75+ Single Phase Series Circuits and Parallel Network Questions
1. In a parallel circuit, we consider _____________ instead of impedance.
a) Resistance
b) Capacitance
c) Inductance
d) Admittance
Answer: d
2. In a parallel circuit, we consider admittance instead of _________
a) Resistance
b) Capacitance
c) Inductance
d) Impedance
Answer: d
3. Which, among the following is the correct expression for impedance?
a) Z=Y
b) Z=1/Y
c) Z=Y2
d) Z=1/Y2
Answer: b
4. Which, among the following is the correct expression for admittance?
a) Y=Z
b) Y=1/Z
c) Y=Z2
d) Y=1/Z2
Answer: b
THIS IS 75+ Single Phase Series Circuits and Parallel Network Questions
5. What is the unit of admittance?
a) ohm
b) henry
c) farad
d) ohm-1
Answer: d
6. As the impedance increases, the admittance ____________
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remains the same
d) Becomes zero
Answer: b
7. if the impedance of a system is 4 ohm, calculate its admittance.
a) 0.25 ohm-1
b) 4 ohm-1
c) 25 ohm-1
d) 0.4 ohm-1
Answer: a
8. The admittance of a system is 10 ohm-1, calculate its impedance.
a) 10 ohm
b) 0.1 ohm
c) 1 ohm
d) 1.1 ohm
Answer: b
9. In A parallel circuit, with any number of impedances, The voltage across each impedance is?
a) equal
b) divided equally
c) divided proportionaly
d) zero
Answer: a
10. In a parallel circuit, current in each impedance is_____________
a) equal
b) different
c) zero
d) infinite
Answer: b
11. From the given circuit, find the value of IR.

a) 0
b) V/I
c) V/R
d) Cannot be determined
Answer: c
12. What is the relation between IR and V in the following circuit?

a) IR leads V
b) IR lags V
c) IR and V are in phase
d) No relation
Answer: c
13. What is the expression for the current in the inductor from the following circuit?

a) V/I
b) V/XL
c) 0
d) Cannot be determined
Answer: b
14. What is the phase relation between IL and V from the following circuit?

a) IL lags V
b) IL leads V
c) IL and V are in phase
d) No relation
Answer: a
15. Find the expression for the current I from the given circuit.

a) I=IC
b) I=IR
c) I=IC+IR
d) I=0
Answer: c
16. Find the total current if IC=2A and IR=5A.

a) 3A
b) -3A
c) 7A
d) 10A
Answer: c
17. Find the value of IR if I=10A and IC=8A.

a) 5A
b) 18A
c) 12A
d) 2A
Answer: d
THIS IS 75+ Single Phase Series Circuits and Parallel Network Questions
18. Find the value of IL if IC=10A and IR=6A.

a) 4A
b) 18A
c) 12A
d) 2A
Answer: a
19. What is the expression for the current in the capacitor from the following circuit?

a) V/C
b) V/I
c) 0
d) V/XC
Answer: d
20. What is the phase relation between IC and V from the following circuit?

a) IC lags V
b) IC leads V
c) IC and V are in phase
d) No relation
Answer: b
21. In an impedance parallel network, the reactive component will ____________ the voltage by 90 degrees.
a) Lead
b) Lag
c) Either lead or lag
d) Depends on the circuit
Answer: c
22. In an impedance parallel network, the reactive component will either lead or lag the voltage by _________ degrees.
a) 0
b) 90
c) 45
d) 180
Answer: b
23. In an impedance parallel network, the reactive component will either lead or lag the ________ by 90 degrees.
a) Voltage
b) Current
c) Either voltage or current
d) Cannot be determined
Answer: a
24. The reactive component in an impedance parallel circuit leads the voltage when the current _________ the voltage.
a) Leads
b) Lags
c) Either leads or lags
d) Cannot be determined
Answer: a
25. The active component in an impedance parallel circuit will __________ the voltage.
a) Leads
b) Lags
c) Be in phase with
d) Either leads or lags
Answer: c
26. The phase difference between the active component of an impedance parallel circuit and the voltage in the network is __________
a) 0
b) 90
c) 180
d) 360
Answer: a
27. The quadrature component is also known as?
a) Active component
b) Reactive component
c) Either active or reactive component
d) Neither active nor reactive component
Answer: b
THIS IS 75+ Single Phase Series Circuits and Parallel Network Questions
28. Find the expression for the current I from the given circuit.

a) I=IL
b) I=IR
c) I=IL+IR
d) I=0
Answer: c
29. Find the value of IR if I=10A and IL=8A.

