Writing Java Application Code | Module 4
Course Name: Writing Java Application Code (Java as a Second Language Specialization)
Course Link: Writing Java Application Code
These are Writing Java Application Code Week 4 Coursera Answers
Q1. Which is NOT a tier of a typical Java web application
- web application server
- database
- static files
- top
Answer: top
Q2. True of False: It is possible to integrate a web application server with the Eclispe development environment
- True
- False
Answer: True
Q3. A Java (Jakarta) server page (JSP) embeds Java on
- a web page
- a web server
- a database
- a class
Answer: a web page
Q4. True or Fasle: JSP does not resemble PHP
- True
- False
Answer: False
These are Writing Java Application Code Week 4 Coursera Answers
Q5. Which is a model for a web application
- Dynamic data
- multi-tiered applications
- Model View Controller
- http
Answer: Model View Controller
Q6. Which is the JSP declaration tag
- <%=
- <<
- <?
- <%!
Answer: <%!
Q7. Java (Jakarta) Server Faces (JSF) is designed as a user interface that works with ________ .
- C++
- Windows
- Python
Answer: XML
Q8. A servlet is a class that works with a server and responds to ___________ .
- updates
- server requests
- user input
- data
Answer: server requests
These are Writing Java Application Code Week 4 Coursera Answers
Q9. In order to work with a web application, a servlet needs to map to _________ .
- a Java class
- a URL pattern
- a JSP
- a URL address
Answer: a URL pattern
Q10. Servlets and JSPs can be mapped a URL pattern using which type of file?
- web.xml
- an input file
- an executable file
- a Word document
Answer: web.xml
Q11. Which is not a typical web application servlet method?
- init
- doStop
- doPost
- doGet
Answer: doStop
Q12. True or False: Another name for the web.xml file is deployment descriptor.
- True
- False
Answer: True
Q13. True or False: You can download Java by going to: https://www.java.com/en/
- True
- False
Answer: True
These are Writing Java Application Code Week 4 Coursera Answers
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