The Sustainable Development Goals – A global, transdisciplinary vision for the future
Course Name: The Sustainable Development Goals – A global, transdisciplinary vision for the future
These are The Sustainable Development Goals Coursera Quiz Answers – A global, transdisciplinary vision for the future all weeks
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Quiz – 1
Q1. How many SDGs and associated targets were agreed upon under the Agenda 2030?
17 SDGs and 17 targets
17 SDGs and 169 targets
20 SDGs and 30 targets
20 SDGS and 169 targets
Answer: 17 SDGs and 169 targets
Q2. According to Katherine Richardson, what is Agenda 2030 essentially about?
Reducing gender inequality
A more fair distribution of Earth’s limited resources
Increasing the standards of living for people living in developing countries
Fighting climate change
Answer: A more fair distribution of Earth’s limited resources
These are The Sustainable Development Goals Coursera Quiz Answers – A global, transdisciplinary vision for the future all weeks
Q3. In addition to the concept of intergenerational equity, the Brundtland Report (“Our Common Future”), published in 1987, stated three pillars of sustainability. Which three?
Intergovernmental sustainability
Technological sustainability
Social sustainability
Planetary sustainability
Economic sustainability
Environmental sustainability
Educational sustainability
Answer: Environmental sustainability, Social sustainability, and Economic sustainability.
Q4. How do we measure progress through the SDG framework?
Through statements given by politicians
Through media reports
Through indicators used to measure the global status of the SDGs
Answer: Through indicators used to measure the global status of the SDGs
These are The Sustainable Development Goals Coursera Quiz Answers – A global, transdisciplinary vision for the future all weeks
Q5. What is green GDP?
An attempt to calculate the costs of Agenda 2030 for each country
A measure consisting solely of sustainable activities such as construction of windmills
An attempt to account for the effects of economic activity on the environment
Answer: An attempt to account for the effects of economic activity on the environment
Q6. What are the means to direct the patterns of consumption and production in a more sustainable direction according to Michael Hauschild?
Life cycle impacts of the production and consumption can be quantified, which enables taxation of products based on their impacts, and the market can hereby direct demand in a more sustainable direction.
Governments should introduce differentiated taxation on companies based on the life cycle impacts of their products and services.
Campaigning for sustainable consumption will be the most effective way forward, since unsustainable consumption will become a socially unacceptable behavior.
Answer: Life cycle impacts of the production and consumption can be quantified, which enables taxation of products based on their impacts, and the market can hereby direct demand in a more sustainable direction.
These are The Sustainable Development Goals Coursera Quiz Answers – A global, transdisciplinary vision for the future all weeks
Q7. Which of the following statements provides the correct understanding of the interlinkages between the SDGs?
The SDGS are interlinked with both positive interactions and trade-offs
Fulfilling one goal of the 17 SDGs cancels the fulfilling of other goals
There are only positive interactions between the SDGS
Answer: The SDGS are interlinked with both positive interactions and trade-offs
Q8. How would the reconstruction of buildings and roads after a natural disaster affect the GDP?
Nothing happens to GDP, since reconstruction of buildings and infrastructure will add no new value
For a while it would increase GDP, because the reconstruction creates economic activity
GDP would decrease because of the costs to reconstruct
Answer: For a while it would increase GDP, because the reconstruction creates economic activity
These are The Sustainable Development Goals Coursera Quiz Answers – A global, transdisciplinary vision for the future all weeks
Q9. The Executive summary of the ICSU report highlights an analysis of Goal 2 and the key interactions with other goals. Which of the statements below best describes how agricultural production is related to Goal 13 on climate change?
Sustainable agricultural practices play an important role in climate adaptation and mitigation
There are no interactions between Goal 2 and Goal 13, because there are no greenhouse gas emissions related to agricultural production
There is a positive relation, because the impacts of climate change such as extreme weather events will enable more agricultural production
Answer: Sustainable agricultural practices play an important role in climate adaptation and mitigation
These are The Sustainable Development Goals Coursera Quiz Answers – A global, transdisciplinary vision for the future all weeks
Quiz – 2
Q1. Why was the term ‘Anthropocene’, introduced by Paul Crutzen, coined to represent the present epoch in Earth’s history?