a) 5A
b) 18A
c) 12A
d) 2A
Answer: d
30. Find the total current if IL=2A and IR=8A.

a) 3A
b) -3A
c) 7A
d) 10A
Answer: d
31. Inductor does not allow sudden changes in?
a) Voltage
b) Current
c) Resistance
d) Inductance
Answer: b
32. Inductance is _____________________ to number of turns in the coil.
a) directly proportional
b) inversely proportional
c) equal
d) not related
Answer: a
33. Choke involve use of _____________
a) Resistor
b) Capacitor
c) Inductor
d) Transistor
Answer: c
34. What is the value of current in an inductive circuit when there is no applied voltage?
a) Minimum
b) Maximum
c) Zero
d) Cannot be determined
Answer: b
35. What is the current in an inductive circuit when the applied voltage is maximum?
a) Infinity
b) Maximum
c) Zero
d) Cannot be determined
Answer: c
36. In an inductive circuit, the voltage_______ the current?
a) Leads
b) Lags
c) Is greater than
d) Is less than
Answer: a
37. In an inductive circuit, the current________ the voltage?
a) Leads
b) Lags
c) Is greater than
d) Is less than
Answer: b
38. In which device inductor cannot be used?
a) filter circuit
b) transformer
c) choke
d) dielectric
Answer: d
39. A resistance of 7 ohm is connected in series with an inductance of 31.8mH. The circuit is connected to a 100V 50Hz sinusoidal supply. Calculate the current in the circuit.
a) 2.2A
b) 4.2A
c) 6.2A
d) 8.2A
Answer: d
THIS IS 75+ Single Phase Series Circuits and Parallel Network Questions
40. A resistance of 7 ohm is connected in series with an inductance of 31.8mH. The circuit is connected to a 100V 50Hz sinusoidal supply. Calculate the phase difference.
a) -55.1
b) 55.1
c) 66.1
d) -66.1
Answer: a
41. A resistance of 7 ohm is connected in series with an inductance of 31.8mH. The circuit is connected to a 100V 50Hz sinusoidal supply. Calculate the voltage across the resistor.
a) 31.8V
b) 57.4V
c) 67.3V
d) 78.2V
Answer: b
42. A resistance of 7 ohm is connected in series with an inductance of 31.8mH. The circuit is connected to a 100V 50Hz sinusoidal supply. Calculate the voltage across the inductor.
a) 52V
b) 82V
c) 65V
d) 76V
Answer: b
43. A resistance of 7 ohm is connected in series with an inductance of 31.8mH. The circuit is connected to a x V 50Hz sinusoidal supply. The current in the circuit is 8.2A. Calculate the value of x.
a) 10V
b) 50V
c) 100V
d) 120V
Answer: c
44. Which, among the following, is the correct expression for φ.
a) φ=tan-1 (XL/R)
b) φ=tan-1 (R/XL)
c) φ=tan-1 (XL*R)
d) φ=cos-1 (XL/R)
Answer: a
45. For an RL circuit, the phase angle is always ________
a) Positive
b) Negative
c) 0
d) 90
Answer: b
46. What is φ in terms of voltage?
a) φ=cos-1V/VR
b) φ=cos-1V*VR
c) φ=cos-1VR/V
d) φ=tan-1V/VR
Answer: c
47. What is sinϕ from impedance triangle?
a) XL/R
b) XL/Z
c) R/Z
d) Z/R
Answer: b
48. What is the resonance frequency of ac circuit?
a) 1/√LC
b) √(L/C)
c) √LC
d) LC
Answer: a
49. What is impedance at resonance?
a) maximum
b) minimum
c) zero
d) cannot be determined
Answer: b
50. What is the value of impedance at resonance?
a) XL
b) XC
c) R
d) 0
Answer: c
51. What is φ in terms of voltage?
a) φ=cos-1V/VR
b) φ=cos-1V*VR
c) φ=cos-1VR/V
d) φ=tan-1V/VR
Answer: c
52. What is tanϕ for RC circuit?
a) XC/R
b) XL/R
c) R/Z
d) Z/R
Answer: a
53. What is the resonance condition?
a) When XL>XC
b) When XL<XC
c) When XL=XC
d) When XC=infinity
Answer: c
THIS IS 75+ Single Phase Series Circuits and Parallel Network Questions
54. What is the frequency in resonance condition?
a) Minimum
b) Maximum
c) Cannot be determined
d) Zero
Answer: b
55. Can capacitor fully charge using alternating current?
a) yes
b) no
c) may or may not
d) depend on value of capacitance
Answer: a
56. What is the resistance offered by a capacitor?
a) Susceptance
b) Conductance
c) Admittance
d) Reactance
Answer: d
57. The combination of resistance and reactance known as ___________
a) Susceptance
