaller stories and clarified.

The goal is to put most of the stories in the icebox or reject them.

9. Who has the key role at the backlog refinement meeting?

The product owner has the key role of refining the backlog.

The development team has the key role of refining the backlog.

The scrum master has the key role of technical assistance.

The lead architect has the key role of technical assistance.

10. What is velocity in terms of sprint planning?

The speed at which every team should be able to work.

A measure of how quickly the team can plan a sprint.

Each team has a measure of how quickly they work, for comparison.

The number of story points a team can complete in a single sprint.

These are answers for Introduction to Agile Development and Scrum Week 2

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