Because of the human activities are impacting Earth at the global level
Because fossil fuels used today were deposited in that geological period
Because the human population is greater than any time before in the Earth’s history
Because of the discovery of human induced global warming
Answer: Because of the human activities are impacting Earth at the global level
Q2. What is the greenhouse effect?
A process in which various gasses (carbon dioxide; methane; nitrous oxide) absorb and trap the heat radiating from the Sun
The greenhouse effect is another term for climate change
A process in which various gasses (carbon dioxide; methane; nitrous oxide) absorb and trap the heat radiating from the Earth’s surface
A process in which the Sun’s temperature continuously rises, causing global warming on Earth
Answer: A process in which various gasses (carbon dioxide; methane; nitrous oxide) absorb and trap the heat radiating from the Earth’s surface
These are The Sustainable Development Goals Coursera Quiz Answers – A global, transdisciplinary vision for the future all weeks
Q3. What is the IPCC?
An organisation set up under the UNFCCC with the aim of achieving SDG #13 : Climate Action
An international panel of scientists under the UNFCCC whose role is to assess scientific information concerning the potential human interaction with the climate
A scientific panel under the UNFCCC who helped develop the framework of Agenda 2030
An agreement under the UNFCCC on limiting human induced global warming to below 2 degrees Celsius
Answer: An international panel of scientists under the UNFCCC whose role is to assess scientific information concerning the potential human interaction with the climate
Q4. Which one of the statements is the correct definition of a planetary boundary?
A tipping point for critical Earth systems which humans may not surpass
A boundary above which there is an increased risk of changes in the overall conditions in the critical Earth Systems
A limit for the amount of greenhouse gasses that can be released to the atmosphere to avoid the negative consequences of global warming
A threshold for Earth systems, which, if passed, will lead to irreversible changes
Answer: A boundary above which there is an increased risk of changes in the overall conditions in the critical Earth Systems
These are The Sustainable Development Goals Coursera Quiz Answers – A global, transdisciplinary vision for the future all weeks
Q5. According to Campbell et al., 2017, which five Planetary Boundaries have been surpassed?
Freshwater use
Ocean acidification
Biogeochemical flows
Novel entities
Climate change
Biosphere integrity
Atmospheric aerosol loading
Land-system change
Stratospheric ozone depletion
Answer: Freshwater use, Biogeochemical flows, Climate change, Biosphere integrity, Land-system change
These are The Sustainable Development Goals Coursera Quiz Answers – A global, transdisciplinary vision for the future all weeks
Q6. How is the Montreal Protocol relevant for the Planetary Boundary framework?
International Planetary Boundaries for seven critical Earth processes were agreed upon in the Montreal Protocol
The Montreal Protocol helped reduce the amount of CO₂ in the atmosphere, avoiding human perturbation of Climate Change beyond the zone of uncertainty
The Montreal Protocol was the basis for the research on Planetary Boundaries
The Montreal protocol helped reduce damage to the ozone layer, returning human perturbation to a safe level
Answer: The Montreal protocol helped reduce damage to the ozone layer, returning human perturbation to a safe level
These are The Sustainable Development Goals Coursera Quiz Answers – A global, transdisciplinary vision for the future all weeks
Q7. Which components make up biosphere integrity?
Biosphere integrity is another term for biodiversity, meaning the variety of species of plants and animals on the Earth
Biosphere integrity refers to the number and health of species of animals, including extinction rates, on the Earth
Biosphere integrity includes number of species, including extinction rates, as well as intactness and performance of ecosystems
Biosphere integrity means that humans are not causing harm to animals and plants
Answer: Biosphere integrity includes number of species, including extinction rates, as well as intactness and performance of ecosystems
These are The Sustainable Development Goals Coursera Quiz Answers – A global, transdisciplinary vision for the future all weeks
Q8. Define “resilience” in a sustainable development context
The capacity to recover from sudden or long-term change
Communities’ ability to prevent climate change
An individual’s ability to manage changes on its own
A characteristic of developed countries causing increased wealth
Answer: The capacity to recover from sudden or long-term change
These are The Sustainable Development Goals Coursera Quiz Answers – A global, transdisciplinary vision for the future all weeks
Q9. What areas within disaster research do Kristian Lauta highlight as being crucial to strengthening resilience?