b) Impedance
c) Conductance
d) Admittance
Answer: b
58. What is the relation between reactance, resistance and impedance?
a) Z=R+jX
b) Z=R+X
c) Z=R-X
d) Z=R-jX
Answer: a
59. What is the real part of the impedance of RLC circuit?
a) Resistance
b) Conductance
c) Admittance
d) Reactance
Answer: a
60. What is imaginary part of the impedance of RLC circuit?
a) Resistance
b) Conductance
c) Admittance
d) Reactance
Answer: d
61. Which type of current can be stored in a capacitor?
a) Alternating current
b) Direct current
c) Both alternating current and direct current
d) Neither alternating current nor direct current
Answer: b
62. If in an alternating current circuit, resistance is 5 ohm, capacitive reactance is 12 ohm, what is the impedance?
a) 5 ohm
b) 10 ohm
c) 12 ohm
d) 13 ohm
Answer: d
63. If in an alternating current circuit, impedance is 26 ohm, capacitive reactance is 24 ohm, what is the resistance?
a) 25 ohm
b) 10 ohm
c) 12 ohm
d) 23 ohm
Answer: b
64. If in an alternating current circuit, capacitance of 30 µF is connected to a supply of 200V,50Hz. Find the current in the circuit.
a) 1.38 A
b) 1.89 A
c) 1.74 A
d) 0.89 A
Answer: a
65. If in an alternating current circuit, capacitance C is connected to a supply of 200V,50Hz. Current in the circuit is 1.89 A. Find the capacitance C.
a) 30 µF
b) 20 µF
c) 10 µF
d) 15 µF
Answer: a
66. In ac circuit, resistance 5 ohm is connected with capacitor having capacitive reactance 12 ohm. Supply of 260 V is connected to the circuit. Calculate the current in the circuit.
a) 40 A
b) 10 A
c) 20 A
d) 30 A
Answer: c
67. In ac circuit, resistance 5 ohm is connected with capacitor having capacitive reactance 12 ohm. Supply of 260 V is connected to the circuit. Calculate the voltage across resistance.
a) 300 V
b) 200 V
c) 240 V
d) 100 V
Answer: d
THIS IS 75+ Single Phase Series Circuits and Parallel Network Questions
68. In ac circuit, resistance 5 ohm is connected with a capacitor having capacitive reactance 12 ohm. Supply of 260 V is connected to the circuit. Calculate the voltage across a capacitor.
a) 300 V
b) 200 V
c) 240 V
d) 100 V
Answer: c
69. Find the total voltage applied in a series RLC circuit when i=3mA, VL=30V, VC=18V and R=1000 ohms.
a) 3.95V
b) 51V
c) 32.67V
d) 6.67V
Answer: b
70. In an RLC circuit, which of the following is always used as a vector reference?
a) Voltage
b) Resistance
c) Impedance
d) Current
Answer: a
71. In an RLC circuit, the power factor is always ____________
a) Positive
b) Negative
c) Depends on the circuit
d) Zero
Answer: c
72. In an RLC series phasor, we start drawing the phasor from which quantity?
a) Voltage
b) Resistance
c) Impedance
d) Current
Answer: d
73. What is the correct expression for the phase angle in an RLC series circuit?
a) φ=tan-1(XL-XC)/R
b) φ=tan-1 (XL+XC)/R
c) φ=tan(XL-XC)/R
d) φ=tan-1 (XL-XC)
Answer: a
74. When is tanφ positive?
a) When inductive reactance is less than capacitive reactance
b) When inductive reactance is greater than capacitive reactance
c) When inductive reactance is equal to capacitive reactance
d) When inductive reactance is zero
Answer: b
75. When is tanφ negative?
a) When inductive reactance is less than capacitive reactance
b) When inductive reactance is greater than capacitive reactance
c) When inductive reactance is equal to capacitive reactance
d) When inductive reactance is zero
Answer: a
76. Which of the following is not ac waveform?
a) sinusoidal
b) square
c) constant
d) triangular
Answer: c
77. What is not a frequency for ac current?
a) 50 Hz
b) 55 Hz
c) 0Hz
d) 60 Hz
Answer: c
78. Which type of ac waveform is given in figure?

a) sinusoidal
b) triangular
c) square
d) complex waveform
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Answer: a
THIS IS 75+ Single Phase Series Circuits and Parallel Network Questions
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