Cyber Security and Privacy | Week 5

Session: JULY-DEC 2023

Course Name: Cyber Security and Privacy

Course Link: Click Here

These are Cyber Security and Privacy Nptel Week 5 Assignment 5 Answers

Q1. What type of policy addresses specific areas of technology, requires frequent updates, and contains a statement on the organization’s position on a specific issue?
Enterprise information security policy (EISP)
Systems-specific security policy (SysSP)
Automated policy (AP)
Issue-specific security policy (ISSP)

Answer: Issue-specific security policy (ISSP)

Q2. What are the defence strategies’ three common methods?
1. Application of policy
2. Education and training
3. Business impact analysis
4. Risk management
5. Application of technology
Choose the correct answer.


Answer: 1,2,5

These are Cyber Security and Privacy Nptel Week 5 Assignment 5 Answers

Q3. Policy administrator is responsible for ———–
1. creation,
2. revision,
3. implementation
4. distribution, and
5. storage
of policy in an organization. Choose the correct option


Answer: 3,4

Q4. Which type of policy is frequently codified as standards and procedures to be used when configuring or maintaining systems?
Enterprise information security policy (EISP)
Systems-specific security policy (SysSP)
Automated policy (AP)
Issue-specific security policy (ISSP)

Answer: Systems-specific security policy (SysSP)

These are Cyber Security and Privacy Nptel Week 5 Assignment 5 Answers

Q5. Which of the following is used to direct how issues should be addressed and technologies must be used in an organization?

Answer: policies

Q6. The boundary in the network within which an organization attempts to maintain security controls for securing information from threats from untrusted network areas is called —-
Security peripheral
Security perimeter
Security measure
Security principle

Answer: Security perimeter

These are Cyber Security and Privacy Nptel Week 5 Assignment 5 Answers

Q7. Consider the following statements
1. Statement of Purpose -What the policy is for
2. Information Technology Security Elements – Defines information security
3. Need for Information Technology Security – Justifies the irrelevance of information security in the organization
4. Information Technology Security Responsibilities and Roles – Defines organizational overall business planning and security investment plan. Identify the components of the EISP

3, 4
2, 3, 4
1, 2
all are true

Answer: 1, 2

These are Cyber Security and Privacy Nptel Week 5 Assignment 5 Answers

Q8. Access Control Lists specify
1. who can ——–the system
2. what ———users can access
3. when authorised users can ——–the system
4. where authorised users can access the system from
Chose the correct words or expressions to fill in the blanks, in sequence:

use, authorised, access
authorised, access, create
authorised, access, use
administer, access, accountable

Answer: use, authorised, access

Q9. The goals of (A)—————————— are:
1.—————— of information security with business strategy to support organizational objectives
2 —————— by executing appropriate measures to manage and mitigate threats to information resources
3. —————— by using information security knowledge and infrastructure efficiently and effectively
Choose the correct answer:

A-Financial security gov, 1- Tactical alignment, 2- Performance mgmt., 3- Resource mgmt.,
A-Information security governance,1-Strategic alignment, 2- Risk mgmt., 3- Resource mgmt.,
A-Data security gov, 1-Operational management, 2- Resource mgmt., 3- Risk mgmt.,
A-Bord of governance,1-Operational alignment, 2- Risk mgmt., 3- Resource mgmt.

Answer: A-Information security governance,1-Strategic alignment, 2- Risk mgmt., 3- Resource mgmt.,

These are Cyber Security and Privacy Nptel Week 5 Assignment 5 Answers

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These are Cyber Security and Privacy Nptel Week 5 Assignment 5 Answers
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