Algorithmic Toolbox | Week 3
Course Name: Algorithmic Toolbox
Course Link: Algorithmic Toolbox
These are Algorithmic Toolbox Week 3 Programming Assignment Coursera Answers
Programming Assignment 3: Greedy Algorithms
3-1: Money Change
def get_min_coins(money):
# Define the denominations
denominations = [10, 5, 1]
num_coins = 0
# Iterate over each denomination
for coin in denominations:
if money == 0:
num_coins += money // coin
money %= coin
return num_coins
if __name__ == '__main__':
money = int(input().strip())
These are Algorithmic Toolbox Week 3 Programming Assignment Coursera Answers
3-2: Maximum Value of the Loot (Fractional Knapsack)
def get_max_value(capacity, weights, values): # Calculate value to weight ratio items = [] for i in range(len(weights)): if weights[i] != 0: items.append((values[i] / weights[i], weights[i], values[i])) # Sort items by value to weight ratio in descending order items.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x: x[0]) total_value = 0.0 for value_per_weight, weight, value in items: if capacity == 0: break amount = min(weight, capacity) total_value += amount * value_per_weight capacity -= amount return total_value if __name__ == '__main__': import sys input = data = input().split() n = int(data[0]) capacity = int(data[1]) weights = [] values = [] for i in range(n): values.append(int(data[2 + 2*i])) weights.append(int(data[2 + 2*i + 1])) max_value = get_max_value(capacity, weights, values) print(f"{max_value:.4f}")
These are Algorithmic Toolbox Week 3 Programming Assignment Coursera Answers
3-3: Car Fueling
def min_refills(distance, tank, stops): # Add start (0) and end (distance) to the list of stops stops = [0] + stops + [distance] num_refills = 0 current_position = 0 while current_position < len(stops) - 1: last_refill_position = current_position # Move to the furthest reachable stop while (current_position < len(stops) - 1 and stops[current_position + 1] - stops[last_refill_position] <= tank): current_position += 1 # If no progress is made, it means the next stop is unreachable if current_position == last_refill_position: return -1 # If we haven't reached the last stop, we need a refill if current_position < len(stops) - 1: num_refills += 1 return num_refills if __name__ == '__main__': import sys input = data = input().split() d = int(data[0]) m = int(data[1]) n = int(data[2]) stops = list(map(int, data[3:3 + n])) result = min_refills(d, m, stops) print(result)
These are Algorithmic Toolbox Week 3 Programming Assignment Coursera Answers
3-4: Maximum Advertisement Revenue (Maximum Dot Product)
def max_dot_product(prices, clicks): # Sort both sequences prices.sort() clicks.sort() # Calculate the dot product max_product = sum(p * c for p, c in zip(prices, clicks)) return max_product if __name__ == '__main__': import sys input = data = input().split() n = int(data[0]) prices = list(map(int, data[1:n+1])) clicks = list(map(int, data[n+1:2*n+1])) result = max_dot_product(prices, clicks) print(result)
These are Algorithmic Toolbox Week 3 Programming Assignment Coursera Answers
3-5: Collecting Signatures (Covering Segments by Points)
def cover_segments(segments): # Sort segments by their right endpoint segments.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) points = [] current_point = None for segment in segments: if current_point is None or segment[0] > current_point: current_point = segment[1] points.append(current_point) return points if __name__ == '__main__': import sys input = data = input().split() n = int(data[0]) segments = [] index = 1 for i in range(n): l = int(data[index]) r = int(data[index + 1]) segments.append((l, r)) index += 2 points = cover_segments(segments) print(len(points)) print(' '.join(map(str, points)))
These are Algorithmic Toolbox Week 3 Programming Assignment Coursera Answers
3-6: Maximum Number of Prizes (Different Summands)
def find_maximum_k(n): summands = [] current_sum = 0 current_number = 1 while current_sum + current_number <= n: summands.append(current_number) current_sum += current_number current_number += 1 # Adjust the last number if the sum is not exactly n if current_sum < n: summands[-1] += (n - current_sum) return summands if __name__ == '__main__': n = int(input()) result = find_maximum_k(n) print(len(result)) print(' '.join(map(str, result)))
These are Algorithmic Toolbox Week 3 Programming Assignment Coursera Answers
3-7: Maximum Salary (Largest Number)
from functools import cmp_to_key def largest_number(numbers): # Custom comparison function def compare(a, b): if a + b > b + a: return -1 elif a + b < b + a: return 1 else: return 0 # Convert numbers to strings for concatenation numbers = list(map(str, numbers)) # Sort numbers using the custom comparison function numbers.sort(key=cmp_to_key(compare)) # Concatenate the sorted numbers largest_num = ''.join(numbers) # To handle the case where there are leading zeros (e.g., [0, 0]) return '0' if largest_num[0] == '0' else largest_num if __name__ == '__main__': n = int(input()) numbers = list(map(int, input().split())) print(largest_number(numbers))
These are Algorithmic Toolbox Week 3 Programming Assignment Coursera Answers
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