Cyber Security and Privacy | Week 11

Session: JULY-DEC 2023

Course Name: Cyber Security and Privacy

Course Link: Click Here

These are Cyber Security and Privacy Nptel Week 11 Assignment 11 Answers

Q1. The area of philosophy that examines the basis for moral judgment, as well as its nature, standards, sources, and logic, is called ——————
Moral principle
Moral value

Answer: Ethics

Q2. Choose the correct option that represents HIPAA’s fundamental principle
Producer control of medical information
No restrictions on how medical data may be used
Accountability to maintain the privacy of specified types of information
Balance of public responsibility for the use of medical information for the greater good measured against no impact on the individual
Security of health information

Answer: Accountability to maintain the privacy of specified types of information
Security of health information

These are Cyber Security and Privacy Nptel Week 11 Assignment 11 Answers

Q3. True or False:
The cornerstone of many current computer-related criminal laws in the US is the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986.


Answer: True

Q4. Which one of these activities falls outside the scope of the GDPR?
processing for marketing purposes
processing for domestic and household purposes
processing for the purposes of crime and investigations
processing for the purposes of journalism literature and art

Answer: processing for domestic and household purposes

These are Cyber Security and Privacy Nptel Week 11 Assignment 11 Answers

Q5. What types of information are covered by the GDPR?
1. Personal data
2. Data related to the public domain
3. All data of a person that can be identified by their identifier, directly or indirectly
4. Garbage data
Choose the correct option.


See also  Cyber Security and Privacy Week 3 Nptel Answers 2024

Answer: 1,3

Q6. Which of the following are not GDPR fundamental rights?
The right to be informed, the right of access
The ability to learn from mistakes, the freedom to transfer data
The right to object, rights related to automated decision-making
All are correct

Answer: The ability to learn from mistakes, the freedom to transfer data

These are Cyber Security and Privacy Nptel Week 11 Assignment 11 Answers

Q7. Match topics of interest to IT Professionals with US Laws
(A) Cryptography (1) Electronic Communications Privacy Act
(B) IP (2) Federal Privacy Act
(C) Encryption and digital signatures (3) No Electronic Theft Act amends
(D) Privacy (4) Security and Freedom through Encryption Act
Choose the correct option

A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2.
A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2.
A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2.
A-1, B-3, C-4, D-2.

Answer: A-1, B-3, C-4, D-2.

These are Cyber Security and Privacy Nptel Week 11 Assignment 11 Answers

Q8. INDIAN COPYRIGHT ACT was drafted in ——————–by Shalu Gothi and Daisy Jain

Answer: 1957

Q9. What is the software that comes hidden in free downloadable software and tracks your online movements, mine the information stored on your computer or use your computer’s CPU and storage for some task you know nothing about?
Anonymous web browsing service
None of above

Answer: None of above

Q10. What are the primary examples of public law?
Criminal, administrative, and constitutional law
Civil, Legislative and public service
IPC, administrative, service, constitutional law
All are the primary examples of public law.

See also  Cyber Security and Privacy | Week 2

Answer: Criminal, administrative, and constitutional law

These are Cyber Security and Privacy Nptel Week 11 Assignment 11 Answers

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These are Cyber Security and Privacy Nptel Week 11 Assignment 11 Answers