Cyber Security and Privacy | Week 9

Session: JULY-DEC 2023

Course Name: Cyber Security and Privacy

Course Link: Click Here

These are Cyber Security and Privacy Nptel Week 9 Assignment 9 Answers

Q1. What is the maximum fine for GDPR non-compliance?
EUR 10mn or 2% global turnover
EUR 15mn or 3% global turnover
EUR 20mn or 4% global turnover
EUR 25mn or 5% global turnover

Answer: EUR 20mn or 4% global turnover

Q2. Richards and Solove (2007) suggest that while the American derivation of general privacy is grounded in one’s ——————–
inviolate personality
violate personality
serious personality
funny personality

Answer: inviolate personality

These are Cyber Security and Privacy Nptel Week 9 Assignment 9 Answers

Q3. Cohenretism treats privacy as a
Distinct right

Answer: Distinct right

Q4. True/ or False?
Confidentiality is concerned with the externalization of restricted but accurate information to a specific entity.


Answer: True

These are Cyber Security and Privacy Nptel Week 9 Assignment 9 Answers

Q5. Being observed, while the subject doesn’t know is

Answer: Panopticon

Q6. Concerns for Information Privacy (CFIP) has four constructs. Which is a construct that is not part of the CFIP?
Unauthorized access

Answer: Autonomy

These are Cyber Security and Privacy Nptel Week 9 Assignment 9 Answers

Q7. According to ——————— privacy is not a distinct value concept because it could be conceptually reduced to other values, like liberty

Answer: Reductionism

These are Cyber Security and Privacy Nptel Week 9 Assignment 9 Answers

Q8. ……………… determines the purposes and means of processing personal data
Data fiduciary
Data processor
Data principle
Data users

See also  Cyber Security and Privacy | Week 10

Answer: Data fiduciary

Q9. A IPL team management contracts a market research specialist team to carry out players satisfaction survey. The IPL team specifies the budget and the deadline, but the market research team determines sample sizes and interview methods. The market research team decides which player to select for the interview, what information will be collected, how the information will be collected, and how the information will be presented to the IPL team management. Who is the data controller in this situation?
An IPL team management
Market research firm
Both a & b are controllers
None of them are controllers

Answer: Both a & b are controllers

These are Cyber Security and Privacy Nptel Week 9 Assignment 9 Answers

Q10. Fair Information Practice (FIP) principles were developed the United States in response to increasing privacy concerns resulting from massive computerization. What is an issue FIP does not address?
secret record-keeping systems
access by data subject to information stored in record keeping systems
ability by data subject to correct errors in one’s own data
data localization

Answer: data localization

These are Cyber Security and Privacy Nptel Week 9 Assignment 9 Answers

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These are Cyber Security and Privacy Nptel Week 9 Assignment 9 Answers