Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems Week 6 Answers

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Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems Week 6 Answers
Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems Week 6 Answers

Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems Week 6 Answers (Jan-Apr 2025)

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  1. HBase is a distributed ________ database built on top of the Hadoop file system.
    a) Row-oriented
    b) Tuple-oriented
    c) Column-oriented
    d) None of the mentioned

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  1. Apache Cassandra is a massively scalable open source _______ database.
    a) SQL
    b) NewSQL
    c) NoSQL
    d) None of the mentioned

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  1. A small chunk of data residing in one machine which is part of a cluster of machines holding one HBase table is known as__________________
    a) Rowarea
    b) Tablearea
    c) Split
    d) Region

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  1. Cell in HBase Table is a combination of _________________________
    a) Row and column family
    b) Row, column family and column qualifier
    c) Row, column family, column qualifier and row keys
    d) Row, column family, column qualifier and contains a value and a timestamp

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Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems Week 6 Answers

  1. Compute the approximate number of bits per entry and the number of hash functions needed for a false positive rate of 1%.
    a) 6.6 bits per key and 6 hash functions
    b) 9.6 bits per key and 7 hash functions
    c) 12.6 bits per key and 12 hash functions
    d) 9.6 bits per key and 6 hash functions

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  1. Consider the following statements: Statement 1: Scale out means grow your cluster capacity by replacing with more powerful machines.
    Statement 2: Scale up means incrementally grow your cluster capacity by adding more COTS machines (Components Off the Shelf).
See also  Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems Week 3 Answers

a) Only statement 1 is true
b) Only statement 2 is true
c) Both statements are true
d) Both statements are false

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  1. Cassandra uses a protocol called _______ to discover location and state information.
    a) HBase
    b) Gossip
    c) Key-value
    d) None of the mentioned

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  1. Fill the correct choices for the given scenarios: P: _________________ Reads/writes complete reliably and quickly.
    Q: _________________ When thousands of customers are looking to book a flight, all updates from any client (e.g.- book a flight) should be accessible by other clients.
    R: _________________ Can happen across datacenters when the Internet gets disconnected.

a) P: Availability, Q: Consistency, R: Partition tolerance
b) P: Consistency, Q: Availability, R: Partition tolerance
c) P: Partition tolerance, Q: Consistency, R: Availability
d) P: Consistency, Q: Partition tolerance, R: Availability

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  1. ________________ a memory cache to store the in-memory copy of the data. It accumulates writes and provides read for data which are not yet stored to disk.
    a) Distributed Hash tables (DHT)
    b) Collection
    c) SSTable
    d) Memtable

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  1. In Cassandra, ______________ job is to determine which data centers and racks it should use to read data from and write data to.
    a) Client requests
    b) Partitioner
    c) Snitch
    d) None of the mentioned

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Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems Week 6 Answers (Jan-Apr 2025)

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