Moving responsibility for dealing with adaptation from the institutions to the individual level
Understanding of natural processes causing natural hazards
Building strong communities and institutions
Answer: Building strong communities and institutions
These are The Sustainable Development Goals Coursera Quiz Answers – A global, transdisciplinary vision for the future all weeks
Quiz 3
Q1. Why is a ‘systems approach’ necessary for sustainable development?
A systems approach helps decision makers to understand the big picture with both positive and negative interactions of sustainable development initiatives
A systems approach enables decision makers to put all their effort into improvements of a few selected SDGs
A systems approach enables decision makers to cherry-pick a single SDG and highlight the improvements without considering other SDGs
Answer: A systems approach helps decision makers to understand the big picture with both positive and negative interactions of sustainable development initiatives
These are The Sustainable Development Goals Coursera Quiz Answers – A global, transdisciplinary vision for the future all weeks
Q2. How does climate change relate to hunger and malnutrition?
There is a clear relationship between climate change and hunger, and the numbers of under nourished people are expected to increase because of climate change
There is no relationship between changes in our climate and hunger
There is a clear relationship between climate change and hunger, and the amount of starving people is expected to decrease because of climate change
Answer: There is a clear relationship between climate change and hunger, and the numbers of under nourished people are expected to increase because of climate change
These are The Sustainable Development Goals Coursera Quiz Answers – A global, transdisciplinary vision for the future all weeks
Q3. What are the expected consequences of rising sea levels highlighted in the report on Hunger and Climate Change by WFP?
Increased amount of water resources which will improve conditions for agricultural production
Contamination and salinization of water supplies and agricultural lands
Improvements of water quality and availability
Answer: Contamination and salinization of water supplies and agricultural lands
These are The Sustainable Development Goals Coursera Quiz Answers – A global, transdisciplinary vision for the future all weeks
Q4. What is the role of research in policy making?
There is a limited interface between research and policy
Research is rarely useful for policy making
Research helps us understand the world better, thus enabling better decision making regarding our interactions with the rest of the world
Answer: Research helps us understand the world better, thus enabling better decision making regarding our interactions with the rest of the world
These are The Sustainable Development Goals Coursera Quiz Answers – A global, transdisciplinary vision for the future all weeks
Q5. Based on Kate Raworth’s analysis of inequality, which of the following is the correct assessment of the statement : “Inequliaty is inevitable when you have growth”?
Inequality is an outcome of the economic institutions that we have created
The Kuznets Curve support this statement emphasizing that it has to get worse, before it can get better
Wealth need to be concentrated in the hands of the wealthy in order to kick-start growth in the economy
Answer: Inequality is an outcome of the economic institutions that we have created
These are The Sustainable Development Goals Coursera Quiz Answers – A global, transdisciplinary vision for the future all weeks
Q6. How much of all household wealth does the 1% wealthiest of the global population own?
30,1% of all household wealth
40,1% of all household wealth
50,1% of all household wealth
60,1% of all household wealth
Answer: 50,1% of all household wealth
These are The Sustainable Development Goals Coursera Quiz Answers – A global, transdisciplinary vision for the future all weeks
Q7. Which of the figures illustrates the correct development of private and public capital?

Answer: Figure 3
These are The Sustainable Development Goals Coursera Quiz Answers – A global, transdisciplinary vision for the future all weeks
Q8. Why might businesses want to engage in Agenda 2030?
The markets will not change in the coming decades, so the businesses have no incentive to engage in the SDGs
Businesses that deliver solutions to problems raised by Agenda 2030 are essential in solving social and environmental problems
The sustainable development of the business sector is not necessary in meeting the targets of Agenda 2030
Answer: Businesses that deliver solutions to problems raised by Agenda 2030 are essential in solving social and environmental problems
These are The Sustainable Development Goals Coursera Quiz Answers – A global, transdisciplinary vision for the future all weeks
Q9. Which of the following are examples of “pull” factors in the achievement of sustainable development?
Civil society groups
NGO’s (non-governmental organisations)
Answer: Governments
These are The Sustainable Development Goals Coursera Quiz Answers – A global, transdisciplinary vision for the future all weeks
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