Software Engineering Nptel Week 2 Assignment Answers

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Software Engineering Nptel Assignment 2 Week 2 Answers
Software Engineering Nptel Week 2 Assignment Answers

Software Engineering Nptel Week 2 Assignment Answers

Session: JULY-DEC 2024

Q1. Which one of the following activities would span all stages of a software development life cycle (SDLC) in waterfall-based software development?
a. Coding
b. Testing
c. Project management
d. Design
e. Requirements specification

Answer: c. Project management

Q2. In waterfall model of software development, unit testing is carried out during which phase of the waterfall model?
a. Implementation phase
b. Testing phase
c. Maintenance phase
d. Design phase
e. Requirements specification phase

Answer:a. Implementation phase

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These are Software Engineering Nptel Week 2 Assignment Answers

Q3. In waterfall-based development, which one of the following phases accounts for the maximum effort during development of a typical software?
a. Implementation
b. Testing
c. Designing
d. Specification
e. Feasibility study

Answer: b. Testing

Q4. Which of the following advantages can be expected to accrue when iterative waterfall model is used for a project?
a. Easy to understand, easy to use, especially by inexperienced staff
b. Milestones are well understood by the team
c. Provides requirements stability during development
d. Strong management control (planning, staffing, tracking etc) on the project
e. Project progress can be accurately monitored by the project manager, as a result schedule slippages are rare
f. Continual integration of the developed code occurs throughout the life cycle
g. Continual customer interactions

Answer: a. Easy to understand, easy to use, especially by inexperienced staff
b. Milestones are well understood by the team
c. Provides requirements stability during development
d. Strong management control (planning, staffing, tracking etc) on the project
e. Project progress can be accurately monitored by the project manager, as a result schedule slippages are rare

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These are Software Engineering Nptel Week 2 Assignment Answers

Q5. Which of the following project characteristics would suggest that a waterfall model-based development would be appropriate?
a. Requirements are well defined and stable
b. Technology is understood
c. Development team have experience with similar projects
d. Delivery date has been aggressively set
e. Substantial reuse of code is targeted

Answera. Requirements are well defined and stable
b. Technology is understood
c. Development team have experience with similar projects

Q6.Which of the following are not known shortcomings of the iterative waterfall model of software development?
a. All requirements must be known upfront
b. Can give a false impression of progress
c. Integration is one big bang at the end
d. Little opportunity for customer to pre-view the system.
e. Inadequate documentation produced as part of the process
f. Number of phases in the model is ill defined

Answer: e. Inadequate documentation produced as part of the process
f. Number of phases in the model is ill defined

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These are Software Engineering Nptel Week 2 Assignment Answers

Q7. Which one of the following may be experienced by a software development team when it adopts a systematic development process model in preference to a build-and-fix style of development?
a. Increased documentation overhead
b. Increased development cost
c. Increased maintainability
d. Increased development time
e. Increased code size
f. Increased code efficiency

Answer: a. Increased documentation overhead

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Q8. Prototyping life cycle model is appropriate when a project suffers from which one of the following risks?
a. Schedule slippage
b. Manpower turnover
c. Incomplete and uncertain requirements
d. Poor quality of outsourced work
e. Technological obsolescence

Answer: c. Incomplete and uncertain requirements

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These are Software Engineering Nptel Week 2 Assignment Answers

Q9. Which of the following sections are not important to an effective business case document and can be omitted?
a. Cost
b. Benefit
c. Risk
d. Configuration management
e. Team structure

Answer: d. Configuration management
e. Team structure

Q10. The operation phase of the waterfall model is a synonym for which one of the following phases?
a. Coding and unit testing phase ?

b. Integration and system testing phase
c. Maintenance phase
d. Design phase
e. Requirements specification phase

Answer: c. Maintenance phase

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These are Software Engineering Nptel Week 2 Assignment Answers

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